‹ Prequel: You Should Know
Status: Complete

Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands

With Whom You Belong

“Don’t let him get suspicious, okay? Can we pull over at this rest stop coming up?” I was multitasking and talking to Lipski and Meg, who was driving.

“He has no clue. He thinks I’m on the phone rescheduling your vacation. And yes, you can pull over at the next rest stop,” Lipski teased.

“Lipski says we can pull over,” I told Meg as I pulled the phone away from my face and gave her a smile. She just rolled her eyes at me. “Thank you so much for all of your help! I’ll see you tomorrow!” I was so excited about everything I was conspiring.

“Safe travels. See you tomorrow!” Lipski sang and he hung up.

“Seriously, I need to pee again,” I laughed as I turned and looked at Meg; she was focused.

There was something up with her. She was pretty subdued and not as chatty. She had been this way for a few days now that I thought about it, but I was sort of consumed by my planning and a little selfish. I had asked her if she wanted to talk, but she just chalked it up to stress about this work trip and then this morning she blamed it on being tired, so maybe a coffee would do the trick.

“You’re not even that pregnant. How are you peeing all the time?” She laughed and was started to pull off, for our third time in four hours.

“I have two babies sitting on my bladder and I’m making sure to stay hydrated,” I reminded her by holding up my enormous water jug.

“Tell those babies we have a tight schedule,” She was warming up, I was thankful.

Meg parked the car and I rushed into the building and bee-lined it to the bathroom with Meghan far behind me. I finished up in the bathroom and walked out to find Meg sitting in a chair with a coffee and texting on her cell phone. I approached her and sat down across from her.

“You relieved?” She smirked as she put her phone back in her purse.

“So much better. You ready to get back on the road?” I yawned.

“Yes, yes. Can you keep your bladder in check for at least a few more hours?” Meg stood and slung her purse over her shoulder.

“I make no promises. My body is not under my control anymore,” I said sarcastically and followed her out and back into the car.

We were on our way to Chicago. I was going to surprise Gabe, he’d done it for me so many times before and I wanted to do it for him. I missed him too much to wait that extra week to see him. And it just so happened to work out that Meg had to be in Chicago for business at the same time. She was my cover; she called Gabe saying she wanted to come to his rescheduled show while she was in town. He was so excited to have her come and she was bringing a “work” friend. I also had a few other things up my sleeve that Lipski was helping me with too.

I was cleared to fly by my doctor, but I didn’t want to risk it. I convinced Meghan to leave a little early and we were going to drive out to Chicago, which was give or take about thirteen and a half hours. We left my place at 4:30 this morning and had a tight schedule, which included a lunch, snack and a few bathroom breaks, which now was thrown off a bit by my overactive bladder, and we’d be in Chicago around 7pm.

Once we arrived in Chicago the plan was to crash at Meghan’s hotel for the night. Meg had to work in the morning and if the anticipation didn’t kill me I’d wait for her to get back instead of trying to meet Gabe at the airport or beating her to the show.

“Are you opposed to wearing a diaper?” Meg mused as we drove along.

“Do you want me to drive? You mad?” I laughed at her being so antsy.

“No, sorry…just like to get to places as quick as possible and this sitting in the car for hours has me deep in my thoughts,” She kept her eyes on the road.

“What’s on your mind? I can be your therapist. I’m good for it.”

“I’m just anxious about going back to the Chicago office…I haven’t been back since I left…” She trailed.

“You’re married now. Things have all come together for you,” I reminded her.

“We’ll see,” She laughed nervously.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked looking at her. What was she talking about?

“We’ll see if I can keep it together and not be such a basket case,” She stammered a bit.

“What does that mean? You’re talking like I don’t know you,” I teased. “You’re always cool and composed. What’s really going on?”

“You know the guy I was seeing while I was out here? Or the guy that I told you about while I was out here?” She relented and looked at me. I nodded and waited for her to continue before I jumped to conclusions. “He is going to be there and helping me facilitate the training seminar I’m doing,” Meg let out a huge breath and she slumped back in the driver’s seat and smirked at me.

“Are you and Rob okay?”

“Oh sure…I didn’t tell him. Adam and I are way over and we’ve talked and had other business calls together, but this is the first time I’ll be seeing him since I left…just nervous to see him. There’s nothing there or anything…just weird, you know?” She rambled. This was not what was wrong. She was never great at lying to me. When she created a story for me, it just meant that right now she wasn’t ready to talk, but maybe later. I’d go with it for now.

