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All an Illusion

The transformation

The field was dead.‭ ‬It was nothing but a wide plane of glass stretching out before her,‭ ‬almost as timeless and dead as herself.‭ ‬Everywhere she went death‭ ‬followed.‭ ‬It was the invisible black shadow that clung to her every footstep,‭ ‬claiming her, controlling her and ‬robbing her of every breath she took.‭ ‬She strode purposefully through the grass,‭ ‬sure of her pathway but‭ ‬yet so lost.‭ ‬The air was hot with tension,‭ ‬it snapped and zinged with electricity,‭ ‬that coursed through her own veins supplying her with infinite energy.‭ ‬The moon shone brightly,‭ ‬illuminating the field and casting out all the‭ ‬teasing shadows from the light.‭ ‬The wind however,‭ ‬resisted,‭ ‬a thick solid wall,‭ ‬that wafted it's way through the grass,‭ ‬sending it's silent coded warnings after her.‭ ‬She sighed heavily,‭ ‬suddenly,‭ ‬overwhelmed by the heavy burden she carried.

She closed her eyelids, inhaling deeply and when she breathed out,‭ ‬she was there,‭ ‬in the center of the field,‭ ‬in the clearing.‭ ‬Her‭ ‬head throbbed,‭ ‬not able to swallow the anxiety she felt in her throat.‭ ‬No she told herself‭ ‬resolutely,‭ ‬stick to the mission.‭ ‬And she did.

She circled the clearing, ‭ ‬her footsteps as light as a feather as if they knew themselves which very grass blades to step on.‭ ‬Her‭ ‬eyes were fixed‭ ‬on the clearing, ‭ ‬zeroing in on the young man who knelt there.‭ ‬He was a rock, ‬motionless and still.‭ ‬His reddish brown hair hung forwards, ‭covering his face and distorting his features,‭ ‬but‭ ‬that did not matter‭ ‬he was not important.

Her brain was automatically calculating the angle she would need,‭ ‬analyzing him,‭ ‬what‭ ‬his weaknesses would be,‭ ‬his strengths.‭ ‬Stubbornly she shut them‭ ‬out,‭ ‬not wanting to hear from this cursed sixth sense she had so strangely‭ ‬acquired.‭ ‬Tonight it was her and the blade.‭ ‬That was all she would need,‭ ‬and all she would use.‭ ‬She hesitated before moving,‭ ‬cocking her head and listening intently.‭ ‬It was quiet,‭ ‬too quiet,‭ ‬any other day her heart would be hammering madly in her chest by now,‭ ‬her palms sweating her breath coming out in ragged grasps,‭ ‬the adrenaline pulsing through her.‭ ‬But she felt nothing,‭ ‬just a‭ ‬ mysterious gnawing emptiness.‭

With an expert kick,‭ ‬she sprung up‭ ‬from the ground and flipped over on to her hands,‭ ‬forming a straight hand spring and landed an inch behind him.‭ ‬He jumped up,‭ ‬his movement surprisingly fast.‭ ‬But she was quicker,‭ ‬within a second she had him in a firm‭ ‬hold,‭ ‬her blade pressed against his back.‭ ‬Her eyes sparkled with excitement,‭ ‬waiting for his response.‭ ‬But he didn't squirm, or cry out,‭ ‬no‭ ‬reaction.‭ ‬Her brow furrowed wondering why he wasn't protesting.‭ ‬She whipped him around roughly,‭ ‬shoved him to‭ ‬the floor,‭ ‬so that he was facing her.‭ ‬She raised the knife,‭ ‬the memory of her heart beating like a drum,‭ ‬thudded‭ ‬encouragingly‭ ‬in her ears.‭ ‬She raised the knife higher and ‭ ‬studied‭ ‬him for the last time,‭ ‬perplexed at‭ ‬his silent surrender.‭ ‬He blinked back and‭ ‬she flinched.‭ ‬ ‬Reluctantly she let her eyes meet his,‭ ‬squirming‭ ‬at the mirror she saw,‭ ‬and the memory that followed‭ ‬.‭ ‬.‭

