The Newborns crazed obsession

Ass Swipe

My heart was crashing against my rib cage; I swear it was trying to escape. Well no such luck you little fucker, we are doing this. It had been three weeks since I had last jogged this route; roughly two and a half miles, with three hills, great. The only thing that made running bearable was the fact that I could listen to music, Metallica's new album blasted down my ears as I rounded the next corner. I was half way up this hill when I saw them, small at first, powdery white snowflakes soon blasted into my face full force as if to say;

"RAAAAAAAAR!" They bit at my face, and stung like a bitch. At that point my ipod decided to make a leap of faith from my pocket to the damp ground and land with a crack on the pavement.

"FUCK!" I hollered as I slowed to a stop, so much for not stopping, I thought as I bent over to pick up my iPod, the recent action only added to its battle scars. I picked it up and checked that it still worked before drying it off. I suddenly felt uneasy, like I wasn't alone. Sure enough a minute later, the sound of deep breathing rested on my ears, my first instinct was to run, but it's like one of those dreams where no matter how hard you try, your legs just won't move. I eventually managed to convince those fuckers called my legs to turn around, out of the corner of my eye I could see a blur of movement as I rotated to face my visitor, there was a brush up against my ass which chilled me in more than one way. In confusion I finished my about turn, only to find that there was no one there, and looking down the side alley again nothing to be found. My cheeks burnt up, not only from embarrassment of the ass brush, but from the cold too...okay so it was more the ass brush. But still!

Then just as I was letting my guard drop, there was a flash of light from down the alleyway, like two torches side by side, trying to burn through you. These lights were indeed sexy lights. Doesn't that sound odd? But hell, I'd like you to think of a better word for them, you would have to be there to understand. I started advancing down the alley, nervously my feet dodged the many deep puddles and strewn furniture that lay in my way. I could see the end of the alley, not a long way off, I had never thought to use this as a shortcut before, but when I stepped out of the alleyway I found myself on Gaskin Street. Isn't that funny? Well, I picked up my jog again and rounded the home bend, when I finally got to my room I crashed on my bed and fell asleep (without even bothering to shower or change, aren't I a dirty boy).

Blaring lights,
Blaring sounds,
Splitting headache.

Another drink in my hand,
another girl on my arm,
but burning all over my body.

A hand swipe across my ass,
again the same rush.

Another girl attached to my lips,
A little problem below my hips,
Nothing she won't solve though,



Hand across my ass,
Not hers,
different girl?

Neil calling,
Pocket vibrating,
cell phone,
fuck it.

Ass swipe.

"Wow!" I jerk upwards at the second ass swipe, darkness covers me and the noise and lights vanish. I twist out of my bed, covered in sweat still wearing my tracksuit. I was strangely cold so I steadied myself using my bedside table for support. Christ, what was that?! I wobbled over to my bathroom, only making it half way before I collapsed again.

Fuck it, I'm comfortable here.
I pull the duvet across the floor and fall into the lights again.
Is it just me or does this party look like something from out of 'Skins'?
No just me then?

Ass swipe.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everyone who is reading this!
Please comment, I need the stars.
I will only update after 2 more comments!
-tell your friends.