Screeching Tires


My fingers lightly pressed over the numbers on my phone.
Kyle asked me to call his friend, Caleb, and tell him what I told him.
That I refuse to press charges, that I won’t let him stay in jail for this, not when he has a child out there.
My eyes scanned over Caleb’s number, 555-5267, should I call him now or wait until tomorrow?
I let out a sigh, better do this sooner rather than later, so I punched his number in and held the phone up to my ear.
After four rings I was ready to hang up, but a female voice sounded on the other line.
“Hello?” she asked.
I gulped and replied “Uhm, is this Caleb’s phone?”
“Yeah, I’m his girlfriend,” she sounded angry, and I completely understand.
“Uhm, Kyle asked me to call him..” my quiet voice told her.
“But Kyle’s in jail,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, I went and visited him today, look, it’s really important that I talk to Caleb, could you please put him on?” I asked, allowing myself to feel annoyed.
She gave me an annoyed sigh “Who’s calling?” she questioned, doing anything that she could to keep me on the phone, anything that she could to keep me highly annoyed.
“Okay,” I let out my own annoyed sight “I’m Riley Jensen. I’m the girl that Kyle hit.”
“Why are you calling us then?” she gasped.
“Because I need Caleb to help get Kyle out of jail,” I smoothed my black hair back “I feel that he should be out of there, especially when he has a kid,”
“I’ll get Caleb,” she let up.
I heard the phone be put down and her voice calling out for Caleb.
My fingers nervously reached out and turned my radio on, lightly playing All Time Low for some background noise.
The phone picked up on the other end, this time a make voiced spoke “Riley?”
“yeah,” I replied, fidgeting with my hair.
“Michaela tells me that you’re the one Kyle hit,”
“I am,” I answered nodding my head, “but I want him out.”
“Yeah, she told me that too,” eh sighed “You’ll need to drop all the charges.”
“I know, I didn’t even want to press any in the first place,” I sighed “he needs to be out of there for his baby,”
Caleb sighed “he told you about that?”
“Uhm, actually, I heard a few people talking about it in George Webb’s,”
He chuckled a bit “yeah, that was Austin and I,”
“Oh sorry,”
“No, no it’s fine,”
“could you do me a favor?” he questioned.
“Anything,” I quickly said.
“when are you going to see Kyle again/”
“I dunno, in a couple weeks, why?”
“Could you tell him that Jessica and Mikayla passed, I just can’t do it. And neither can any of the other guys.”
I gulped “who are they?”
Caleb‘s voice answered after a few moments “they were his old girlfriend and their soon to be born child,”
“Oh God,”
“Yeah, they were killed in a car crash,”
I gasped “Oh my God,” I exclaimed “Oh my, I feel so bad for him now,”
“I think we all do, could you just tell him please?”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll do it.” I told him.
I didn’t want to, but something told me that I had to be the one to tell him.
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