Screeching Tires


“Riley?” a voice called, shaking my shoulder lightly. I groaned and rolled over, “Go call Alyssa,” he said.
I blinked my eyes open, and tried to clear my hazy vision, “Wha?”
“Shh, honey, it’s okay,” Kyle said, scooping me into his arms.
Caleb came back a few seconds later, shoving his phone back into his pocket, “Let’s get her into the car,”
Something flashed in his eyes; disappointment, sympathy? I’m not sure.
But I know that I don’t want it.

Caleb opened the back door to his car, and once again I was being placed there.
But this time Kyle slid in next to me.
My head lay in his lap and his fingers gently brushed through my car as Caleb quickly pulled onto the road.
“Where are we?” I whispered to Kyle, my eyes were closing again.
“Riley, can you please stay awake?” he asked, his fingers gently touching my cheek, “We need you to stay awake,”
I nodded my head and placed my hand on top of his.
“Me and Caleb found you in the cemetery,” he whispered, his eye glazing over.
I gulped and looked away. I would run there.
“It’s going to be okay though,” he whispered, his fingers brushing through my hair again. “I promise that it’s going to be okay again,”

I could feel the car slowing to a stop and Kyle scooping me in his arms again. My head rested against his shoulder and I heard Alyssa’s voice.
“Is she okay? I shouldn’t have let her go with you!” I could feel her hands on my arm, “Riles?”
“Alyssa, I’m fine,” I smiled, “It’s going to be okay again,”
Kyle’s grip on me tightened as Alyssa attempted to pull me from him, “I think I should carry her,” his voice was calm and even as he spoke.
I could hear Alyssa huff as she allowed Kyle to walk past her and into our house.
“Her bedroom is right up the stairs and to the left,” she said, and Kyle nodded his head.
I nestled into his shoulder more and felt my eyes dipping closed.
“Riley, stay awake,” he said, walking up the stairs.
My head bounced up and down as I moaned into his chest, “I don’t wanna anymore”
“Honey, please,” he begged placing me in my bed, “I swear, I won’t ask anything else of you, but please, stay awake,”
I opened my eyes as he pulled the covers over my body, and I finally felt how cold I had been.
“Do you need anymore blankets?” he asked, smoothing some hair from my face.
I saw the concern lined in his eyes, “I’m cold,” was all that I could think to reply.
“Alyssa!” he called out towards the hallway, “Can we get her some more blankets?”
My hand gripped onto Kyle’s as he tried to stand up, “Don’t be mad at me,” I begged.
“I’m not mad at you Riley,” he whispered, sitting down on my bed “Not anymore.”
I blinked up at him and fell back into a deep slumber.

“Don’t blame me! I tried to keep her awake!” Kyle’s voice rang through my head.
I made no notion that I woke up as I lay and listen to them.
“That’s not the point Kyle!” Alyssa hissed, “It’s because of you that she’s acting like this!”
There was a deafening silence in the room when I opened my eyes.
I half expected him to be gone, but instead he was staring at me.
“I’m sorry Riley,” he said before quickly exiting my room
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