Screeching Tires


“Riley,” Alyssa called, opening my bedroom door.
I quickly pulled my covers over my head, and rolled onto my stomach, “Go away,”
“You have a visitor,” she sang, pulling my blankets off my head and pulling me out of bed, “Get up, put some clothes on, ya hottie,”
“No, tell them to come back at a normal hour,”
“Riley, it’s two in the afternoon,”
Quickly, I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes “Were you going to let me sleep all day?” I questioned, throwing the covers off my legs and walking towards my closet.
“No, I would have woken you up for supper,” she smiled, pulling out my white shirt with different colored zebras on it. “This one, for sure,”
I looked at it, and shook my head “No, I want to wear my blue one, with the white hearts on it,” I said, pulling it out and holding it up to my body.
“Yeah, but with this you can wear your new green pants,”
“Those are strictly for concerts,” I mumbled, pulling out a pair of nice blue jeans, “Who’s here anyway?”
“Oh, just some guy,”
“Just some guy?” I asked, pulling my pajamas off and the jeans on, “Who?”
“I dunno, he says his name is Caleb,” she smiled, nudging me in the side.
I inwardly groaned “That’s Kyle’s friend you dunce,”
“Oh,” she mumbled, “well, he’s waiting downstairs, there’s no way I am going to tell him to leave now,”
“Tell him I’m sick or something!” I exclaimed, shoving my jeans off and pulling my pajamas back on.
“No!” Alyssa shouted, shoving my jeans back into my arms, “Get dressed, right now,”

My eyes set a glare on her, and I tried to stare her down “I don’t want to talk to him Alyssa, I would really appreciate it if you would just freaking tell him that I’m sick.”
“Riley, how about you get dressed; and go talk to him, because he’ll just come back in a few days anyway,”
I rolled my eyes “I really don’t care, at least I could think of something to say,”
“Think of it now,” She growled, “I’m not telling him to leave; you do realize that he can hear you,”
A little smirk appeared on my face “Oh really, Caleb, I really don’t want to talk to you. I would rather avoid you for the rest of my life, thanks for making me tell Kyle about his girlfriend and their baby. He totally hates me now, so whatever. I now have nothing to do with you guys,”
I could hear someone shift their weight from one foot to another, but no one walked down the hallway.
“Caleb, just leave. I’m not going to do anything, I hate the fact that I’m talking to you. What else could you get me to do? Talk to Kyle again? Psh, yeah right. I’ll never do that again. It’s not worth my time,” I could feel tears brimming my eyes. “It doesn’t matter to me anymore. I don’t care,”
I heard him sigh from the hallway, but once again he didn’t leave.
“Why are you doing this?” I inquired, “I don’t want to talk to you, what is so hard to understand from that? Just leave, go somewhere else. I couldn’t care less what you do with your life, just as long as it’s the hell away from me.”
“Riley,” Alyssa harshly whispered, “Stop acting like such a child!”
I crossed my arms and glared at her “Get out of my room Alyssa; I’m going back to bed.”
She let out a loud groan before turning her heel and exiting my room.
I heard her faintly from outside telling Caleb that today wasn’t a good day, and to try back later.
“Don’t waste your time!” I called out, flopping into my belly on top of my bed.

How could he dare come to my house?
How did he figure out where I live?
Is he really going to be that creepy?
Or that rude?
Did he really think that I was going to talk to him?
Does he think that I’ll go talk to Kyle?
Cause I won’t.
Not that he’d care or anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
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