Love Spells Magic


The sweet sounds of music met my ears as I stirred in my sleep. They music kept playing as I tossed over to the other side trying to block out the sounds. What the hell? I was trying to sleep and the annoyingsweet music was not helping me.

Slightly ticked off that someone was waking me up so early, I pulled back the curtain on my bunk and did a double take. Nick’s face appeared the second the curtain was fully in its folded position. I fought down a smile and tried to put a scowl on my face instead. Nick’s sweet melodic voice filled the air as he continued to sing for me as I ran my hand through my hair trying attempting to get rid of the bed hair.

I waited for Nick to finish singing before talking. “What are you doing?” I asked with a slight laugh.

Nick grinned. “Waking you up. What does it look like I’m doing?”

“It looks like I’m about to throw something at you for waking me up so early.” I teased. I looked past him and saw the small hallway between the bunk beds empty. “Did you kick everybody out?”

Nick scoffed. “No.” An easy smile crept up his face. “They’re all in the arena since you have sound check in a few minutes.”

I widened my eyes. “Are you serious? I’m going to be so late!”

I pushed past Nick and hurriedly tried to get ready. Sure enough, as I walked into the tiny kitchen, the digital clock on the microwave flashed 10:45. We were supposed to be at the arena at 11 and I still had to take a shower. A really, really quick shower.

Nick leaned against the wall and watched me with an amused expression. I brushed by and him as I stepped into the bathroom. “Stop enjoying this.”

Nick laughed. “Oh I am, don’t worry.”

Ten minutes later I was fixing my hair in the reflection on the fridge as I swallowed the last bits of my strawberry Poptart. I tried to hold the brush in my hand as I finished my breakfast. I ran back to my bunk through the deserted bus and grabbed a jacket before rushing back to the front of the bus.

My boyfriend was in the same position as before leaning against the wall next the door patiently waiting for me finish getting ready. His eyes traveled down my body as he took in my outfit of shorts and a tank top. I rolled my eyes. “You’ve seen this before and I’m pretty sure even less. Now move.” I ordered as I tried to shove him since he was blocking the door.

He grabbed my arm as I set my hand on the doorknob. As I began protesting for him to release me, Nick quickly silenced me. His lips captured mine and my lips immediately fell in synch with his. He pulled back and set his forehead against mine. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten. As my mind went through warp speed, I remembered that sure enough that it was Valentine’s Day. February 14th. I had been looking forward to this day for the last couple weeks. I had even bought him a gift. But after being woken up abruptly this morning, it had completely slipped my mind.

Nick chuckled clearly seeing my surprise. “I knew waking you up early this morning would do damage.” He leaned down and pecked my lips one more time. “But it’s okay, I forgive you.”

I laughed slightly. “I’m sorry. I was just so flustered this morning.”

“Don’t worry about.” Nick assured. “Come on, you’re going to be late.” We walked in hand in hand with each other as I hurried to get inside quickly. “You do realize that you still haven’t received your Valentine’s Day gift yet right?”

I turned to face him and looked at him with pleading eyes. “What did you get me?”

Nick laughed. “You think I’m going to tell you? Haven’t you learned that I love surprises?”

I crossed my arms stubbornly. “Well I don’t.”

“Too bad.” With that said, Nick kissed me one more time before pointing to the stage where Selena and the dancers were starting to get in their places. I pouted one more time before giving in and kissing him.

I ran out on stage and made it just in time as Selena’s bouncy music started playing. We didn’t stop for another half an hour till we got the moves down perfect. We were slightly rusty since we hadn’t performed them in about a couple days causing us to mess up some steps here and there. But overall it wasn’t too bad.

Grabbing my water bottle, Reiley and I walked to the end of the stage and sat down with our legs dangling off the side. The tech crew was beginning to dismantle Selena’s set and put up the main acts. Reiley and I began talking about past Valentine’s Day experiences when a loud bang could be heard throughout the entire arena.

Everybody looked up to see a side door of the arena being loudly shut as a man in a work suit walked win. Biting down my lip, I tried to control my laughter. The poor man had what seemed like almost 50 balloons tied together in front of him. He was struggling to walk as he tried to manage to keep them all intact.

Big Rob went up to him and took the horde of balloons from him after signing his signature on the clipboard. Everybody looked at him curiously to see who all those balloons were for. “Cady! These are for you!” I looked at him surprised. Who the hell would send me 50 balloons?

After jumping down and regaining my balance, I strolled over to him and took the balloons out of his grasp. They bounced in my face as I tried to control them. I finally decided to set them down on an arena seat. “They came with this.” Big Rob handed me a small card.

There are 50 balloons. Pop every single one of them but start with the green one and save the pink one for last.

Glancing towards the stage I looked for the person who I thought was behind this but I couldn’t see him anywhere. Turning my attention back to the balloons I hesitantly chose a green one and popped it with my finger. I winced when it made the loud sound but caught the flying paper just in time.

