Status: In the process of being rewritten, retitled, and revamped.

Could've Said It Back to You



My mouth felt dry as I asked, “What?”

“The man who…did this to you-” the doctor began.

“My stalker,” I said, cutting in.

“Yes, your stalker, well…he’s escaped police custody. We don’t know where he is now,” said the doctor grimly.

I was silent, not knowing what to say. Great, so now Chris could come after me again? This time he’d shown up, I’d almost died, and I’d been almost alone. How much longer did I have before he showed up at my house? He could kill me!

The doctor clearly didn’t know what to say either. “I suppose that I’ll leave the seven of you alone,” he said.

After he left the room, Tamea decided to speak. “So what are we going to do?” she asked. “I mean, Chris knows where Zae works, where she lives, and I think he knows where I live. Zae’s life could be in danger if she just stays here,” she said dismally. Why did Tamea have to be so depressing?

None of us seemed to know what to say after that. I sure didn’t, and I was glad no one else did. I wasn’t particularly apt on discussing my death, much less having anyone else discuss it.

“Hey, I’ve got it!” said Mark. We looked at him.

“How about we bring Zalistie on tour with us?” he suggested.

The other guys smiled. “Yeah, then we’ll be moving around all the time, so he won’t be able to get at her!” said Cody.

“And if he does come after her, we can make sure he doesn’t do anything to her,” said Mike.

“I’m in, are you?” Blower asked Austin.

“Do you even have to ask?” Austin said. They were all grinning now, clearly pleased by the prospect.

“Hold it!” said Tamea. The guys looked at her. She didn’t look particularly upset, but I thought it was a great idea! What was Tamea’s problem?

“Has anyone asked Zae what she thinks?” Tamea asked.

“Why would I object? I think it sounds great!” I said, trying too late to hide the enthusiasm.

Tamea shot a withered look at me. “But I don’t think that’s exactly the best solution! I mean, what with your lifestyle and all! Zae doesn’t live like that!”

Austin rolled his eyes. “If she doesn’t want to do the shit we do, then she won’t have to.”

Tamea glared at him. “And how will I know that you aren’t mistreating my best friend?”

“What if we let you come, too?” Mark suggested.

Tamea’s mouth was open, but she wasn’t saying anything. Then she crossed her arms and said, “Okay, but that’s the only way I’m going to let Zae come.”

“All right, then I guess it’s decided! We get two new additions to the bus!” said Blower. He sounded very excited, but from the blanks stares some of the other guys gave him, he could’ve been the only one. I was hoping things would change, for Tamea’s sake.

“C’mon, guys…Tamea’s great, she’s just a little…” I struggled to find the right word.

“She’s right. Tamea, I personally will at least try to make you feel welcome,” said Mike, reaching out his fist for a fist bump.

Tamea accepted the gesture, blushing a little. Mike winked back.

“Anyone else wanna show how much they appreciate Tamea?” I said. I hoped Austin would. He sure didn’t seem excited since Mark had suggested Tamea coming.

“Hell yeah!” said Blower, repeating the fist bump with Tamea. Tamea was smiling now, probably appreciating the positive attention.

Austin was next, then Cody, and Mark was last, even though he’d been the first to suggest it.

I patted Tamea’s shoulder with my good hand. “Now that that’s settled, why don’t we get out of here? I’m sure Tamea won’t mind helping me do my packing.”


I woke up on to feel the ground moving. I sat up with a soft “Huh?”, and then I remembered that I was on the tour bus, having just spent my first night there. We had been packing, and the guys had come to pick us up after their show was over. The guys had taken the bunks, so Tamea and I had decided to switch between the couch and blankets on the floor. Last night, I had won the coin flip, so I had taken the couch.

I rubbed my eyes, then looked around to find a strange man inside the bus, staring at me.
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