“Of course I know. You’ll be fine. You’re married and hot and can just show him everything he’s missing out on,” I snapped my fingers playfully and gave her a comforting smile.

“I bet he misses this ass every day,” She laughed.

I just laughed at her and I’d hold out for her to tell me what was going on. She would come around to me eventually, she tells me everything; she was my sister, blood or not.


“I’ll be back here around 3 hopefully, but 4 at the latest,” Meg said to me as she stood at the side of my bed. She didn’t turn my light on, but let the light from the bathroom stream into the room. I was so exhausted from yesterday’s drive. I squinted with one eye at her as she talked to me and I grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to me to check the time; 5 in the morning. Meghan was already completely dressed and ready to go to work.

“Okay, have a great day!” I stretched and yawned as I rolled onto my back from my side.

“Don’t even think about going to the airport today and wait for me to get back here so we can go over together, okay?” She said sternly, but with a smile.

“I won’t. I don’t think my body will allow me to leave this bed for much of the day,” I laughed

“Have fun whipping your new team members into shape.”

“Oh I will. I’ll have them wishing they never met me,” She flashed her teeth and winked at me and shut the light off in the bathroom and grabbed her coat, hat and gloves and gathered her work stuff. “I’ll see you later,” Meg sighed and headed out the door.

I adjusted the alarm on my cell phone to give me another hour in bed and rolled back over to go to sleep. I needed to be rested to see Gabe and to see our friends.
My alarm went off at ten and I begrudgingly rolled myself out of bed to start the day. My body was tired still. Sitting in the car for so long had cramped me up, but I had to get up and going. I had to make some final arrangements for our vacation and I had to get ready for tonight.

“Honey! I’m home!” Meg sang as she came back to the room around 3:30. She was bundled up with her computer bag around one shoulder and she was carrying a bag with the name of a liquor store on it. She set her computer bag down on the floor and the other bag next to it and took off her coat, boots, scarf and gloves and threw them on the chair next to the door.

“How was your day?” I asked with a smile. I was sitting on the bed with my laptop just e-mailing back and forth with Lipski. I had accomplished everything on my list today and was proud and excited.

“It was this good!” She said and pulled out a huge bottle of wine and a corkscrew out of the liquor store bag. “Well, it was actually really good, but after a long drive and an early day, I need a drink,” She chuckled. “How was yours?” She asked and started uncorking the bottle.

“You okay? Really…you can talk to me,” I closed up my computer and swung around to look at her.

“Sadler, I’m fine. I just want to relax. I’m not drinking this entire thing…”She gave me a look as if to say ‘Did you really think I was going to drink this whole thing?’ “Training was actually amazing. The new hires are actually smart and had great questions…they invigorated me again,” Meg poured her wine into a glass that was on the bar. She took her glass and sat on the edge of the bed near my feet.

“That’s great. I’m glad you had a good day. I know you…that’s all,” I eyed her. “Want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine, seriously. Thanks for being concerned,” She set her glass down on the night stand and gave me a hug. “Did you get all your vacation stuff sorted out?” She asked as we parted and she grabbed her glass before sitting beside me.

“He’s gonna shit with the surprise and I can’t wait to see it. Gabe will never see this coming,” I said giddily. “This is going to make him so happy and to see that is going to make me feel so good,” I gushed. I had an amazing surprise, an overdue surprise, up my sleeve.

“Oh, I know he will. Gabe may be rendered speechless, which is like impossible,” She teased gulping her wine.

“I’ve only seen him speechless twice in my life. Both times was when I told him I was pregnant and by speechless I mean he was taking a deep breath,” I rolled my eyes at Meg. My husband was a Chatty Cathy to say the least.

“Both moments that deserved a pause!” Meg lifted her glass to me and I raise and imaginary class to hers.

Meg finished two more glasses of wine before going to change into a more comfortable and appropriate outfit for tonight. I was restless. I didn’t want to wait any longer to see Gabe. I wanted to scrap the surprise, but I was going to be strong because the look on his face was going to be worth it all.

We both bundled up and were out the door to go to the venue. I was going to explode as we rode in the cab over. Lipski met us at the side of the venue and let us in. They were already on stage, which was the plan. Meg was going to be brought to the side of the stage to watch and I was gonna hang off stage out of view and at the encore I was going to stand next to her and see if Gabe noticed.

