Screeching Tires


I took a sip of my water before turning around to head back upstairs to my room.
But I was stopped by a pair of brown eyes staring at me.
“Uh, hello?” I questioned the red haired boy.
“Riley, we need to talk,” he simply stated, his brown eyes peering into my own.
“Hm, I think you should leave.” I stated, placing my free hand on my hip “I will call the cops.”
“Oh, Riley, just fucking talk to him,” Alyssa said from behind me, “I’m sick of you moping around the house,”
I blinked over at my friend before turning back to the red headed boy, “Who the fuck are you anyway?” I asked.
“Caleb,” he answered “Are you going to come the nice way, or is your friend going to have to help me kidnap you?”
“Alyssa!” I yelled, “Why the fuck would you do this?”
“I already told you!” she exclaimed, “Now get in his car, I’m not afraid to knock you out,”
I glared at her before glaring back at Caleb “Your girlfriend likes that you kidnap other girls?”
“She’s waiting for me outside,” he shrugged, “It’s to help out Kyle,”
“I don’t want to talk to him, I never want to see him again!” I yelled, stubbornly crossing my arms.
“Don’t care,” Alyssa said, “You grab her feet, I’ll grab her arms.”
“I’m going, I’m going,” I mumbled, shoving my glass into Alyssa’s arms and storming down the stairs.

“You must be Riley,” Caleb’s girlfriend-God, what was her name again?- grinned when I scooted into the back seat.
I glared at her in return and buckled my seatbelt.
“Well then,” she mumbled, turning around to face the front.
My arms crossed over my chest as I set my glare outside the window towards my house.
“We’ll be at Kyle’s in about fifteen minutes,” Caleb said when he started the car.
“Whatever,” I spat, setting my glare at the back of his head.
Maybe if I glare hard enough, his head will start on fire.

Ten minutes later we pulled up to a large apartment building.
The red head is a liar.
“We’re here,” his girlfriend said, turning around and unbuckling her seat belt.
I made no move to do the same.
“I’m not afraid to put you over my shoulder and carry you up all five floors,” Caleb said from the front, looking at me in the review mirror.
“Have fun with that,” I said, glaring into the reflection of his eyes.
He sighed and unbuckled his seat belt.
“I’ll go tell Kyle that we’re here,” his girlfriend said, getting out of the car.
Caleb nodded his head and got out, and cracked his knuckles.
He opened my car door and unbuckled my seat belt.
“You could just make this easier, if you wanted,” he said with his eyes pleading.
“I don’t want to go in there,” I answered, crossing my arms.
He groaned and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him and lifting me over his shoulder.
“Caleb! Put me down!” I screamed, hitting his back.
His arm secured around my legs as he walked towards the building, shoving the car door closed with his foot.

“God, I wish they had an elevator,” he groaned as he made his way up the their flight of stairs with me still over his shoulder “You’re starting to get really heavy,”
“Oh, gee, thanks,” I mumbled, hitting his back again.
“Just stop,” he said, lightly tossing me into the air so that my stomach fell back onto his shoulder.
We finally made it to the top of the building and he walked down the hallway.
“Michaela, could you please open the door?” He called from the hallway.
A door opened a few feet away and he walked in.
“Hey Kyle,” he said, dropping me onto the couch.
I glared up at Caleb, and almost stopped breathing when I saw Kyle’s broke face standing next to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it took me so long. =/
Comments please!
and if it continues to take me a while, don't be afriad to comment my stuff saying "Hey! Woman! Write damnit!"