Screeching Tires


I wiped the make up off my face, I still have the habit of falling asleep with it on.
It’s been three weeks since I’ve gone to see Kyle, but Caleb is still insisting that I go and talk to him.
Why should he care anyway, and plus, it’s all his fault that he’s mad at me.
Stupid Caleb, and his stupid boy-ness.
Alyssa has been giving me her smug little ‘I-told-you-so-admit-that-I’m-amazing’ look, and it’s starting to make me want to beat her.

My eyes locked with mine own in the mirror, staring back at themselves.
Kyle hates me, it’s a low blow, for some reason.
How in the world could he possibly hate me, I did nothing to him.
And I most certainly did not lie to him, like he claims that I did.
His freaking girlfriend is dead, along with his daughter, and it’s not my fault.
No matter how much he probably wishes that it was.

“Riley?” Scott questioned from outside the bathroom door “Alyssa wants to know if you’re ready yet,”
A sigh escaped my lips, blowing my black bangs from my face “Not really, but whatever,” I sighed, opening the door and walking out.
“Geeze, you look like shit, not to be mean or anything,” he said, following me downstairs.
“Oh gee, thanks,” my voice responded in a high pitched tone, “You just make me feel so much better,”
I ran my left hand through my hair, pushing it off my shoulders, wishing that I was able to pull my hair back in a pony tail without any help.
“Hey babe, you ready to leave?” Alyssa asked when I entered the room.
I just nodded my head, sending her a small smile and walking out the front door.
She followed in suit and unlocked her car, hopping in the drivers seat “Court room place then?” she questioned, reversing the car out of her drive way.
“Yep,” I sighed “Gonna go un-press charges.”
She just laughed and drove the car the fifteen minutes to the jail.

“Ah, Ms. Jensen, I’ve been expecting to see you,” the judge said, “why do you want to withdraw these charges?”
“Cause it was an accident,” I answered, running my left hand over the cast on my right “He didn’t mean to hit me, and plus, he has a child out there, with no mother. His kid deserves his father,”
The judge rolled his eyes, “I’ve heard that many times, Ms. Are you sure, because, he could do this again,”
“But I’m sure that he won’t,” I replied “I’ve been talking to him, I know how badly he feels for speeding, he normally doesn’t do that, but, his girlfriend really needed him at the time. He was trying to get to her,”
The judge sighed “Sign the forms, and he’ll be out as soon as they’re filed,”
A grin formed on my lips as I grabbed the pen with my non-dominate hand “Is it okay if it looks messy? My arm is broken…”
“It’s fine,” he sighed, taking the papers from me once I scrawled my name down. “Mr. Burns should be out in about two weeks,”
A small grin appeared on my face, trying not to feel sad, “Thanks,” my voice cracked.
“Let’s go, thank you,” Alyssa said, grabbing my good arm and pulling me out of the court room.

Now he’s going to be out, and he’s not even going to care that I let him go.
That I didn’t want to keep him locked up in that place.
All that Kyle is going to care about is the fact that his girlfriend and daughter are dead.
And I’m the one who brought him the bad news.
Great, why in the world did I have to listen to Caleb?
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this story in forever
I hope you like the update though.

oh, and I met FTSK, for anyone who cares.
There are pictures up on my profile
ahh, I love Caleb <3333