Save Me From Myself

Dumbfounded, Speechless and Down Right Flabbergast


I was startled from my beauty sleep as the phone rang. I shot up in my bed and looked around panicked by my unfamiliar surroundings. Within seconds the reality of yesterday came crashing down on me and I covered my face with my hands as I fell back onto the bed. All too soon the shrill ring of the phone cut through my quiet room again and I groaned out loud. Who the heck would be calling me?! I lazily reached out towards the phone as I patted the end table until I found success and quickly pulled the phone to my ear. Who ever it was on the other end must want a death wish because I was not happy.

“Hello?” I asked as sleep laced through my words.

“Good morning Ms. Ruth” the woman’s voice was too cheery and I grumbled in protest, “this is your 5 o’clock wake up call!” my eyes doubled in size as I whipped my head to look at the clock for conformation that someone was insane enough to wake a girl up at 5 am. The neon red numbers seemed to laugh in my face as they boldly stated 5:01 am.

“What the…” I rubbed my eyes as I shook my head. Why the heck was I up at 5 am?! I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to calm down the angry monster the poor innocent receptionist had awoken.

“Uh… Thanks.” I said oddly as I hung up the phone. I quickly pulled the covers over my head as I snuggled into my bed once again. I was going back to sleep because as far as I was concerned there was no reason or me to be up. I closed my eyes for what felt like seconds when the phone rang again and I almost punched something. My eyes flew open as I looked at the clock that read 5:15 am. I cursed under my breath as I buried myself under my covers once more. I was not answering that phone, no way.

Eventually after what felt like forever the phone stopped ringing and I smiled to myself in victory, one point me. I snuggled deeper into my sheets and began to close my eyes when I heard someone unlock my door and walk in. All of a sudden my light switched on and my room became very noisy.

“Morning sweetie Rob said you might still be asleep.” A woman chimed and I dug myself out from under my blankets. As soon as the blankets were removed I was instantly blinded by the bright lights and I cringed in protest. I hate mornings… what the heck was going on! Who was this woman in my room and who was everyone else? My eyes soon focused to see a middle aged woman with barely any hair standing above me.

“I brought you breakfast just in case but you need to hurry up we don’t have much time.”

Was this girl on crack? I quickly scanned the room to see racks of clothes and two men that I would guess to be flamboyantly gay running around setting up stuff and I became immediately more confused. Why was I up and why the heck were they in my room? More importantly who the heck does she think she is calling me “sweetie” I am not freaking two!

I sat up suspiciously as I eyed the woman who handed me a bowl of oatmeal. Yuck, there is nothing I hate more than soggy oats. I took one quick smell and then placed the bowl on the night stand after I felt myself begin to gag.

“Um… excuse me but why are you here?” I tried to politely hide my annoyance with a smile but I think it came off more blunt and angry than anything else. All three seemed to completely ignore me as they rushed around the room completely caught up in whatever they were doing. Another gentlemen walked in with a box in his hands and I rolled my eyes. Was my room the freaking living room?! Who the heck where these people! What did they want!

“Hey Jade here’s your cell phone.” The man spoke coolly as if he had known me his whole life and I sat there speechless. He handed me a phone as he continued to speak as he mindlessly shifted through the box.

“It has all the numbers you will ever need in it.”

I looked from the man back to the small, sleek black phone and felt like I was about to faint. Did this man just hand me a blackberry storm? Did that just happen? I lightly pinched myself and winced in pain and then smiled widely. Holy crap THIS JUST HAPPENED! I giggled as I looked at the phone the angry sleep monster now gone.

“Also we need to order your Macbook. I have this one until it comes…” he pulled out a white Macbook from the box and I froze. A Macbook? You can’t be serious! For the first time since the man walked in he looked up at me.

“What?” the man asked as I continued to stare at him completely blown away, “Do you not want a Macbook? Because I can change that.”

I just shook my head as I stared at him with wide eyes and the biggest smile on my face.

“Nope this is fine.” I said as I grabbed the Macbook from him selfishly. He smirked at my reaction as he moved the box to the floor.

“That's what I thought. So Pro or Air” he asked as he pulled out a check list and a pen.

“Pro?” I questioned unsure exactly what either meant. He just nodded his head as he wrote down a few things.

“Mkay I will order it tonight. I plan on doing all the upgrades but is there any specific you want?” he asked as he looked at me with a bored expression.

I shook my head excitedly. He smiled warmly at me and spoke once more.

“Okay well I will go take care of this. We will worry about the skins and carriers for it once you get it okay?” I once again nodded my head up and down so fast I swore I was lucky to not get whiplash. He then left with the box and I sat there with a blackberry storm in my hand and a Macbook in my lap.

Life couldn’t get any better, it was official. I quickly shoved the covers off me as I lunged out of my room and down the hall looking for Big Rob. I tried to think back to yesterday when he told me where he would be today. I quickly ran through the hall as I remembered him saying he would be in the Jonas suit. Once I had a destination I ran faster as I swerved in and out of hallways.

I couldn’t believe he had gotten me a phone, Macbook and clothes! He was the best freaking guardian ever! Like in the history of all guardians he takes the cake, the big fat giant cake. The more I thought about it the faster I ran through the halls. I quickly approached the door and swung it open as I ran through the crowd of people and jumped into Big Rob’s arms.

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” I yelled as I clung to the quarter of his body I could get a hold of. He quickly whipped me around as if to shield me as his eyes were wide in shock.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING JADE!?” his voice was harsh and hushed as he stood there extremely mad.

“What?” I asked innocently. It wasn’t until then that I looked to the side of his round body to see three boys sitting in chairs, a few cameras, lights and a group of people. It appeared that there was an interview in the works and I had just ran threw the middle of it.

“I’m so so sorry!” I exclaimed as I came out from behind the shield of a black man. I was quickly yanked back however and I stared up at him in shock.

“JADE WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!” yet again he yelled in a hushed town as he looked back nervously. I looked down to see the huge fault I had made, I was in nothing but a pair of light blue booty underwear and my favorite white push up bra.

“What? It’s just my bra and underwear! It’s like a swimsuit!” I argued as I looked past him to see a middle aged woman with tight ravin black curls look as if she was about to faint.

“Just.. Just,, ugh!” Rob struggled with his words and he speedily took of his button up shirt and shoved it over my head. It draped over me like a mouse in a big bird suit.

“Jade! You can’t do this! You can’t run in here during an interview half naked. You can’t do that! Do you know how much damage this could do to the boy’s career! This could cost them millions! Disney would have a fit if they knew a girl was walking around half naked let alone on set! Did you not think Jade!” he placed his hands on both sides of his face as he took in deep breathes, “I can’t believe this.”

I felt tears sting my eyes as I stood there completely ashamed. Everyone’s eyes were still on mine as I stood there now draped in someone else’s shirt. Shame washed over me as I fought back the tears. I didn’t want to cry in front of these people I didn’t know but I couldn’t fight them as they came. Soon enough one slid down my face and I looked down at the ground.

“I’m really really sorry Rob…” I choked out as I stood there staring at my feet. I didn’t know it would have been such a big deal.


If the world was that room you could confidently say that the sec that half naked girl ran across the room and into Big Rob’s arms the world stopped.

The whole room was uncomfortably quite as the big black man scolded the tiny girl. One camerahad moved with the girls body and continued to tape the scene that had unfolded infront of them. The other had stayed directly on the boys. All three Jonas boys sat there staring straight ahead, eyes glossed over, mouth hung slightly agape and either completely flush or bright red. It would be completely too modest to say they were shocked. They were dumbfounded, speechless and down right flabbergasted.

This was just the beginning.
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