One Mistake


“Please…” She barely whispers. Her eyes are red and hurt from crying. She doesn’t want him to leave.

“Don’t go,” she says as she watches him put his bag on the bed starting to pack it.

He looks up into her eyes that were once a piercing blue, now a dark, cold grey.

“Why…?” she asks.

She watches as his eyes fill up with tears.

“I don’t want to hurt you again,” he says.

“You’re hurting me now,” she sniffs.

He looks down and finishes packing.

He goes to walk out the door, when she grabs his hand. He stops and turns to look at her.

“Don’t do this to me,” she whispers. Tears roll down her cheeks. He raises his hand and wipes them away.

“It’s for the best,” he says, then pulls back.

She can tell this is the end. She doesn’t want it to be.

She watches as he puts his stuff into the black BMW. She runs outside, pulling his stuff from the car, throwing it to the ground.

“Don’t leave me. I love you,” she says.

She makes him cry. She can tell he’s feeling the same.

He picks his stuff up and puts it back in the car. He drives off, leaving her to fall to pieces in the drive way.

She knows it’s over but she’s still here, she’s still here for him. He touched her heart, he touched her soul. He changed her life, he made her feel special.

This felt like hell. No pain in the world could even come close to how she feels right now. Her heart is breaking and he is the one making her feel like this.

She walks back inside and drags herself upstairs to the bed. As she lies down, she thinks back.

She opens the front door of the house and stumbles out. She doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t know where to go. She just walks. She’s walking down the road until she hears his voice from behind her.

He calls her name.

She ignores it and carries on walking.

“Wait!” he shouts, running after her.

She feels his hand grab her arm to stop her.

“Please, it’s not what it looks like,” he says.

She turns around slowly to face him, and looks him in the eyes.

“How could you do this to me? And with her?!” she yells.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“I trusted you! You said nothing was going to happen and you ended up having sex with her!”

“No, it’s not like that-“

“Yes it is! You lied to me!”

“Baby, I’m sorry...“ he starts as he puts his hand on her upper arm.

“Don’t!” she shouts as she pushes him away.

“Baby... please.”

“Why? Why would you do something like that to me?”

“I was wasted. She came onto me!”

She shakes her head at him and continues to walk on. He grabs her arm.

“Get off me!” she shouts as she pushes him off of her, walking away.

“Wait, please!” he says.

He runs on and stops in front of her, making her stop and look down at the ground.

“You’ve hurt me,” she whispers.

“I know,” he replies.

It was one mistake. She’s told him she’ll put it in the past and move on, but he says he can’t forget it. He’ll always know how he’s made her feel and how he’s betrayed her.

She gets out a converse shoe box from under the bed and sits on the floor with it in front of her. She opens it to see it full with photographs. She goes through them, one by one, remembering the good times they had together. She stares at their smiling faces as they hold each other in each picture. They used to be so happy. What went wrong?

Fresh tears fall from her watery eyes. The thought of him not being around anymore makes her feel sick.

Why did he leave the way he did? She loved him more than she has loved another. She needs him in her life. She wants him back in her life. He made things so simple and now he’s gone. Just like that, he’s gone and she can’t get him back.

She gets in bed, even though she knows she won’t be able to sleep. She loves him it hurts and she feels like she can’t breathe. She doesn’t want this to be the end, but she knows it is. She knows that he’s leaving her and not coming back.

She wakes the next morning from a horrible, uncomfortable sleep that lasted an hour and a half at least, and rolls over to find him not there.

She tries to forget the events of yesterday but can’t. She gets up and calls him, but he won’t speak to her. It’s too hard. Why is he doing this to her?

She stops trying to call him.

She walks into the bathroom and looks at her own reflection. She’s no good without him.

It’s for the best

His voice echoes in her head as she takes the bottle of pills in her hand. One by one she swallows them. All of them. This is the end of her. She doesn’t want to see him with anyone else and she can’t bare the thought of being without him.

She starts to feel weak. The pills are kicking in. She falls to her knees and then slowly lies on the cold bathroom floor. Her breaths are becoming slower as her vision starts to blur.

She starts to drift away.

She pictures his face, every feature. How his black hair spikes out in all directions, how his emerald eyes twinkle when the light hits them, how his lips curl at one end to make that cheeky grin.

She smiles, knowing that he is the last thing going through her mind.