The Newborns crazed obsession

My type

He strode around the now empty room, his bare torso, reflecting the little light that came in through the only window. I think we were in the basement, but I couldn't be completely sure, the reason I say that is that it was cold enough to be a basement, as if hearing me he walked over to me again, the sleazy git, he was lucky I was tied to the radiator because otherwise he would have the living shit kicked out of him!

He flashed me another toothy smile, before suddenly appearing at my feet, crouched, ready to spring at any second. His snarl rippled through the room, but even though it scared the shit out of me, I tried not to let it show on my face;

"No Gerard, I know what you’re thinking, and now you're scared. Finally I get some emotion out of you, why do you even bother to try and hide it baby?" He crawled slowly forward on top of me and rested on my lap, before whispering, inches from my face; "You don't think I'm going to hurt you, do you?" He nestled his head into my chest, purring suggestively, before attaching his lips forcefully to mine, struggling to get a response out of me. He was too strong for me to resist, that didn't mean I was going to kiss him back, and it didn't look like he was going to take no for an answer. His tongue, attached itself to mine, egging a response out of it, running his tongue along my bottom lip, taking a different approach, his kiss softened and was less aggressive, almost sweet. I did say almost, because it was an invasion on my mouth and that is most definitely not sweet, unless you're into that sort of thing, and I my friends am certainly not, it's taking control in the extremes. He continued like this for several minutes, his hands crawling over the back of my head trying desperately to force my head to respond, did this kid not get that I wasn't into him!

After another few minutes, desperation started to creep in, his tongue definitely becoming more forceful, almost crying in frustration he pulled away looked in my eyes, angrily, but almost pleading with mine; "Anything?" he was crying now, and I almost felt sorry for the kid, apart from the fact that I had been kidnapped, locked in his house and been a victim of mouth rape. Like I said, almost.

"Nothing" I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster and he jumped of my lap and ended up at the other end of the room, lying on the floor, the light caught on the odd tear, as it etched its way down him ghostly white face, his eyes had turned completely bloodshot, and for about ten minutes he lay there, whilst I tried to get in a more comfortable position, against his cold, and point radiator. Does this remind anyone of a dungeon? It reminds me a little bit of one. I didn't doubt I was going to be here a while, and I wondered about all the guests who were enjoying the party elsewhere in the house, envying them, and wishing I could join them.

"No" his voice was quite weak, but firm none the less "you're not going anywhere" I knew it! He stood up slowly, walking into the light, I didn't know someone could look so messed up, his eyes, normally a dark brown were completely surrounded by red and his eyes matched his face, the anger beginning to creep up into it;

"WHY WONT YOU KISS ME?" I wasn't expecting this and I yelped in surprise and pain as my back rammed up into the metal behind me. He scowled at my pain, and screamed again, this time desperation came into his voice; it was almost painful to watch.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Well, let’s examine that for a minute shall we; you stalked me, broke into my room, took over my dreams, kidnapped me, and kissed me against my own will, and now you're asking if there is something wrong with you! I knew he could hear what I was thinking, so I didn't bother to voice these arguments.

"Right, so that's what you think of me...DO YOU NOT GET WHY I DO ALL THAT! I CAN'T HELP IT!" he really got me there. He began to pace around the room, muttering angrily to himself, I caught random snippets of his 'conversation', and it sounded as though he was arguing with himself, and for a moment I thought he had forgotten about me, but no such luck as he spun on his heels, and this time instead of sitting on my lap he took a more modest approach as slammed down next to me, back to the radiator and rested his hand on my lap. He turned to face me, slightly unsure of himself, he looked into my eyes and began to speak, and something about the way he conducted himself made me want to listen;

"Gerard, I don't want to freak you out, I know I have these sudden mood swings, it's all just because I'm a new vampire and I can't really control myself properly yet. So, sorry if I freaked you out and when I um...assaulted you back there. It's just, I feel so strongly about you, I can't stop myself sometimes." I nodded at his apology, and I understood now, maybe he did have good reason, this doesn't mean I'm going to forgive him just yet, we will wait till later to see about that, but for now I will listen;
"Thank you G, for deciding to listen" A smirk played across his face an my face was momentarily flushed, but before I could verbalise anything he resumed speaking; "You see, when a vampire is created all their human emotions stay with then, only they get magnified largely once the transformation is completed. So when I was transformed into a vampire, I carried all my emotions with me, the day you gave me that pencil was three days after I had properly become a vampire and it had been hard enough to stay away from you before that, and now it’s near impossible. You see, I'm not a very patient person" he chuckled at the truth of this statement and I allowed a small smile to play across my lips momentarily, thinking 'That's a bit of an understatement'.

"True", Frank agreed with my thoughts "But, I do love you" he looked away at that point, and I didn't know what to say.

I pulled his face awkwardly to look at me; "Frank, your an ok guy, honestly you are, but...your just not my type. If you catch my drift."

His facial expression looked even more defeated before he said; "Well, if you were to go for a guy, what would be your type?" I exhaled at this; I knew exactly what my type was, unfortunately.

"Well" I started "he would basically be; a rebel. You know, like make himself known to everyone, he'd have to seriously take control, and be so determined, because I'm pretty straight, it would take a really big gesture to get me to like him". Frank then looked extremely confused.

"So, the note, the dreams, the kidnapping, all that isn't enough to show you how much you mean to me?" I mean the kid just wasn't getting it today, was he?!

"That's just showing me, if we were dating, I mean everyone would know and I'd been viewed very weirdly. Not saying that I'd care about that so much, just someone who wasn't afraid to show everyone that they loved me, that's the kind of guy I'd be with. Kidnapping me, and telling me in private, just isn't going to cut the mustard I'm afraid." I smiled at my little phrase 'cut the mustard', even I thought that was cool, and at the moment Frank seemed very deflated so I needed something to lighten the mood, and it even made Frank smile for a fraction of second.

"Well, I guess I will just have to find a way to let you know just how much you mean to me in front of everyone then"

"Sure thing" I replied, "oh and Frank?"

"Yeah, G?"

"Can you untie me now?" he chuckled, as we both glances at the chains that connected me to the radiator.

"Sure thing, just don't tell anyone about tonight." he seemed slightly concerned about that fact.

"Don't worry, who would believe me?"

And at this, we both collapsed into a fit of giggles at the situation we found ourselves in.
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love you guys