The Newborns crazed obsession

Written in Blood

I woke up to find myself eagle spread across my bedroom floor, looking like shit. Honestly, I really did, I was in last night’s trackies and shirt and I smelled like a hobo on crack. Not really the nicest of aromas you see. Eventually after a lot of morality boosting, I managed to pick myself up from my floor and get to the bathroom without toppling, which was extremely difficult because my limbs were extremely sore after last night. I literally collapsed when I reached my bathroom, but managed to get into the shower without seriously injuring myself, which was a great achievement for a retarded person in my opinion. Half way through my shower my alarm on my iPod went off, it was plugged into my dock so from the shower I could hear muffled versions of songs like; 'T.V. Party' and 'Clarissa', whilst singing along like a performing monkey I got myself cleaned up and ready for school Great, I actually don't mind school as much as some people do. Its fun, in its own right, not the actual work per say, but the social interaction. Of course I can't tell anyone this, because in another teens eye, saying such a thing is as bad as blaspheming in front of a pope...which I do hope to try someday.

---------- (Time lapse) -----------------

"Hey G!" oh crap. This kid really doesn't give in does he? We were all just peacefully sitting, throwing rocks at the first years when he came striding up to us, with his lunch in his hands with a nervous grin on his face. He'd better not, I know he wouldn't, he doesn't think.




He plonked his lunch down right next to me and sat. Tony raised his eyebrows menacingly, but Frank didn't notice, he wasn't even paying enough attention to notice when Jake threw his lunch on the ground. He just looked straight at me "So, what’s up G?" Neil had began to go very red, he doesn't deal with anger well, and has to go to therapy twice a week ever since he set a teachers office on fire in his old school. To be honest, he could have done a lot worse than that, so we should all just be grateful.

" much" yeah, great, nothing much? Is that all I could muster? But it seemed to be so, and I left it there, not bothering to ask him the question which would have been the polite thing to do, but hell why would I want to be polite? Answer, I didn't.

Frank looked down at the table awkwardly before turning to me again "You know G; I can see you’re a tight knit group and all, but honestly you could open up a little and I know something for sure." Neil was at only just holding on to sanity as his knuckles turned white from gripping the table, Frank seemed to notice this, get up and brought his face level with mine. He etched closer and closer, and I swore I saw Neil pass out, but I was frozen, literally, I could hear everything. Hey, finally my dream of being able to have bat-like senses was realized! Only now I had it, guess what, I didn't want it! Funny that, be careful what you wish for! I could feel his breath on my face now; I knew what he was going to do. No! Just don't do it! What do I do after?! I thought about hitting his face away but my neurones had stopped functioning as well, with nothing to connect my brain to the rest of my body, I had to sit there and watch it happen, like an out of body experience. His face was so close now; it was too close, close enough, then past my face. His lips stopped an inch from my ear and whispered "I'll win you over eventually..." he stopped to breath in my ear again, my face was surely Scarlett but he seemed perfectly together " way or another, that's a promise".

That's when Neil finally passed out, Tony began laughing so hard that everyone within the courtyard turned to look at us and Jake, well he picked up Franks lunch before handing it to him and telling him to get lost.

I sat there, red faced, like a buffoon. Honestly, if I went through all the adjectives in the world, none would be more fitting than this one, a buffoon is what I was.

-------------------------(time lapse)--------------------------

I rolled over in my bed again. These past few nights had been so restless. It was Friday now, 3am in the morning, and I hated waking up earlier than necessary, but I couldn't concentrate. The image burned into my skull, terrified me to my core and exited me all the same. It couldn't be, and must have been a figment of my imagination, my dreams were going to be the death of me one day;

The usual feeling burned through my legs as I rounded the corner and began to climb the hill, except this time I had my shortcut home which I was all too grateful for now, even if it had been quite an embarrassment to find. I began to slow as the inevitable turning came, in case I hadn't mentioned before and you didn't realize, the snow had settled on the ground, over a sheet of ice, now you may ask why I was running in conditions like these, the reason is simply because I was dreaming and in dreams, the rationality of life disintegrates into nothing, if I had seen pink Heffalumps waddling down the street I would probably have said "How is the day job" or something equally ridiculous and at the time it would have made complete sense, until I woke up and thought it through.

The turning came and as I moved to face the right way I slipped and fell (big surprise isn't it, the uncoordinated buffoon fell!), behind me I heard laughter, but when I swivelled on the ice to see who I would have to beat into the ground, there was no one there.

"Gerard!" I turned no one there.

"Gerard!" again I turned and again, no one was anywhere near me. I started to feel a prickling sensation up my arm when the voice called again. It was having fun and I shuddered when I realized I knew that voice, but just like in most dreams, I was at a loss to remember whose it was. I turned and began to walk down the alleyway that would lead me home, before long I had begun to calm down. Before the voices came, but this time there were more than one, and this time they weren't talking to me.

I stopped walking and listened, he voices were loud, obviously two people shouting, something urgent though in the way they addresses each other. There was something dangerous about the way they suddenly stopped and started the conversation, like someone was listening who shouldn't be.

Oh yeah, that'd be me I guess, but still the conversation went on.

"Too young to control himself, you were like that don't you remember, it'll go in time. Just trust him." This was a woman’s voice, all mothering and caring, but I could tell she was the kind of mother you found cuddling a viper.

"No, what if he hurts him! What then, just another mess we have to clear up." This voice was a more definite father figure, a man you wouldn't mess with under any circumstances, but I had a feeling he wasn't getting his way.

"He won't" the first voice again, frustrated now.

"You don't know that, and if he doesn't hurt him, he'll expose himself for sure, the little attention seeker!" fury was so obvious, I could almost see him face and his words came out laced in spit and the contours of his face rose in time with his voice.

The mothering voice came again; this was the last time she sounded so sure "He's not like that, he doesn't want the attention, just a little fun".

"Are you so sure about that" the voices stopped momentarily again before the deafening blow came to the mothers argument "...Just look at what he wrote on the wall"

My heart rate accelerated as I looked up; there written in blood were the words;

'Gerard Way, One way or another.'

That's when I woke up, to a pair of brown eyes hovering directly above mine, and a piece of paper in my hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok. Sorry it took so long to update, I had really severe writters block and then I couldn't get on the computer and then.....gah!
But anyways. Thanks for people who are still reading, be warned this story is far from over but I'm only gonna post my next chapter if I get 3+ comments, and I can see how many subscribed so that shouldn't be an issue, now should it? Lolx

Love you guys xoxo