The Newborns crazed obsession

Whatever it means

"I love you" he whispered quietly, that was the first time he had said it straight, and the worst part of this was that I had no answer.

"You knocked?" I was a little startled; I wasn't really used to people actually valuing my privacy, thinking that I'm sure somewhere Frank cringed.

Tony looked a little confused "...Yeah I kinda did, is that not what you're meant to do?"

"Oh, yeah well some people just walk on up to your room without you knowing. I'm used to that." I replied simply.

"Frank." Tony replied and I nodded and let him in, leading him into the living room. I had no idea what I was going to do, so I stood around for a moment and then finally I decided to sit on the other side of the room, he didn't look too happy about that move.

We sat in silence for a little while and I began to fidget in my seat which had just become extremely uncomfortable, there was a creak from outside the door and then Tony began to speak.

"Gerard, what the hell happened to you today? I know you must have been freaked out or something....but..." he looked me dead in the eye with full seriousness; I had seldom seen Tony like this. "....But Gerard, you can't just leave me hanging like this, you didn't answer your phone, you weren't here about an hour ago. I was worried shitless!" I stood up at this, unable to take the seat of shame any longer; I wish it had just swallowed me whole.

"SINCE WHEN!?" I screamed across the room before burying my head in my hands briefly to let out a muffled scream.

Tony stood up too. "Since when, what?"

I looked over at him from the corner of my eye, briefly distracted by a creak coming from somewhere in the house.

"Since when have you loved me?" I asked returning my gaze to him.

"A long time" he whispered back quietly before throwing himself onto my sofa, hughing slightly.

"I need coffee" I informed him as I exited the room and headed towards the kitchen, throwing a brief look up the stairs as I walked by.

I had about three minutes before I needed to go back in there, three minutes mainly because that's how long it takes to make the coffee. I put the kettle on boil and stood there, half expecting to hear the creaking of the floor in the hall, but it never came. Then it occurred to me that maybe he wasn't actually here, and that the house was just generally creaky, which it actually was however I was so convinced he was there.

Three minutes later I picked up two mugs of fresh coffee and made my way back to my living room where I found Tony in the exact same spot I had left him, muttering to himself slightly. When he looked up at me I gave a brief smile and handed him the coffee which he placed on a coaster on the coffee table, my mother would be proud. I took a sip and then mirrored his action, and then I moved over to sit next to him. Those three minutes that it took to clear my head were a god send.

"Tony" I made eye contact with him "I love you. I honestly do but I have no fucking clue what to do here. I mean I knew that Frank loved me first but you've been my best friend for years, can you see my dilemma?" Tony shook his head in disbelief.

"No, I honestly can't. I don't know why you would choose him, he is the creepy stalker kid who we all hated for weeks. What does he have that I don't!?"

"You don't know the half of it, it's just too confusing" I replied quietly and half to myself.

"Well let me un confuse you then" he replied and I turned to him in shock as he placed both of his hands on either side of my face and softly caressed my lips with his, his tongue slipped into my mouth and rubbed up against the back of my teeth as he moaned into my mouth which I must admit made me slightly weak at the knees and slightly hard somewhere else, but something was wrong. As he straddled me the front doorbell went and I tried to push him off me so I could answer it.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" he moaned softly into my mouth "...don't....mmmmmmmm.....just leave it babe....pwease?" The 'pwease' made me laugh and I told him very calmly after I had removed his tongue from my mouth that I had to answer it because it could be one of my parents. He grudgingly agreed to let me go for a moment with an "I'll be waiting for you".

I grinned at this until I left the room, half because he had just confused me even more and half because I needed to be relatively calm when I opened the door, and I was calm, relatively anyway. That was until I saw him standing there still in his school uniform and his hair slightly messy with a scared look on his face.

"Frank!" I half yelled, and he took a slight step back.

"Is this a bad time?" he asked politely, I was ever so slightly confused.

"Why don't you just read my mind and find out? Seem to enjoy doing that!" he cringed at that.

"Nah, you like your privacy so I'm not doing that to you anymore." that was shocking.

"What, for real?"

"Yes" he replied taking a step forward "do you not get that I love you and will do anything it takes to make this work?" he brought his hand up at my signs of protestation "No, please let me finish. I know I was a jerk, I just didn't know what the fuck to do! You made me feel so confused, if it's not obvious I'm kinda sure of myself and you completely knocked me out of my comfort zone. I know what I did with Tony was wrong, but you should really take a look inside his mind sometimes, and I love you. You know already about vampires and love and you know I will never want anyone else. We could be together forever, seriously and if you say no I will be alone forever. I know I already said that I love you but it's true and whatever you want I'm willing to do it."

I let him catch his breath after that long speech.

"Even if that means leaving me alone forever?" I asked sceptically. The hurt in his eyes was too obvious.

"Forever?" he choked, and then looking round he put his hands on either side of his head and slid onto the ground.

"Wow, wow, wow! It was just a question; I would have thought that you were going to read my mind there!" I shook his out of his fit.

"NO! I told you I'm not going to do that anymore, please don't test my sincerity because it'll just kill me. I'm telling you the truth." he half shouted.

"Ok babe. Don't worry, I believe you." I cooed as I stroked his hair gently scared about how he would react to this. Me doing this was the first outwards show of affection I had ever given him, and he leaned into my touch his breathing becoming all the more audible as a smile spread across my face. That's when I remembered. Tony!

"Shit" I whispered, Frank opened his eyes slightly confused.

"What's wrong G?" his eyes wide with fear.

"Tony! Frank what do I tell him?" he seemed slightly relieved at this.

"Oh, don't worry I can deal with him, he still thinks you love him right?" Frank looked gleeful.

"How did you know that?!" I asked him, very confused at how knowledgeable he was about the current situation.

"Hey, I said I wasn't going to read your mind, I said nothing about everybody else’s. Also, if I'm not allowed to read yours then you have to allow me at least one jealous pastime."

With that I grinned and playful smacked his across the head before leaning down and pecked him on the lips, once, twice and a third before whispering gently "Frank baby I've got nothing to hide from you, and like my heart is yours so is my mind." A look of bliss fell across his face as he delved into my mind and found the security of my words there.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........G" Frank sighed "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"You may have mentioned it before" I giggled pulling him to his feet.

"Ok, then I have a heart to break!" he answered happily before stealing a kiss and then pulling me into the house away from the stare of Mrs. Bradlemen who crosses herself and then hurried away, causing much amusement from Frank.
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A/N- Ok so this is really long for me! I’m very surprised that I managed to write that much in the time I had, so hey! Snaps for Hannah? Lolx

Read/review- the usual!

Love you! xoxo