….‎ ‏It was four days before.‭ ‬She was‭ ‬lying down in the center of the clearing.‭ ‬She knew she would have‭ ‬to get up soon,‭ ‬and return to go‭ ‬home‭;‬ after all it was a school night.‭ ‬The‭ ‬wind howled‭ ‬loudly,‭ ‬nudging her to get up,‭ ‬while her‭ ‬iPod continued to blare away in her‭ ‬pocket.‭ ‬She was‭ ‬just‭ ‬getting up,‭ ‬when she was suddenly knocked back to the ground.‭ ‬She crashed to the floor,‭ ‬her head cracking against the ground.‭ ‬The next thing she knew she could not stand up again,‭ ‬her legs were glued to the ground by an invisible force.‭ ‬Her‭ ‬eyes blurred,‭ ‬as she struggled to breathe.‭ ‬Slowly,‭ ‬a chilling,‭ ‬burning pain was spreading from her throat.‭ ‬She ‭ ‬raked her nails across her skin,‭ ‬trying to stop the pain.‭ ‬But it would not stop.‭ ‬Not until her whole body was alight‭ ‬ with it.‭ ‬Pain.‭ ‬Pain and more pain,‭ ‬that was all she felt.‭ ‬She screamed and yelled but no one heard,‭ ‬her urgent‭ ‬cries echoed harmlessly across the meadow.‭ ‬No one would hear,‭ ‬and that was why she had come,‭ ‬for some piece and quiet.‭ ‬She‭ ‬didn’t know how long she‭ ‬laid there,‭ ‬her body on fire.‭ ‬But‭ ‬then just like that it‭ ‬disappeared.‭ ‬It was like stepping into the warmth from the cold,‭ ‬her body tingled with the‭ ‬hurt but‭ ‬it was all gone.‭ ‬She stood up,‭ ‬feeling slightly disorientated and weird,‭ ‬but very curious to see what heaven would like.‭ ‬Because that’s where she‭ ‬was.‭ ‬She had died and gone to heaven.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬she was in a meadow,‭ ‬but not the same meadow of course.‭ ‬No,‭ ‬this one was different.‭ ‬Very‭ ‬different,‭ ‬the grass was as clear as a pencil under a magnifying glass,‭ ‬each detail was sharp and‭ ‬lucid in‭ ‬front of her.‭ ‬The whole world was telling her a different‭ ‬story‭;‬ she could hear the wind rustling through the trees,‭ ‬twenty‭ ‬meters away.‭ ‬And when she closed her eyes,‭ ‬picturing the trees in her mind she was there.‭ ‬This had to be heaven,‭ ‬right‭?.....

She gasped,‭ ‬the memory hitting her like a slap in a face.‭ ‬She squinted down at the man‭ ‬in front of her,‭ ‬taking in his pale,‭ ‬pale skin,‭ ‬the deep golden eyes,‭ ‬the perfect face,‭ ‬and all the details that she had so skillfully ignored.‭ ‬She glanced down at her own hands,‭ ‬noticing the lack of the heat that came from them,‭ ‬the pale skin that matched his,‭ ‬and imagined what the‭ ‬colours of her eyes were.‭ ‬The knife slithered out of her hand,‭ ‬her sudden eagerness to be one with the blade had vanished.‭ ‬The‭ ‬moment was lost,‭ ‬instead replaced with a bitter raw ache where her heart should have been.‭ ‬She dragged herself away,‭ ‬mourning for who she was,‭ ‬and scared of what she had become.‭ ‬How could she expect to kill,‭ ‬when she couldn’t even fight the battle that raged within herself?

She heard him‭ ‬before he appeared behind her, ‬placing a hand on the small of her back and looking at her questioningly.‭ ‬For the first time she really‭ ‬acknowledged‭ ‬his presence, and ‬she waited curiously for what he was going to say.

‎“‏I guess it’s a little bit late for introductions,‭ ‬considering the fact that you just tried to‭ ‬kill me,‭ ‬but my name is Edward,‭”‬ he said,‭ ‬offering her a hand,‭ ‬“Edward Cullen.‭”

She smiled back awkwardly,‭ ‬taking his‭ ‬hand‭;‬ it was like he had read her‭ ‬mind.
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something different :) comments and critisism are as usual more than welcome x