Lipski and Dirty, a member of Fall Out Boy’s crew, came out and met Meg and me at the side and brought us inside. Lipski took Meg to the side of the stage and I went with Dirty into a room nearby with a small TV that was piping the show and I could hear it all as well. I was so nervous and excited I could vomit.

“If you need anything give me a shout on this walkie. I gotta go finish up some stuff to get the boys on stage,” Dirty smiled as he rushed out of the room and back to his job.

“So glad we could be here with you gusy tonight. Patrick’s voice is in mint condition and ready for all of you guys,” Gabe blabbed as he strutted around the stage.

“Ready for all you beautiful ladies,” Ryland said seductively with an exaggerated wink.

“And maybe a few good men?” Gabe teased. “While Patrick was sick, we were ready for you guys and we’re ready now!” Gabe screamed and stood on the monitor at the front of the stage and pointed upward with one of his hands.

“You know who’s really ready?” Ryland asked Gabe/

“No, Ryland Blackinton, tell me just who is ready!”

“Well, Gabriel—“ Ryland began.

“I’m ready!” Alex smiled and danced a bit.

“Alex Saurez, ladies and gentlemen!” Ryland played a few notes on his keyboard and the crowd cheered.

“Nate, you ready?” Gabe asked and went over to Nate’s kit. Nate hit one of his symbols playfully. “That was weak son!” Gabe taunted and Nate went off on the drums. I loved seeing them all interact and play for the crowd. They were so good at what they did.

“LaToya? You ready?” Gabe asked Victoria, LaToya was one of his nicknames for her.

“Sure am,” She laughed and Gabe put her in a choke hold.

“You know who else is ready? Our friend Meghan Hitt is fucking ready,” Gabe screamed and I could only imagine Meg’s face at this moment. This was not at all a part of the plan. I laughed just thinking about it all. I watched the camera and Gabe ran to the side of the stage and emerged pulling Meg across the stage. She was trying her best to fight him. I could see her saying “no, no, no” over and over again to him.

“Meghan is a good friend of ours and married to one of my best friends! She was here on business and wanted to stop by to see the show, how awesome is she? Let’s give it up for Meghan!” Gabe screamed and held her arms up above her head for her. Meg looked mortified, but forced a smile as the crowd cheered.

“I hate you,” Meg said and Gabe’s mic caught it. The crowd laughed.

“Now Meghan, a question for you. ARE YOU READY?” Gabe screamed and ran up onto the monitor at the edge of the stage and put his fangs up.

“Well, Gabe…I’m ready for it, but I have this work friend that doesn’t know much about the Cobra’s and I think they would be better at this. They didn’t even want to stand with me,” Meg stopped his flow. Gabe gave her a look to say “You’re supposed to just say ‘Yes,.” I was guessing this was my cue, so I started to come out of the room and then panicked. I did not want to go on stage.

“Well…”Gabe was good on his feet. “Let’s initiate them into the Cobra Crew. Right guys?!”
He was encouraging the crowd to cheer as I stepped to the side of the stage, Meg glance to the side and saw me and relief washed over her face.

Gabe stepped back from the edge of the stage and back next to Meg who then scurried toward me. Gabe turned to watch her and I don’t think he realized it was me. Meg grabbed my hand and about halfway toward him I saw it click. The biggest grin I’d ever seen on him overcame his face and he started to laugh.

“Come out here, mama,” He gestured to me, going back into his stage mode. Meg dropped my hand and went behind me to push me faster.

I felt like a whale all of a sudden in the lights and in front of everyone. Alex and Victoria both smiled and waved at me as I crossed the stage toward Gabe. Nate stood up and nodded at me, I laughed and Ryland gave me a wink. Everything seemed to be in slow motion and felt like an eternity to get to Gabe, but it was actually just seconds.

“Guys, I have faith in you all that we can teach—“ Gabe held the mic up to my face. I got nervous. I wasn’t nervous with the crowd, but with him. It was like the first time we met. The butterflies were overwhelming, yet made me feel good that I still had them after all these years.

“Sadler,” I finally said and the crowd got very excited. I was sure some of it was because they were a crowd and that’s what they do, but some of it was probably because people recognized me or at least my name. It was sweet.

“Sadler, do you know how to throw your fangs up?”

