Oxford Comma,

Lotta Love.

"So, um, hi." I told him. I didn't exactly know how or what to say, but I felt like I had to be around him. He had this dangerous aura of uncertainty and that made him appealing to me right now. I had to get back at Joshua. And Ryan was the only way I could think of. Yes, it was wrong using him this way, but God knows, he used me a lot of times. Driving away mad girlfriends, protecting him and talking to all his five girlfriends and having to tell them he was away and that he would contact them later. Needless to say, he never did. So they all looked at me like I was some sort of plague.

"You know what, Ashen? Just, tell him he's a pig." They used to say. I always were Ashen to Ryan. Rarely would he call me Twylor. It made me seem like a girl. And he wanted a partner in crime. And I guess he was right seeing me that way. I used to wear boys' pants and baggy T-Shirts. So yeah, I could tell he was a little shocked right now. Think about it, last time I saw him, I had crooked teeth, braces, bad case of acne and dirty baggy clothes. Oh, and skaters.

So wrong.

"Well, hello there Ashen. What brings your pretty ass here?" He said smirking. He started coming towards me and I could already see it in his eyes, the way he wanted things to go.

'They won't go like that, Ryan. However, we'll get pretty close.' I thought smirking to myself. He took that as a good sign and started coming closer. Pretty soon he had me against him, in what should have been a hug. It wasn't that, and I could see it clearly.

"Well, Ryan." I said as I detached myself from him. I invited myself into his home and sat on his couch. Fast food could be seen anywhere. Messy clothes, lying around, TV on, on a , well, uhm, porn channel. I blushed and he chuckled. He turned it off. "I just missed hanging out with you. It's been a long time, and I really, really miss you." I said batting my eyelashes. This move was so old, yet it worked with him every time.

"Ashen, Ashen. What am I going to do with you?" He said picking me up from my waist and kissing my earlobe. I guess I should have felt shivers. Butterflies in my stomach as I did with Joshua. But this time, I felt nothing.

"How are your girlfriends?" I asked looking at him.

"Poorly. There's this girl. But she's dating." I smirked at his theatrical ways. This was a game we used to play when we wanted to talk about each other. Actually, it all started when I confessed to him I liked him. Know what he did? Laughed and gave me another drink. I used to be a really messed up kid.

"Not. Anymore." I said grabbing his torso and pulling him into me. He soon started to kiss my cheek. He kissed my earlobe, then my jaw, then my neck, and started leaving a trail of kisses down my arm, until he reached my fingertips. His tongue went over them. In my strong desire to get back at Joshua, I lost myself. I lost my morals. But I was okay with that.

When he was an inch apart from my mouth, he whispered words that woke me up. But not completely. "Been waiting for this, tiny." That's the way Joshua used to call me. That was his. I was his.

Were I?

His phone started ringing, and I pulled away. "Pick it up" I said smiling fakely. He smirked and said "Be right back." And he jumped off the couch. He went into the other room. The walls were not thick, so I could hear everything.

"Yo." He said smoothly. He then continued "Yeah, I'm with her right now." He stood silent for a couple of minutes but then continued "No, she doesn't suspect a thing. Still an idiot. Yeah, call you later. Make sure to go round his house and tell him."

I.. he was talking about Joshua?! He was going to go at his house? He was going to ruin me. Well, not if I can help it. Ryan came back into the room. He wanted to pick me up, but I was faster.

"Let's go to your backyard baby. I'm tired of foreplay." I said flirting. He grinned and I told him to leave all his clothes at the door. For he would get the show of his life. The moron did exactly that. I tied him with his pink handcuffs to a tree branch and then picked up his clothes. I threw them out the street and opened the headlights of his ride. I moved the car so the headlights were directly on him. I laughed, and all his friends were called by me. I went to his friend, Dan, and asked him if he could give me a ride.

"Sure, Ash. Climb in the back." He said high five-ing me. He dropped me off at Joshua's house. I frantically reached his doorway and there he stood, on the couch, relaxing. I came into his home, and explained everything to him.

"Why, Twy? You didn't.. do it right?" He asked me seriously.

"No!" I almost shouted. "You're the one I love, and I'm not ready yet." I said. "Besides, I realized something today."

"What?" He asked smiling, whilst caressing my face.

"We're stuck with each other. You're my worst, and my best. You're the darkness and the light in my life. You were the only one who could ever make me feel this way; wanted, loved, special. And for that, I am forever in your debt. Besides, you're a damn good kisser." I said laughing.

Afterword, we made up. Things couldn't get better. But the doorbell rang. I already told him, but he wanted to make whoever came, pay. Fine with me.

"Yes?" He asked whilst opening the door.

"There's something you should know." The guy said. I looked at him from the closet. Insanely skinny, big glasses on, baggy white red shirt and fancy pants. And vans. Yes, I know. I then looked at Joshua. My heart started to melt. White wife beater, showed his muscles, skinny jeans and black patent boots. Yes. His hair was messy. Yum.

"It's about Ashen. Excuse me, you know her as Twylor." The skinny guy said. "By the way, I'm Kyle."

"Tell me all about it." Joshua said seriously. As the guy turned around, he winked at me.

This was going to be fun.