The Newborns crazed obsession

Self mutilation sounds more like it

“Hey, there’s our crazy Goth!” this yell came from a little way off and sure enough when I raised my head, there stood; Tony, Jake and Neil. The four of us made up the previously mentioned crazy Goths. I walked up to them and took a cigarette out of Tony’s mouth and began to inhale.

“So, G how was History? Bet you wish you had taken Religious studies now don’t you?” I turned and exhaled the smoke in his face before answering, to anyone apart from us, this could have been a choking hazard but Tony breathed in the smoky drug grinning.

“No, actually I don’t Tony, because if I had done that I would have actually had to talk to you and I would be missing out on an hour and a half of extra sleep a week.” I grinned as I said this, he knew full well that I was being sarcastic, but he mocked shock horror.

“Gerard Way, did you just insult me?” He said with his mouth hanging open in surprise, he looked like a spastic. I couldn’t help but laugh at this, when I say laugh, I mean it’s more of a smokers cough combined with a growl, if you couldn’t tell already I was slightly scary to some people and only too proud of it. To only prove my point, a group of cheerleaders standing dangerously close to us, took one look at me, exchanged worried glances and scuttled off, not before Natalie had turned around to get a second look at my amazing physique, as a result she tripped over the picnic blanket some nerds had laid out and her face landed smack in the various sauces on display.

Her cheerleader friends at this point, turned on their heels and quickly checking to see who was watching before scooping up their friend and whisking her away from the scene of the crime. Unfortunately for them, it looked like half the school had turned up for lunch in the courtyard today.

Neil, who up to this point had been quiet called after Natalie “Honey, if you’re hungry, the canteens across the school, or I’ll buy you some food in return for a little action” at this point bucking his hips forward to make the point. The crowd around us, laughed at Natalie’s humiliation, and Amber, head cheerleader turned around and screamed “you pig!”

“Just cos you know you want some, anyways, Natalie wouldn’t be like that if she wasn’t so concerned with checking out Gerard here.” At that point they all ran out, Natalie’s face completely blotched with food, but even that mask couldn’t cover the burning red her cheeks had gone, this was however extremely inevitable.

In school, our group wasn’t popular, neither were we outcasts, we had mutual respect around the school, mainly because we looked and dressed quite scarily and the fact we were all at least green belts. That last part really helped.

I was standing back up against the wall when a familiar voice called across the courtyard to me;

“Hey! Gerard!” I cussed under my breath; seriously this kid must have taken a knock to the head or something. The guys were looking from the psycho, to me and back again, luckily he got caught up in the crowd who had just witnessed the downfall of a cheerleader and I had time to quickly mutter;

“I have no fucking clue who this kid is, he’s in my History class, I leant him a pencil and now he won’t leave me alone!”

Jake groaned; “Not another stalker kid”

“Looks like it” I sighed.

Frank strided up to us once he was through the crowd, and handed me a flyer.


8.30-whenever you all pass out

57 Gaskin Street

London, Islington

This Friday

“A party” I raised my eyebrows sceptically. Frank blushed slightly;

“Yeah, I thought we might as well start this year of with a bang” he muttered quickly, he seemed quite embarrassed.

“Awesome, we’ll be there” I replied, Frank’s face brightened slightly.

“Okay, well I gotta get off to your definitely gonna come?” he seemed unsure, hesitant.

“Um...of course man!” I hit him lightly on the back, and he seemed satisfied;

“Alright then, see you in Biology!” with that he turned and walked away. How the fuck did he know I was in Biology with him next?

“Hey G?” Tony regained my attention, “are we really going to this thing?” He flicked the piece of paper in my hand, I looked at him directly before scoffing;

“No! I have better things to do with my life that go to that stalkers party, even if it is only one street away from my house, anyway I have plans.”

“Oh yeah, what?”

“Self mutilation” was my simple answer, to that the entire group burst into a fit of laughter.
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