The Newborns crazed obsession

Fight of the STD's

"At 11.03 am this morning another terrorist attack was made only ten miles from this school" the principles voice ran throughout the assembly hall, droning on about the death of another five people. I mean it's not like I don't care but it really puts a downer on the day. Then again it was scary as shit, I wasn't allowed to go running at night anymore after dark, this was made clear by my parents after the fourth attack in one month. Whoever was doing this was bloody serious and I intended to stay well out of their way. "They could be anyone, anywhere so be safe. No one needs get worked up over this, and no school will not be cancelled unless we too explode. Then you have my word that it will be closed, whether or not that is a good thing I will leave up to your discretion. Classes are as normal and if anyone feels the need to talk about the recent crimes then the school therapist is in from-" I cut out his voice from there and in no time it was the end of the emergency assembly.

Seriously there aren't enough emergencies in the world to get me out of classes, if I had my way someone getting a paper cut would be an emergency but unfortunately for the Gerard like thinkers the faculty don't see it that way. Shame really.

-----Lunch time-----

"Trust me you do" those words kept reverberating around my head and they wouldn't stop. Heavy on my brain, but it wasn't like they were hard to comprehend. I had let him walk away, it was completely my decision this morning. That was why he hadn't come to bug us at lunch today but the lunch hour was still young. I sat down listening to Tony's rant about English coursework and trying not to be caught looking for Frank. I don't know, I was just so used to him always being there, so I felt oddly free without him. In fact maybe that's what it was. Lunch was no longer a time where I needed to worry about Frank coming up and bugging us, and trying to have a conversation with me. Those conversations were like burning out your tongue steadily, only that sounds more pleasant. Soon enough I joined in the group rant, even contributing that the teacher was a filthy hippie whore. Which to be perfectly honest, she is.

Neil hadn't said much and was laying his head down on the table, not saying anything so it was a definite surprise when he stuck his head up, clicked his fingers dramatically with a; "Damn!"

It reminded me of something one of my gay friends would do, so I was slightly taken aback. He then pointed at something over the courtyard that was obviously amusing him. All four of us turned around to see what it was, and at first I didn't see it but when I saw I wondered how I had missed it.

Sitting in the middle of the courtyard, underneath the big tree sat Damian Richman possibly the biggest player in the school. It was a well known fact that Damian would suck anybody of even if their dick had 'STD' tattooed on it, no problem. To most of the courtyard, Damian having a new boyfriend or plaything which was probably the best word to describe it was a regular happening and nothing special. But it wasn't so much that we were worried about the count of STD's in his keep for life box that was his and possibly the rest of the schools business, we were all more concerned at what was attached to his lips. Well I say lips, it looked like he was growing off of him and with the life he was sucking out of him, I was beginning to doubt that these two had ever managed to survive on their own. It was lip rape, but two way lip rape so technically I guess it wasn't rape as such. Well I guess until he traps him in his basement and tries to do the same thing, but in some ways maybe he would just find it a turn on.

I scowled and looked away with Tony throwing me a questioning look. I buried my face into my now crossed arms and stayed as quiet as possible until Tony decided to voice his own damned opinion.

"You know Gerard...." he started.

"NO! Don't even go there!" I snapped back at him, Franks STD's were also not my problem. Tony leaned in close so that the others couldn't hear.

"I think he likes you" with that I sat up and threw a scathing look at his now smug face and shook my head.

"Doesn't look like he's interested in my face at the moment, does it?" To make the point even more obvious I threw my right hand in their direction and sighed outwardly, to which Tony screwed up his eyebrows.

"Well does it bother you? Cos Gerard, from where I'm sitting it kinda looks like you love that kid." I stood up at this, leaning down to him.

"Well that's where you're wrong, I just wish that fag would hump his new toy elsewhere." and with that I started to walk out of the courtyard, just in time to watch Frank pull away from the STD kid grinning widely at me before he pulled away completely and began to walk towards the same exit as me. At first I didn't realise what his game was, but I soon found out as he collided into me, knocking me off my feet into the cheerleaders practice circle. This was meet with a loud chorus of squeals and sniggering from far off.

Frank looked pleased with himself as he made him way to the bin, threw away a banana skin and making his way back to Damian, straddling him and grinding down on him in an over exaggerated manner before beginning another heavy make out session, and I swear I'm mental but I could hear him in my head;

'Hurts don’t it?'

I never got to analyse what he had said to me as the forms of Tony, Neil and Jake soon collided into the merged form of Frank and Damian and began a purely brutal fist fight in which only the odd blurry form could be made out. I couldn't tell who was winning and even when they had been broken up it was still hard to tell whose side had suffered more damage. Mostly it was just a few bloody noses, but I suspected that there would be a few bruises tomorrow.

"You ever push Gerard again and we will make sure you fucking feel pain!" the affectionate cry from Tony made me feel oddly grateful as he picked me up off the floor and embraced me as Frank winked behind his back a little way off.

Cocky git.
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