Love Spells Magic

Pro Bowl and More

The loud sounds of air rushing came from the blow dryer as I positioned it at the roots of my hair trying to get all the water out of it. Throwing my damp hair back I decided it was the best I could do for now. I ran a comb through it before clipping it back with a butterfly clip.

I took one look at the clock before fumbling with my make up bag. It was already five till six o clock and the game started at six. Yes, game not concert. The Pro Bowl was on tonight and Nick had begged and pleaded with me for almost an hour straight for me to come join him and his band watching it instead of my original plan of relaxing and sleeping.

After a much convincingmake out session discussion, I had agreed to go. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy football. I loved football to be honest. Back home my family would make it a tradition to watch the Sunday football games. Our home town team, the Bengals, were terrible but that didn’t mean we weren’t fans. It’s just that I’d much rather spend the luxurious time I do actually get to sleep and relax rather than spend three hours watching a football game.

I knew Nick was going to tease me the minute I stepped inside the tour bus. But I had Cincinnati pride, there was nothing I could do about it. I had brought along my Carson Palmer jersey with me on tour and this would be the perfect time to wear it. I mean, this quarterback was one of the top ranked out of the NFL. He had to give him some credit.

I grabbed my cell phone on the way out and reminded Jenny where I would be just incase anyone would be looking for me. Not that it would be much of a mystery to where I would be. Most cases I was either with Reiley and Hilary, in my bunk and the more often situation, with Nick somewhere.

I rushed outside through the brisk air. Nick always reminded me to take a jacket knowing I would get cold but I never saw the point. I was outside for maybe only thirty seconds. There was no need for a jacket. Pulling open the tour bus door I stepped inside to a considerably warmer temperature.

Frankie was the first to see me the second I entered the tour bus. “Cady!” He shrieked as he jumped from Mrs.Jonas’s side and into my open arms. His tiny arms wrapped around my neck almost knocking me over. I squeezed him a hug back and gently set him back down.

“Hey Frankie. How are you?”

“I would say I’m pretty good. But they boys won’t let me watch the game with them.” Frankie pouted. “They said I have to go be with Mommy and not bother them.”

“We didn’t say that.” Kevin interrupted. “All we said was you could be with Mom if you wanted.”

“But I don’t want to be with Mom.” Frankie stated crossing his arms.

“Thanks Frankie.” Mrs.Jonas said but with a smile on her face. I bit my lip trying to contain my laughter.

I put my hands on Frankie’s shoulder and leaned my head down. “You can take my spot, okay? I really don’t want to be here.” I looked up at Nick and winked. “But Nick dragged me here. So go sit next to him.”

Without objecting, Frankie rushed to the empty spot next to Nick and made himself comfortable next to his older brother. Nick glared at me behind Frankie’s back. I laughed it off and quickly greeted the other band members before walking over to Maya and Mrs.Jonas in the kitchen.

They were preparing all the snacks for the high amount of boys. Even when I was back in school, I could never understand how in the world boys could eat so much and never gain any weight. It defied all of nature’s laws.

“Not much of a football fan?” I asked as I grabbed a carrot from the vegetable tray.

Maya rolled her eyes. “I would be but I can’t even see the TV. It’s beyond crowded over there.”
She wasn’t exaggerating. The section of the tour bus that was assigned as the living room was fully packed. Even with the tour bus’s extended part working, there wasn’t that much space left there.

I began to help them in putting together all the food. We quickly finished within the next ten minutes. Trying to balance two trays in both of our hands, Maya and I walked over to the front and set the trays down on the table. Multiple pairs of hands immediately reached for it as the boys gorged down the food.

Maya and I decided to sneak out to the back of the bus and climb onto one of the extra bunks. We left the curtain open knowing that someone would end up sooner or later come looking for us. Pulling down the portable TV, we switched the channel to the Pro Bowl.

The band and almost everybody else on tour missed the Super Bowl since it was the same night as one of their concerts. Much to my amusement, they had pouted and had been in a grouchy mood the entire day because of the fact they were missing Super Bowl. I gladly rubbed it into their faces that I was able to catch the last quarter of it after going back to the dancers’ tour bus and watching.

“Can I steal you for a minute?” Nick’s voice popped up causing me to jump. I sent an apologetic look to Maya who in return gave me a smirk before pushing me out of the bunk. Nick dragged me to the isolated back room and shut the door.

The minute I had entered the room, Nick gently pushed me against of the door. Without wasting any time, he leaned down to kiss me. I found myself in his grasp for awhile, not that I was complaining, before pulling away. “You left me with Frankie even before I could kiss you. At least let me kiss you now.” Nick complained.

