Love Spells Magic


Tiredness washed through my entire body as I attempted to walk back to the hotel. The last two days had been nothing but one thing: dancing. I had barely any time to eat or sleep, let alone function. We’ve been working nonstop for 48 hours to make sure we were ready on time for tour to begin. Most tours had weeks to rehearse their dances, but since Selena was an opening act and is only performing a few songs, Disney had given us less time to put together a show.

Our dance coordinator, Michaela cooperated with us with the limited time we had and somehow created these amazing dances. So it wasn’t like I was dancing dance moves I didn’t want to, but it was exhausting to learn all of them. All of Selena’s songs she was performing were upbeat and bouncy so there really wasn’t any break for us to breathe.

Today was the last day and I was relieved to say that all the dancers knew their steps and were ready to start the tour. Much to my dismay, I hadn’t been able to see much of Nick, let alone any of his brothers, because of my busy schedule. They’ve been constantly promoting the tour with radio interviews, special TV appearances, and secret concerts. I’m not even sure why they’re doing this, their fan population hasn’t decreased one bit. If there’s even been any change, the fan population has probably increased.

A car had dropped the entire group of back up dancers at the entrance of the hotel we were staying at. Since the entire crew was staying in the city for three days, they had booked us a hotel to stay at while the tour buses we located at the arena. Joe warned me it was going to be one of the few times this was happening, they rarely ever booked into a hotel while staying at the city because of the expenses.

The almost entire top two floors of the hotel belonged to everyone on tour. Selena’s back up dancers had paired up with one other girl to share a hotel with. Reiley and I had instantly paired up. We had become pretty close friends in the last few days and I was grateful for that. Hilary and Jenny usually hanged out with us while we were on breaks and all of us were close. Though all three of them were two years older than me, it didn’t seem like it. I quickly realized age wasn’t really a factor when it came to friendships.

Right now, all of the dancers were entering the hotel to go back to our rooms and hopefully sleep all evening. Water bottles in our hands, we were tiredly talking to each other in low voices walking through the prestigious lobby. People were scattered around on the couches talking on their cell phones, on their laptops or mingling quietly. This hotel was one of those where you were almost too afraid to speak in unless you were spoken to.

My feet dragged through the rich carpet on the floor and headed towards the elevator. The herd of dancers followed me as I continued to walk. Reiley and I were mumbling to each other about what else? The much needed sleep that was haunting and taunting us. We turned around the corner and to our surprise we saw Nick and his brothers and their band talking and goofing around. As much as I was glad to see my boyfriend finally after the long day, all I wanted to do was crash on my bed and sleep as long as forever could hold.

Their attention shifted to us as they noticed us. Nick’s eyes lit up when he focused himself on me. He sauntered over to me and wrapped his arms around my body. I barely moved my arms so it covered his back and dropped them quickly. He pulled back and smiled at me. In a weak attempt, I gave him a tired smile and stepped away from him. I leaned against the wall and waited for the elevator to come down.

“How was rehearsal, girls?” Kevin asked popping open a Red Bull can. We stared back at him with exasperated expressions on our faces. He put his hands up in defense. “Sorry, my bad. I shouldn’t have asked.”

Garbo laughed. “All of you look so pathetic right now. I wish I had a camera to show you guys later.”

Hannah wearily sighed. “I’m not even going to try to get you back. My mind’s on complete shutdown.”

Nick skillfully slid his arm around my waist and attempted to bring my body closer to his.

Mustering up the little strength I had left, I wiggled out of his grasp and stepped away. “Don’t touch me.”

Nick looked up to me with confused and a slightly hurt expression. “Why?”

“I’m tired, exhausted, and all I want to do is sleep now.” I explained in a worn out voice. Once again, I leaned against the wall to hold me up.

John Taylor snickered. “Did we mention how sorry all of you look right now?”

I turned around and shot daggers at both Garbo and John. “Both of you, shut up. I’m really tempted to throw my water bottle at you.”

“I’m being threatened by a 15 year old girl with a water bottle.” Garbo whispered to Jack which resulted in both of them having a fit of laughter.

I let out a groan of frustration and weakly threw the water bottle towards them. It barely hit Garbo on the shoulder before falling fast on the carpet. The ding of the elevator’s presence distracted us as we quickly started to walk onto it.

“Okay, come here you.” Nick stated. Before I had a chance to question him, even in my state of mind, I felt an arm touch the back of my knees before they gave out under the pressure.
As I was falling down, Nick swiftly moved his arm underneath my back and lifted me up. Now in a cradle position in Nick’s arms, my body immediately relaxed.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m carrying you up to your room. You’re can barely even stand up let alone walk. So me being the most awesome boyfriend ever, am taking you up to your room.” Nick grinned at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him before giving up. “Fine. But don’t drop me.”

