The Newborns crazed obsession

Forever is a lot of ***s

It was Friday evening, and the note I had recieved still burned in my hands, confusing me and exiting me to my very core, it was like someone had placed jumper cables on my heart and everytime I thought of the letter, I recieved another shock. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Frank stayed away from me at school today, it's stupid, how could he know? I mean, it's like he gave me the piece of paper, just to prove it if there had been any doubt in my mind.

On the other hand, it's so irrational! How the hell, did he know about my dream and how on earth did he get into my room, scary thing was that I thought I knew the answer, I just wasn't going to admit it to myself. I wanted to hear it straight from the little prats mouth, and if he wont tell me willingly, that's where my martial arts kicks in, you see I didn't get the title 'Crazy goth' without being thorough.

6.00pm. Not yet, it's two and a half hours at least.

7.00pm. Gerard! For fucks sake, calm yourself down, it's not like you want to go to the party that badly anyway!

8.00. Ok, so you're fully dressed and ready to go already, you really are a sad fuck. What the hell happened to 'The Crazy Goth'?

8.25pm. Ok, so in twenty minutes, go to the alleyway, that's where he'll be to talk, that's logic, right? And, if he's not there you can assume you made the whole thing up in your mind because you were bored, no one will ever know. Oh, and Gerard, why the fuck are you talking to yourself?

That's when I realized I was officially mad, and had to get out of the house lest I drown in my own insanity.

It only took me five minutes to get to the usual bend in the road, only metres away from the alleyway. My breathing had gone all regged again and I realized for the first time, I felt nervous. Why did I feel nervous? I could kick that midgets arse, and probably will, and that definately put a smile on my face. I strode past the corner and now the alleyway was in sight. The air grew colder as an unfamilliar presence surrounded the air, he wasn't here, but someone was. I was so taken aback by this feeling, it was like going to eat chocolate ice cream and finding that you actually had strawberry, and though this wouldn't annoy a vast majority of people, it makes me want to scream until my lungs finally burst in anger, it's such a kick in the balls when that kind of thing happens and I was gonna kill.

I strode on up to the end of the alleyway, the gust of wind blew through at that point, and a figure stood half engulfed in the shadows, half way down the alley. Far enough away for me to feel threatened by my lack of vision, close enough so I could hear him;

"You must be Gerard" Well, way to state the obvious, he sounded amused at the idea, like an inside joke and your not in on it. My temper was definately running high tonight and I was in no mood for his games, or jokey comments. "Listen you fucker, where's Frank? I know that was him in my room this morning!" It sounded stupid event to me.

"Really, are you sure you weren't just having wet dreams about our darling Frankie, he is pretty fit isn't he? I think you need a while to clear your head, how do you know it was him" I felt a cool wind as he came to stand by my, whispering in my ear "It could have been me" With that his tongue extended and ran along the outside of my ear, making me shiver in the cool climate, and I cringed out of the way, by backing into the wall, but I hit it way too soon, and that's when I realized that it wasn't a wall I had hit, it was another one of them, and now I was in for it.

"Sorry Frankie couldn't come in person" the new addition purred from behind me "he had to stay home and play host to your little human friends" the woman let out a low chuckle; "But don't worry, you'll be seeing him, soon enough".

I didn't like the way these two were grinning from ear to ear, like this was some sort of game, and I have to admit, I was getting a little worried. What the hell kind of scene was this, I had walked straight into the trap, the letter hung heavy in my pocket, the lie needed to get me out in the open on my own, at just the right time; very clever indeed. As if the woman had heard my thoughts she added "Oh no, Frankie wasn't lying, he really wishes he could have been here to reassure you of that fact in person, but don't worry, you'll see him shortly. And then everything went black.


I woke in a dark room, filled with unfarmilliar voices, god damn it, who ever they were I would kill every last one of them and when Frank was alone, I'd get him back.

"Now G, that's not a nice way to think about your host, especially an extremely sexy host like me, who is ever so slightly hard for you." There he was again, this time a lot more confident, reckless, and it may have something to do with everyone around him, but it was a side to Frank I had never seen before and I wasn't sure, but I think it suited him well. He reminded me a lot of myself, swaggering around cockilly with everyone hanging on his every word, laughing when it was their cue, and then sitting back and just watching when that's what was required. He seemed to note my approval and nodded, adding "I knew you'd love it. You see my dear captive, that is the whole point. You know you love me really and until you admit it finally, I am going to be around every corner you turn, in every single one of your little wet dreams, until it all becomes a reality" he flashed a grin in my direction, walking over to me, he stradled my position, his hard member pressing through the material in my jeans, laughing all the while; "you know you love it really, and it can be all yours, forever honey, and forever is a lot of fucking."

So he was telling the truth, before I just thought he was a cocky bastard, but now the notes words hang true;

"I want you that way, baby"

Now he was gonna want to...fulfil that promise, and as the room cleared and his shirt came off, my fears were realized.
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