The Newborns crazed obsession

Stand inside your room

After our laughing fit, Frank un-cuffed me from his radiator and lead me up and out of his basement which reminded me way too much of a dungeon, into a long and gloomily lit hallway. He informed me that the party had in fact ended hours ago, and that Tony had turned up worried about me. I would just have to call him later and spin him some line about going for a walk or something, yeah walk, I was fucking chained to a radiator. Frank snorted, and I was slightly taken aback because I had momentarily forgot about his ability to hear my thoughts, or read my mind or whatever the hell it was that he was doing.

"You could always just tell him the truth I suppose, but then either he would take the view that you were insane or messing about, or I would be in severe danger, so best not do that because you obviously don't want me getting hurt before I can prove myself to you" he found amusement in my raised eyebrows as we passed an empty living room, well I say it was empty and it was from any human or vampire life, but it was however littered with empty green and clear glass bottles, confetti and cigarette stubs. I felt sorry for the person who had to clear that up;

"The maid's coming tomorrow" God, will he stop doing that!
"Oh, sorry G...crap!" He turned to look at me, a smile etched right the way across his pale face and I couldn't help but catch that infectious smile, like one catches the plague.

We walked to the end of the hallway and then parted ways, and I was grateful that he only hugged me, although he had probably heard me panicking about what to do if he tried to kiss me again and had decided against it, to which I was grateful, and I left the house feeling slightly relieved that he was at least trying to control himself for the time being. I was also curious how far this mind reading thing went, I mean, distance wise, could it only work if he was in the same room or can he tune in and out of my thoughts like a radio but instead of just being regional, worldwide, however I decided not to worry so much about this, and as I decided that my mind felt freer, most private.

When I reached home, my Mom was still up but when I walked in the door she barely acknowledged my presence and I decided that if she wasn't going to speak to me that I couldn't be bothered to start a conversation with her, and having made that descision I was now free to go straight to sleep, and without worrying about my mind being invaded I got changed for bed and was asleep within ten minutes, where I was constantly plagued;

The music rang out clearly over the loud speakers of the auditorium, I was alone in the open air concert venue and it was raining ever so slightly, but I didn't mind. I liked the rain, when it wasn't too heavy and also when I'm in a bad mood I get pissed off quite easily, but right now it seemed rather fitting for this scene. I stood in the middle of the empty floor space and listened to one of my favourite songs of all time start up. The intro hit my ears and I began to smile just before the lyrics kicked in, my smile began to fade as I realized there was no one singing, the intro started up again, but just like the last time no one sang and on the third time I began to sing the words, and all of a sudden my voice rang loudly over the speakers;

"You and me
Meant to be
It's destiny
Pure lunacy
But for the last time
You're everything that I want and ask for
You're all that I'd dreamed
Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love
Protected and the lover of
A pure soul and beautiful you
Don't understand
Don't feel me now
I will breathe
For the both of us
Travel the world
Traverse the skies
Your home is here
Within my heart
And for the first time
I feel as though I am reborn
In my mind
Recast as child and mystic sage
Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love
And for the first time
I'm telling you how much I need and bleed for
Your every move and waking sound
In my time
I'll wrap my wire around your heart and your mind
You're mine forever now
Who wouldn't be the one you love and live for
Who wouldn't stand inside your love and die for
Who wouldn't be the one you love"

The song ended and I smiled as the rain got heavier and I got up and left the venue, turning another corner I heard footsteps pick up behind me coming closer and closer and panicking I began to run. Big mistake. Whoever was following me was fast, faster than me I think, but I didn't want to turn around, that would waste time and I didn't have much of that. I was about ten streets from home and I could sprint to the high street and lose this guy but the only problem was that the high street was quite a way away, but I'm stupid and so decided to try. I sprinted across the street, nearly being hit by a late bus, but when I got across the street it seemed so was my follower, and as I took off down the street, he did too. I sprinted down three streets before I realized I was doomed, he sprinted up to my side and when we passed a small side street he yanked me sideways down it, but he didn't stop running and I soon gave up struggling and allowed myself to be pulled down street after street before I realized what was happening. He pulled to a stop at the bottom of my road and the familiar face flashed me a smile;

"Anything for you G" and sprinted of into the distance, with me left dumbstruck at the end of my road.

I sat up suddenly, something had happened, the cool breeze that flowed through my room could only have come from my window, but now it was bolt shut, and I knew instantly who should be held responsible, the kid who interfered with all my dreams, who followed my every move, who kidnapped me had now begun sneaking into my room.

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I don't own the song 'Stand inside your love' that belongs purely to 'The Smashing pumpkins'!
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