Nick smirked. “I’m not planning too.”

Elevator music filled the air as we went up the building. Only half of us had gotten on since the elevator could hold only so many people. Most of the other dancers had squeezed in while a couple stayed down with the band and Nick’s brothers.

“Don’t you look cute right now?” Reiley cooed. She started laughing as I peeked an eye open and shot her a look cueing her to shut up. I snuggled back into Nick’s chest and enjoyed the feeling of warmth and security.

The elevator opened up with a loud clang and I felt myself moving down a hallway. We came to a stop a few seconds later and I heard Nick whisper to Reiley for the key. They started bickering over who would open the door. They immediately stopped when I mumbled, “Someone open the damn door already.”

A click echoed in the air as the key was slid through the magnetic detector. The sound of the padding of his feet and the carpet was all I could hear as Nick moved throughout the room.
The feeling of satin pillows and a thick comforter touched my back as Nick set me down on the bed. Without opening my eyes, I moved my legs underneath the comforter and pulled it above me. I silently thanked myself that I was already in sweats and a tank so I wouldn’t have to change. I snuggled into the sheets and tried to drift off into sleep.

The shifting of the bed caused my heavy eyelids to flutter open and adjust to the darkness. The lights were turned off dimly as Reiley moved around the room getting ready to sleep. I turned my attention to Nick who was sitting on the side of my bed. He scooted closer towards me and brought his soft hand to my cheek. “You look really cute when you try sleep, did you know that?” He grinned as I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Did I tell you that you’re an incredible boyfriend?” I smiled faintly as he reached his hand out to stroke my hair. Nick chuckled at my question. “You may have mentioned it before.”

“Just making sure.” Closing my eyes, I touched his hand that rested on my hair and rubbed my hand across his warm hands. The warmth made its way through my entire body making me yawn and yearn for sleep once more.

“Cady!” Reiley called out emerging from the bathroom decked out in Eeyore pajamas and a tight white cami. “I’m going down to Hilary’s and Jenny’s room and hanging out there for awhile. I’ll be back in about a half an hour.”

I looked at her surprised. “How are you not asleep? You seemed almost dead on the way to the hotel.”

Reiley grinned. “That’s where the love of Red Bull comes into play.” She swiped her key of the nightstand next to me. “I’ll see you later, babe. Get some sleep!” With that, she scurried out of the room and gently shut the door behind her.

I was smart enough to know that she had set this up. Her personality the last few days proved to me she was the bubbly girl who would do anything for friends. And it seemed to her as a favor to me that she was letting me spend time with my boyfriend. I would have to thank her tomorrow. I rolled my eyes at the thought and turned my attention to Nick.

“Since she’s not here…” Nick hinted.

“Only till she gets back.” I warned. He smirked and jumped from where he was sitting and scrambled over my body and tucked his legs under the covers. He leaned against the headboard and put his arm around me as I snuggled into his body. We stayed in that position for a few minutes in silence enjoying the moment.

“I’m really glad you’re here.” Nick whispered. I tilted my head upwards at met his eyes. He smiled softly instantly making my face light up in a smile. I propped myself on my elbow and pushed my body up so I was sitting next to Nick. He readjusted his body as I sat in my new position. I leaned up and kissed him tenderly on the cheek.

“I’m glad I’m here too.” I murmured setting my forehead against his. Nick smiled widely before closing the gap between us with a sweet kiss. His soft lips lightly touched mine before pressing them against mind and pulling away a few seconds later. Nick’s kisses always had the after effect of a tingling sensation that stayed on my lips afterwards. “And I love the fact I can do that.” Nick teased.

Nick moved his arm that wasn’t around me across my stomach and pulled me into a tight hug. I curled up in his grip and used his chest as a pillow. “Go to sleep.”Nick planted a kiss on my head before saying, “I love you.”

I made myself comfortable and mumbled back, “I love you too.”

My mind drifted off into conscious sleep where I felt I was on top of the world. Peace and the feeling of content overcame me as I fell asleep in Nick’s arms. His sense of protection he had on me sealed the last bit of doubt that was somewhere traced in my brain. Being with Nick was all I could ask for. The feeling of love and the feeling of being wanted was enough to make anyone feel beautiful and dazzling.
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I was in the mood for a cliche super cute chapter :)
It's getting close to Valentine's dayy...that's probably whyy.

Speaking of Vday! For German class we have to write a love letter to someone...the lucky boyy has the initials NJJ. =]

Have an amazing weekend! I have a dance performance tomorrow tonight. Wish me luck!

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Kodhai <3