The Newborns crazed obsession

Why would anyone bother?

"Like I said, I love them" he stopped right in front of me "but I love you".

I stepped back in confusion, only I wasn't confused. I knew exactly what he meant, as he reached across the empty space between us I could feel the static in the air and as his hand brushed over my face and pushed a strand of my air out of my eyes I could feel the warmth from his fingertips spread through me. Frank wasn't ever warm or gentle like this.

"There" he whispered, and then he turned around and walked down the corridor and out of sight. After a few seconds I realised that my mouth was hanging open like a spastics so I quickly closed it and ran down the corridor after him. There was no way I was letting this fight go ahead.

I ran out of the school and noticed that a crowd had formed on the front lawn and confirming my fears I found that it was in fact, Frank and Tony’s own little display. Crap.

"So Frank, why did you do it?" Tony spat at him.

"Aw, did you not want G to know that you loved bad" Frank mocked. This stung slightly; I never knew this side of Frank. I knew now that I had gotten what I had wished for, as true to earlier musings, I found that I no longer wanted it. Frank looked up knowingly at this thought of mine. I begged him to stop before he hurt Tony, but he still continued on.

"Well anyways, for anyone who is just joining us let me fill you in; Gerard Way is gay, I tried to date him but he wouldn't have it. He said I needed to be more of a bad boy, to stop stalking him if you will. Then I do this, but is he happy?" He stopped pacing around and ran up to me before screaming in my face; "NO HE WASN'T!" I fell backwards onto the grass which I found to my disgust to be wet, upon seeing this Tony ran to my aid, placing his jacket over my shoulders he turned his attention towards Frank.

"Just fuck off and leave him be, can't you see what you're doing to him?!" Frank suddenly stopped pacing again; he was making a habit of that.

"To continue with the story, when I began putting on this act for Gerard, the side of me he would rather me be, he didn't like it. I began to be unfaithful to the boy who pushed me away time and time again. Of course, ironically he doesn't like this and tries to storm off, I wanted to show him how much pain and frustration he caused me, and when I did Tony entered the little picture. Isn't that nice?!" He shot a menacing look at Tony who stared angrily back, as if he was holding his ground. I knew that Frank was measuring up Tony’s reaction before he continued.

"Did anyone else know that Tony was gay? Haha, and isn't this a nice little twist, can anyone guess who he is in love with? Now that's a toughie. So here we are, I basically told Gerard that Tony loved him and now we are here. Just so you're all up to speed!" With that he turned his back on Tony and I, though I knew he was with our thoughts. Tony stood up and after helping me off the ground and walked over to Frank. I tried to pull him back but he motioned that it was alright.

He walked right up to Frank whose back was now turned but he didn't hit him; "Frank, just what do you think you are achieving out of this?" Frank looked back over his shoulder "because honestly, you have just announced to Damian that you were using him, so now you've lost your boyfriend. You have also hurt Gerard to the point where he can no longer trust you. What do you have left? Nothing." and with that Tony walked back to me and began walking me back up to the school, but we didn't get too far.

Frank ran after us before screaming at Tony;

"I have more than you!" Tony looked around in disbelief "I have more than you" Frank continued "because I have Gerard’s heart" and with that Tony threw himself at Frank, but Frank was ready for this.

He managed to dodge Tony for the most part, but Tony grabbed onto Franks foot, dragging him down to the floor with him, and so began a fist fight in the mud. I ran over to them, screaming for them to stop, but they didn't hear me, they were too involved in their own little war over me, so I did the only thing I could think of. My boot end collided with the boy pile and a large yelp was let out from Tony as his face exploded with red, and if that wasn't shocking enough the look on his face made me hate myself for doing it.

"That's right babe, you know you love me more" that came from Frank as tears began streaming down Tony’s face.

Why would anyone bother loving me?
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Ok, you know the drill!