50 Reasons Why I Love You.

1. You’re simply irresistible.

A cheesy smile crept on my face as I opened balloon after balloon after balloon. I couldn’t believe Nick. It must have taken him forever to assign a note to each of these balloons let alone think up 50 reasons. My heart seemed to melt as I read every single reason that he put in the balloons.

19. You have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

23. Because when I’m with you, nothing seems to matter.

37. Your eyes are enough to uplift me from a long and stressful day.

41. You love me even with all my faults.

48. You taught me the true meaning of love.

I was at the last balloon as one lone pink balloon was still tied to the string.

The 50th Reason Why I Love You: Even though it hasn’t been that long, you make me feel as if we’ve been together for a lifetime.

My eyes focused itself on the paper that was settled in my hand. This had to be the most original Valentine’s Day present ever that only Nick could think of. It touched my heart dearly and I couldn’t think why I was so lucky to have this much of an amazing boyfriend.

A pair of arms snaked across my stomach from behind me. I jumped at the sudden touch but relaxed once I felt a kiss on my bare shoulder. I turned around and wrapped my arms around Nick’s neck and pressed myself as close to him as possible. After a few seconds I pulled away from him but not for long as I set my lips against his, kissing him as long as I could before needing more air. “Thank you so much.” I said softly. “You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“It’s just for the most incredible girl friend ever.” Nick replied with a small smile. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“Hilary! Have you seen my blue necklace?” I called out as I rummaged through my jewelry bag.

Since we had a concert in a mere hour, Nick’s only option to set up a somewhat Valentine’s Day date was for a small moment by ourselves at his tour bus. Nick promised me that everybody would be out of the tour bus and it would only be us two. He felt terrible that he couldn’t take me out to dinner but I quickly reassured him that I would rather do something intimate and small that something on the large scale and fancy.

Hilary walked up to me and leaned against my bunk as she watched me. “Cady, it’s on the bathroom counter.”

I looked up at her gratefully. “Really? Thanks.”

Sure enough, the blue necklace was sitting right where I had let it earlier. Throwing my hair back, I clasped it and fixed the charm so it set on my necked right. I ended up wearing the matching light blue sweater dress I had that went along with the dress Maya had borrowed last week. My hair was fully straightened and pushed back with a hair band while my feet were snug in black flats.

I picked up the gift bag with Nick’s present that was waiting for me at the edge of the entrance of the door and walked out into the chilly air towards the tour bus. The moment I stepped inside the Jonas tour bus, silence welcomed me.

“Hello?” I called out. I did a full 360 circle before coming face to face with Nick. My head jerked back as Nick laughed at my jumpy attitude.

“Hi.” Nick’s soft hands cupped the sides of my face bringing me closer to him. My attention became focused on kissing Nick that my hands dropped the bag I was holding onto the couch.

Pulling back, Nick rested his forehead on mine. “As much as I would love to continue this, we don’t have much time in here. We’ll do presents first and then I’ll make out with you again.”

I laughed at his forwardness but obliged. “Do you want to do your present first or mine?”

“Mine.” Nick stated. I smiled but didn’t argue and handed him the purple covered bag that was stuffed with tissue paper inside. Nick carefully took out the tissue paper one by one as he opened the gift. I watched his reaction as he discovered the gift. A grin found its way on his face as he turned the yellow Converse over once, and then twice, inspecting his new shoes.

“Do you like them?” I asked. It had taken me forever to come up with an idea for a gift for Nick. It was the other day when I had seen his mother scold him for wearing his green converse that was in such bad shape that I had decided to buy him those.

“I love it.” Nick pecked my lips before proceeding to bring out a tiny bag of his own. It couldn’t have been more than three inches high the bag, so I was curious to see what he had gotten me. “Your turn.”

Taking the miniature bag from him, I daintily removed the tissue. At first I was confused because I couldn’t find the gift but then my eyes landed on it. A small charm was at the bottom of the bag. I looked up at Nick with wide eyes. “It’s to add to the charm bracelet I gave you.” My eyes moved to the charm bracelet that was on my right wrist. Memories flooded back as I remembered him giving me the bracelet on the last day we were together on set.

My fingers picked up the charm and I brought it up closer to inspect it. It was a simple silver heart with no saying on it. But designs were engraved in it pointing out it was most likely real silver that it was made out of.

“Thank you.” I said softly for the second time today.

Nick always blew my mind. As I stood on my toes to kiss him one more time, I couldn’t help but think. My heart belonged to Nick. There was no question about that. His love for me and my love for him made my life so balanced and made me feel secure and happy with everything in my life. The things Nick could to do to make me feel giddy were endless. But one that was for certain. It would take a lot for the love I had for him to shatter. No matter whatever had happened in the past with us in the past or what would happen with us in the future, I was certain about one thing. At this moment, I loved Nick with all my heart and nothing could ever change that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Will you look at that? Two updates within three days! This is what Spring Break does to you. =]

Ha I think Stephanie and Hailey are the only other ones awake right now. But I wanted to get this out cuz I thought it was a really cute chapter and I couldn't wait to post it. Jenny, are you happy?

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Kodhai <3