I tilted my head pretending to think before pressing my lips against his once more. His hands crept up my arms before finding its normal position on the small of my back bringing me closest to him as possible.

Nick finally pulled away but didn’t remove his hands from where they were. His smile turned into a smirk as he noticed my clothing. “Please tell me that’s not a Bengal’s jersey you’re wearing.”

I glared at him. “It is. Don’t say another word or I will guarantee you I’m not kissing you for another three days.”

His eyes widened. “I love the jersey.” Nick stated before leaning down once again. My lips moved against his in synch but were quickly detached as Nick moved his way down to my neck. He planted kisses up and down my neck never stopping. It was driving me crazy. I brought him back up to my face, kissing him to distract him from other various parts of my body.

“As much as I would love to continue this, we probably should stop. They’re going to wonder where we are.” I reminded Nick as he took advantage of me talking and once again went back to kissing my neck.

Nick sighed. “Okay.” I gave him one more kiss before twisting the doorknob behind me and walking out. Nick followed me with our hands still intertwined and back into the front of the tour bus.

Maya had joined them and was watching it on the big screen with everyone else. There was no more room left to sit so Nick and I were left to standing against the wall of the tour bus. I leaned against Nick’s chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He set his chin on the top of my head and was sneaking in kisses whenever anybody wasn’t looking.

Half time came and the front of the tour bus instantly dispersed. Apparently the professional Half Time review didn’t matter much to the boys. They raided the kitchen where a new batch of snacks was eagerly waiting for them.

I set my cell phone down on the table and collapsed onto the couch. Nick sat down next to me and my body immediately snuggled into his chest as he wrapped an arm around me. Maya came and joined us and we jumped into a conversation. She offered me a Red Bull which I gladly took.

Corey’s eyes are like a jungle
He smiles, it’s like the radio
He whispers songs into my window
In words that nobody knows

I froze. I knew that ringtone. Almost afraid, I looked towards Nick who was staring at my phone. His jaw was set and I didn’t really like the look in his eyes.

There’s pretty girls on every corner
That watch him as he’s walking home
Saying, does he know
Will he ever know

I couldn’t just let the phone keep on ringing. My hands reached forward so I could answer it or at least silence it. But I was stopped when I felt Nick’s hands cover mine.

“Nick.” I warned. “Let go.”

He couldn’t do this again. Not after what happened last summer. Nick watched me as I slipped my hand underneath from his hand and flipped the phone open. I walked to an isolated area of the bus and leaned against the wall to talk.

Corey’s voice echoed through the phone receiver as I chatted with him. He was one of my best friends and I wouldn’t stop communicating with him just because Nick wasjealous uncomfortable.

I could feel Nick’s gaze on me the entire time I was on the phone. I avoided making any eye contact with him. I knew if I did that there would be no way that I could continue talking to Corey.

Our conversation finally ended with me closing the phone with a slight smile on my face. That boy never failed to lighten my mood. I think he was aware that I was in a situation that I was unable to avoid and was trying to cheer me up.

I snapped my phone close and put it away in the back pocket of jeans. My hair blocked the left side of my face as I turned downwards to fix my shirt and was startled when I found Nick dangerously close to my face when I looked up.

“Yes?” I asked slowly. Checking behind to make sure there was a support for me, I leaned against the wall crossing my arms across my chest.

“Was that Corey?” Nick asked with no expression on his face.

“Maybe.” Nick didn’t say anything back as he waited for to expand on the response. I rolled my eyes. ‘Do not start this again with me, okay? I thought we already had this conversation last summer.”

“That doesn’t mean that I’m comfortable with you talking to him.” Nick stated shoving his hands into his pocket.

“You don’t have to be comfortable Nick!” I exclaimed. “It’s my life, my friends, and I get to choose who I get to talk to! You can’t tell me who to talk to and who not to talk to!” I said frustrated. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a few heads turning from the kitchen and I lowered my voice. “You don’t control me.”

“I never said you couldn’t talk to him.” Nick said exasperated.

“Really? Because it sure as hell seems like it.” I retorted.

Nick sighed and brought his hands up to his eyes. “Can we not talk about this here?” He looked to his right as the rest of his friends were beginning to realize that we were arguing.

“Fine. Call me later since I at least know I’m allowed to talk you on the phone. Or am I not even allowed to pick up the phone at all?” Without even waiting to see his response, I brushed past him and quickly said goodbye to Maya and rushed out the tour bus.
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You can't hate me! I've been updating a lot these past few days! *runs and hides behind Big Rob*

So this posted kinda early in the evening since I'm spending the night at my best friend's tonight. We have to be up before nine *tear* since her mom has to drop me off earlier. Why am I tell you this?

Leave comments!
Kodhai <3

P.S. Check out my one shot called Fearless!