The Newborns crazed obsession

History class

I had never paid attention to him before, why should I? He wasn’t in my clique, hell I barely knew his name. So why me?

This story isn’t about two guys falling in love at first sight, so if that’s what you want to happen then you’ll have to get used to disappointment. To understand this, we’ll need to go through this from the beginning;

History-room 13

I lay my head down on the desk, there was no way in hell I was listening to our new History teacher begin his rant on whatever it was we were doing this year. I didn’t plan on paying any attention in school this year, even with GCSE’s starting. Who actually gives a fuck? Not me, that’s for sure and it seems I wasn’t the only person who had adopted this attitude so early in the year. I had just begun to doze off when my torture instigator slammed a giant text book down on my desk with force that made me sit bolt upright in my seat, looking up him I could see the indifference in his eyes.

“Mr. Way, I know that we are not going to get along, but if I have to stand here and attempt to teach you, then you have to stay awake. Okay?”

I snorted and looked away from him, he sighed defeated and turned away to continue his rant at the front of the class. I lay my head on my desk and began to slip into a comforting sleep when I got a poke in the arm from in front of me. Shit, people weren’t gonna let me sleep where they?!

“What!” I half groaned and half yelled, the kid looked instantly stunned and looked apologetic; “Never mind” Okay, not, the kid had woke me up, what did he want?

“Nah seriously I’m awake now, what’s up?” he seemed to consider me for a minute before whispering “Could I borrow a pencil?”

“Sure” I said handing him my ‘Misfits’ pencil, before attempting to smile at him. I say attempted because when I smile people always tell me I look evil, it’s not actually my fault at all though! But this kid doesn’t seem too phased so I assume my efforts paid off.

“Thank’s” he whispered before turning back to his work, and for the remainder of the double, I slept peacefully and undisturbed.


“Shit!” I leapt out of my seat involuntarily, great way to be woken up, don’t you think? I gathered my stuff together and started to make my exit, but one person couldn’t let me go!

“Hey, wait up...your pencil?” It was hilarious watching him try to weave in and out of the strewn chairs, just to reach me to give me back a pencil. I watched amused at the door for about ten seconds before he got to me, extending his hand to offer me my pencil back.

“You keep it, I think you need it more than me” and with that I turned out of the room, leaving him, standing in the doorway, gawping like he had just seen Jimmy Hendrix, honestly it’s only a pencil.

“Thanks!” I heard from behind me, followed by a prolonged silence, filled in by the random conversations of people around me, then “maybe see you later then?!” I didn’t bother to reply, why should I. He won’t dare talk to me later, no one ever comes near me or my friends, or as we are so famously known ‘The crazy Goths’.

I mean no offence to him, but he seems too nice.
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review please because i will only continue if people commet/subscribe, because otherwise theres really no point.