Gabe was still putting on his show as if I was a random person. I rolled my eyes at him and held my fangs up to the crowd; they cheered.

“She fucking knows what’s up!” Gabe screamed. “Count of three lets all throw our mother-fucking fangs up!” He nudged me playfully. “1-2-3!” I put my fangs up with Gabe and then watched as every hand in the place went up. The sight made me emotional. I had seen it happen so many times, but it never got old. I was so proud of him and the band. “Are you ready!” Gabe shouted and the band started to play “Snakes on a Plane.” I smacked Gabe on the ass playfully and shuffled off the stage.

Gabe followed me and caught my hand and turned me around shaking his head “Oh no you don’t” he laughed and pulled me back into the middle of the stage with him. I tried to center myself and fight it, but I just skidded across the floor and finally gave in. He slung his arm around me and started to sing. I just stared up at him, probably looking like a lovesick girl, but I was.

“Normally, we have our good friend Travie would come out and do this part,” Gabe said out of breath to the crowd. I had taken a space in between Alex and Victoria while Gabe gyrated and ran all over the stage. “But, I’m pretty sure…no…I know our friend Sadler knows this part and I know Travie would want her to bust it out in his place for y’all.” He was just being evil now.

“No,” I mouthed to him and tried to run, but Alex blocked me. “Do you want to die, Alex?” I asked him and he just laughed.

“Come on,” Gabe whispered to me as he grabbed my hand in his. “Cheer for her!” Gabe commanded. I was no front and center. I was going blank. I couldn’t mess this up now or I’d look like a total loser in front of all his fans. I knew this part, I did. Gabe just smiled at me as he stood to the side of me. I waited for the cue from Nate and I didn’t even have to think, the words just came. I was relieved.

“No need for nervousness…it’s just a little turbulence!” I threw my fangs up and couldn’t help, but smile like a fool. Gabe stood next to me beaming. He turned and gave me a kiss, which took me by surprise. It was very quick and he launched back into the song.

“So kiss me goodbye!” He kept an arm around my shoulders and sang to the crowd. “Come on bring it!” The crowd cheered loudly. “Thank you guys! Give it up for my bomb ass wife!” He squeezed me tight and dropped his mic on the crowd. He winked at me and lead me off stage.

Gabe attacked me as soon as we were off stage and out of the crowd’s site. He kissed me so hard it made me laugh.

“I missed you too,” I laughed between kisses.

“You. Out. There. Singing. Dancing. Being cheered for. Got me all hot.” He said kissing me between each word he spoke. “You throwing the fangs up, oh man. You totally surprised me!” He finally stopped attacking me and just cupped my face in his hands and stared at me.

“You. Out there. Gyrating. Singing. Being worshipped. So hot,” I half mocked. Gabe laughed, but still just stared at me as if I wasn’t real. I blushed. I didn’t even know that was still possible. It’s like Lucas was resolved and it was allowing for us subconsciously to fall back into love with each other.

“I’m actually here,” I assured him.

“I know. I just want to look at my beautiful wife,” Gabe sighed lovingly.

We were both in our own world together. We had engrossed ourselves in the moment so much so that we didn’t notice our growing audience. Nate cleared his throat to announce the crowd and shook us out of our thoughts. I looked around and Nate, Victoria, Alex, Ryland, Lipski, Meg and the boys of Fall Out Boy were all watching and smiling at us, like people do at baby animals in a zoo.

“The get a room comment is coming…” I whispered to Gabe with a giggle. We had a mature friendset; I knew it was coming.

“Get a room!” Ryland said sarcastically and made a face as if he were grossed out.

“Hi everyone!” I laughed and Victoria rand to me and hugged me tightly.
Thank God!” She said excitedly. “I haven’t had a familiar girl around in forever!”

“Sorry I wasn’t able to save you sooner,” I laughed. I felt overwhelmed all of a sudden. A rush of nervousness came over me. Victoria looked me and without saying a word I told her I was okay and then realized tears were streaming down my face. “Happy tears,” I wiped my face.

“Happy to see me!” Ryland moved in, the way only he could, and hugged me. “You fucking slayed that rap, dude. Straight fire,” He motioned with his fingers acting as flames.

“I was trying to channel my inner Vanilla Ice.”

“Well, brava lady. Brava!” He clapped for me. I just shook my head and laughed at him.

