Behind Closed Doors

I Don't Know If I Should Stay

Gabe knocked on Delia’s door fifteen minutes after seven. Delia came running to the door, opening it, revealing herself dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie to Gabe.

“I tell you I’ll be here at seven. It’s now,” Gabe said looking down at his watch. “Seven fifteen, and you’re not ready?”

“You never told me where we’re going,” Delia said simply.

“So you thought you’d just wear sweatpants?” Gabe asked incredulously.

“Well, I wasn’t going to get all dressed up, and then you show up and tell me we’re going to some bar or something,” she told him. Gabe couldn’t help but smile at her comment.

“We’re going to go see a band,” Gabe told her.

“Okay, then,” Delia said turning around and heading toward her bedroom. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” Gabe nodded his head and sat down on the couch. He picked up a magazine that was setting on the side table, knowing that he would be sitting there for no less than a half an hour as he waited on Delia to get dressed.

Five minutes later, Delia came back out into the living room, dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with the Chicago skyline on it. “You ready?” she asked Gabe.

Gabe looked up at her and just stared. “Is something wrong?” Delia asked. “You said we were going to see a band. I didn’t think I needed to dress up.”

“No, you look fine. I just can’t believe you’re ready already,” Gabe said looking at his watch. “You took like five minutes.”

“Yeah, why would it take longer? All I had to do was change clothes,” she explained.

“Okay, let’s go,” Gabe said getting up and walking out the door. As he walked toward his car, he couldn’t help thinking how different Delia was from every other girl he had ever gone out with.

“So, what band are we seeing?” Delia asked, bringing Gabe away from his thoughts.

“The Academy Is,” Gabe replied.

“Seriously?” Delia asked. “That concert has been sold out for weeks.”

“Yeah, well it helps when you’re friends with the band,” Gabe said.

“I guess so,” Delia said looking out the window.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the venue. The rest of the drive had been quiet, with neither of them really talking to the other one. Gabe got out of the car and met Delia on the other side, taking her hand in his. “Gotta keep up appearances,” Gabe replied when she gave him a confused look.

Delia nodded her head and they walked into the venue. “Come on,” Gabe said guiding her through the crowd toward the front of the stage. As the concert continued, Gabe couldn’t help but steal glances at Delia. She was surprising him more and more as she continued to sing along to the lyrics.

When the concert finished, he took her backstage to meet the band. “William, hey,” Gabe said as he found William Beckett back stage with a couple of girls.

“Gabe, hey man, what’s up?” William asked. Then noticing Delia following Gabe, he asked, “Who’s this?”

“Oh,” Gabe said taking his eyes away from the two groupies around William. “This is Delia. Delia, this is William Beckett.”

“Hi,” she said shyly.

“Gabe, you up for some partying tonight? The guys are all going over to Storm Up in a little bit,” William said, referring to a club downtown.

Gabe looked over at Delia. “You up for it?” he asked her.

“Um, I don’t think so,” she told him. “I’ve got to go into work early tomorrow to open up. But, you can go ahead.”

Gabe looked at Delia and then at the two girls surrounding William. “I don’t think so,” he sighed.

“Seriously, Gabe, go. It’s fine. I’ll catch a cab home,” she told him.

William stared at him waiting for his answer. “Fine,” he told them. “But, at least let me take Delia home first. I’ll meet you there afterwards.”

“Cool, man,” William said standing up. Then, he got quieter, just so Gabe could hear him, and said, motioning toward the two girls, “I’ll save one for you.”

“Okay,” Gabe laughed. “I’ll be there in a little bit.”

Delia and Gabe made their way back to his car. “You didn’t have to take me home,” Delia said.

“I think the press would have thought it was weird if I came here with you but didn’t leave with you,” Gabe said as he started the car and backed out of the parking space.

“Yeah,” Delia said as she stared out the window. She couldn’t help but be a little disappointed in his answer.

“Thanks for the concert,” Delia smiled as she got out of the car. “Have fun.”

“Bye,” Gabe said as he watched her walk toward her apartment.

Thirty minutes later, he walked through the door of Storm Up. He immediately found William in the corner with the two girls from earlier that night, along with two more girls. The rest of The Academy Is was scattered around the club. Gabe walked up towards William and sat down at the table between two girls.

“Hey, you drop that other girl off?” William asked.

“Yeah,” Gabe replied, taking a sip of a drink that was on the table.

“Who was she? She’s not your normal type,” William said.

“It’s complicated,” Gabe replied.

“Okay,” William said, accepting his answer. “Well forget about her. Meet Talia, Gina, Kyra, and Tara,” William said pointing to each girl.

“Hey,” Gabe said, while each girl smiled at him.

Two hours and too many drinks later, Gabe was catching a cab back to his apartment with one of the girls from earlier in the night, who Gabe thought William had introduced as Gina. As he attempted to unlock his door, Gina began kissing his neck and pulling his shirt up, trying to get it off of him. Finally, Gabe got the door open. He threw his keys on the table and pulled Gina back to his bedroom, shutting the door behind them.
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Any thoughts???