“If anyone looks at you wrong you say ‘What da fuck you lookin’ at asshole’ and then come see me,” Alex spoke to my stomach in his exaggerated New York accent. He was taking over Ryland’s promise to teach my children their first swear word apparently.

I flashed back a little to the first time I was pregnant. The band was so excited and so good to me. They wanted a Cobra baby, which at times I thought only because they wanted to dress it up as one, but most of the time it was because they were just so happy for Gabe and me. I felt a tinge of sadness creep back in thinking about it all, but I pushed it down. This time would be different. This was when it was meant to be. We’d been through so much and we were still together and in love, which was amazing. I know we both thought it wouldn’t last at times, but here we are, so this pregnancy means more than either of us can really understand. And this time the band would get two babies to dress up and to be happy about.

“Don’t use that language around your parents; only with Uncle Alex,” I laughed giving him a hug and kiss.

It was like a parade. I went down the line hugging and kissing all of our friends; they were just as excited to see me as I as to see them. I felt high almost. I was happy.

“I still can’t believe you’re here. That everything that just happened – happened,” Gabe chuckled in a bit of disbelief. I felt accomplished seeing him so surprised.

“It had just been awhile since I surprised you…I proved to myself that I could still do it,” I said matter-of-factly.

“Let me see the belly,” He smiled like a child waiting for a sneak peak of something he shouldn’t be seeing.

“Ugh, no. It’s in that weird chubby phase, like right before I get a belly,” I groaned. I was feeling fine until I was in front of everyone in the venue.

“Don’t make me hold you down,” He winked and waited, tapping his foot and raising an eyebrow at me for me to pull up my shirt a bit.

“That’s how we got this,” I relented and looked the other way as I pulled up my shirt a bit. I felt his hands on my stomach and turned to look at him. It was the face. He was that kid on Christmas morning, opening that present that he wanted, but never thought he’d actually get. It’s sort of how I felt about this whole pregnancy. Seeing his face so happy made me teary eyed and I didn’t care that I had my belly exposed. It was just me and him in the hall anyway now, but even if everyone was around I would have felt like it was just us in this moment. I wiped my tears before Gabe could see; only because if he did he was bound to say something totally sweet and I’d be a bigger mess. I just wanted a night free from all the hormone fueled tears.

“So beautiful,” He sighed and I melted and I pulled down my shirt and wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight.

“I was feeling like a whale on stage tonight,” I admitted.

“You’re a cute whale,” Meg teased as she walked down the hall toward us. “Like a beluga.
They’re so cute,” She continued sarcastically as she reached us.

“Don’t you want to go hang out with Alex or Victoria?” I feigned hurt and rolled my eyes at her.

“Funny,” She made a face at me.

“Now, now, girls,” Gabe said in a fatherly tone as we parted to talk to Meg. “I want to spend time with both of my girls,” Gabe went and hugged Meg tightly. “Where’s Robert? He couldn’t surprise me too?”

“Robert is working or something…He’s in Florida with Valencia,” She said sounding very annoyed.

“Are you and Robert okay?” Gabe asked lightly, trying to lighten the mood with his tone, but he was concerned too.

“Yes, of course,” She laughed, but was not convincing.

“Boy, this one thinks we’re stupid,” Gabe said to me as he pointed to Meg. I just shook my head at him and stepped closer to them.

“It’s just marriage,” She sighed. “I hope anyway…”

“What’s going on? I knew something was up with you on the drive…Leave it to this one to press,” I swatted Gabe’s stomach playfully.

“It’s nothing. I’m just crazy!” She insisted. “I just wanted to give Gabe a hug and tell you guys I was gonna head out. I’m tired and I’ve got work early,” She was trying her best to be upbeat.

“Is it the traveling?” I questioned, letting my inner thoughts get the best of me. It was none of mine or Gabe’s business, even if they were our friends. They’d share what they wanted with us; in their time. But, both of them had been traveling a lot lately and had a lot of traveling ahead of them.

“No, no, no, seriously…it’s just me. I’m being a girl, which is so weird for me,” She laughed.

“We’ll figure it out…hopefully…” She trailed. She was hinting at something, which meant she wanted to talk about it, but wasn’t just there yet.

“Give us a minute?” I asked Gabe. He just kissed my forehead and then Meg’s and squeezed her shoulder before going back down the hall and disappearing into a doorway.

“I’m sorry,” She sighed. “This isn’t what I wanted to do to your trip,” She was on the verge of tears all of a sudden.

“Who cares?” I laughed “You’re my best friend and I’m here for you, no matter what the situation. What’s happening?” I asked and took her hands in mine and swung them from side to side to get her to relax and not feel so bad about the situation.

“I…I’m sick…” She stammered. Meg’s hands were shaking uncontrollably. I pulled her toward the side of the hall and I helped her slide against the wall and sit down. I slowly sat down to the side of her with my back facing down the hall so I could look at her and she could see me and that I was there for her.

“What do you mean by sick? Like you told a dirty joke? You checked Rob’s e-mails? What do you mean?” She was scaring me with the way she was reacting.

"No…like I’m physically sick. I’m not actually here for work…” She broke down and I reached out for her and took her into my arms. She clung to me tightly and sobbed. I didn’t even know what was wrong and I was crying, but I knew whatever it was, was serious, if it had Meghan, who rarely cried this way.

“And…I just told,” She hiccupped as she sobbed out words. I tried to soothe her by rubbing her back with one of my hands and sort of rocking her a bit. “I told…Rob I needed space and told him out of nowhere before he left so he couldn’t surprise me here,” She sobbed. “I know he hates me right now…”

“Why are you here? Stop scaring me,” I pushed her aback a bit to look at me and I used one hand to wipe my tears and Meg fanned her hands across her face and cleaned her tear stained cheeks.

“When I was living her before I woke up one morning with a lot of abdominal pain…I tried to shrug it off as just cramps, but it was bad and eventually I went to the ER. I had a tumor, or well, they thought it was, but it ended up just being a cyst on one of my ovaries and my cervix. They removed them, but when they did a biopsy they said there were cancerous cells present and sent me to see a gyno-oncologist…I go more regularly to the gyno now, but…” She started choking up again and my heart was slowly caving in just hearing her talk and I was waiting for the end of the story. I swallowed hard.

“I went last week for a routine appointment and they found cysts all over my ovaries and a mass…I made an appointment out here with my gyno-oncologist. That’s where I was today…I’m having surgery tomorrow, but chances of it being cancer and having to get a hysterectomy at 31 scares the shit out of me and I could die…I have to have Rob hate me and meet a pretty Jewish girl…and…and we just got married,” Meg collapsed into my hyperventilating and sobbing. “We just got married and started forever…”

“Meg, you don’t need him to hate you, you need him here for you. He’s your husband…you know, for sickness and in health,” I stroked her hair. “And…you don’t know anything yet.” I cleared my throat of the tears that kept forming in it and tried to be optimistic for her and frankly, for myself too.

“Sadie, I just know…I know it’s cancer…” She sucked in a huge breath and just shook with sobs. I didn’t know what to do.

“I’m going with you and Rob’s going to be here for you too,” I told her.

“I sort of just want to do it alone. You’re pregnant and happy and going away with Gabe. I don’t want to be the buzzkill,” She tried to laugh as she sat up. I wiped her face with the scarf I still had on.

“I will kill you,” I smiled at her. “I’m going with you.” I wasn’t asking. I was telling her.”

I scooted out and in front of her and sat Indian style in front of her body that was against the wall with her knees bent. I could feel eyes on me and I was sure Gabe was poking his head out to make sure we were okay. I looked down the hall as Meg held her head in her hands and Gabe was standing in the hall looking very concerned. I gave him a small smile.

Rob was his best friend and Meg had grown to be a part of him as well and not just because she was my best friend, but because she was my family and he got to know her because of that and loved her, just like I grew to be linked to Rob. My life and Gabe’s were intertwined now and when something happened to one of us we were always supported by the group, not just by who we knew first. None of us crossed into choosing a side, we were just there for our friends. So, I know Gabe just wanted to know if Meg was okay and not to be mad at her for whatever was going on with her and Rob. Though, I am sure part of him wanted to make sure Rob was okay in all of this too. I nodded at him and he came toward us, slowly as if not to make ripples in the floor.

“This is much more important Gabe will come back when he finishes the show tomorrow,” I soothed.

Gabe slid down the wall next to Meg and just wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. No questions; just comforting her in her time of need.

“Your trip…” She croaked.

“Who likes sandy beaches and warm weather? Not me,” Gabe told her and gave me a wink. I smiled at him weakly.

“I have no business putting on a bathing suit right now,” I chuckled softly.

“You look better in a bathing suit at like five months pregnant than most people who aren’t.” She sniffled finally lifting her head back up.

“Let’s not turn this into talking about me,” I hit her knees with my hands.

“Let’s get drunk. Okay?” Gabe stood and held out his hands for Meg. She grabbed his hands and he lifted her to her feet. Then Gabe helped me to my feet.

“I gotta get it In before 10.”

“It’s 9:20, we’ll have you double fisting and Sadler can hold two in the wings for you. You won’t have to worry about her sucking them down on you either,” Gabe teased and elbowed me.

Without a word we all just walked back down the hall. Meg wiped her face as we walked. As soon as we entered the room Gabe went to making her a drink and I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up and grab Meg some tissues. I walked back out and Meg had a drink in each hand and was settled on the couch next to Alex. I took her drinks and handed her the tissues and she wiped her face down and took her drinks back. She seemed more composed. Alex would keep her occupied.

“I was hoping to catch Fall Out Boy…can we?” I asked Gabe with a smile.

“Of course, my love,” I grabbed a bottle of water off the table and Gabe took my other hand and lead me out the door and on the way back to the stage. I needed a distraction. I couldn’t let my mind wander to the worst case scenario.

Gabe didn’t ask any questions, he was just there and supportive. He walked in front of me still holding my hand. He stopped short and I skipped a bit to avoid plowing into him. He turned around and hugged me tightly, pressing my head into his chest. I laughed and kissed it.

“Why are you laughing?” He chuckled too.

“You’re smothering me,” I mumbled and he squeezed me tighter with a laugh.

“I’m sorry. What was that?”

“I. Can’t. Breathe.”

“Excuse me for wanting to show affection for my sexy, pregnant wife,” He relaxed his grip enough for me to breathe and I looked up at him resting my chin on his chest.

“I got us a hotel room in Detroit for tomorrow, but you may have to use it without me. I also may have to change some other things around too,” I told him.

“What other things? What other surprises do you have up your sleeve, Mrs. Saporta?” He rocked me from side to side.

“Well, I don’t know if I can tell you just ye—“ I started and I felt my cell phone vibrating in the pocket of my blazer. I pulled it out and it was Rob. I showed it to Gabe and he nodded for me to answer it.

“Hey!” I mustered up some cheer as I answered.

“I’m outside the venue. Can you come get me? They’ve stopped selling tickets. I tried Gabe, but he didn’t answer,” Rob asked, all business.

“Uh, yeah, of course…be right there,” I was nervous and didn’t know what to do.

I was happy to hear that he was here and not letting Meghan put up that wall she was famous for. She wanted to be independent, which she took to a new level some times. Meg had gotten a lot better over time and especially after starting to date Rob, but she still reverted back to her old ways, this being one of those times.

“Rob’s outside and wants me to get him,’ I said as I hung up.

“That’s my boy!” Gabe said excitedly. He didn’t even know what was going on, but he seemed to think, well know that Rob was doing what he should.

“I’m gonna go and get him,” I gave Gabe a quick kiss and he let me go and grab Rob.

I was nervous as I made my way through the corridors of the venue and out to the front lobby. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I knew Rob would be level headed and kind, I wasn’t worried he’d cause a scene, but more worried about the scene Meg would cause. I crossed the lobby to him. He was standing with a backpack on and looked beyond agitated. I had never seen him like this before. I was almost scared to approach him, but I pushed myself forward.

“Hey,” I smiled at him to try and diffuse his mood.

“Where is she?” He almost yelled at me.

“I’ll bring you back,” I sighed and turned on my heels with Rob in tow.

I flashed my pass and brought him with me. I wanted to say something. To tell him what was going on, but I was so stunned by his demeanor that I couldn’t form words. And it wasn’t my place.

We walked back into the Cobra dressing room and Meg was still on the couch with Alex just talking. She was curled up on one side with her arm bent against the back of the couch, cradling her head and her feet folded up underneath her. She looked up as I came into the room and when she saw Rob she turned white. Panic and sadness filled her face.

“We need to talk,” Rob gritted as he stalked toward Meg.

“Not now,’ Meg sighed as she covered her eyes with her hands as if she had a migraine. As if the sight of him was painful.

“Yes, now. I left the show early and charged a last minute flight, so, yes, we’re talking right now,” He said angrily. I had never, in the almost eleven years I had known him seen him like this.

“Dude, take a breath,” Alex tried to calm him down as he got up of the couch and pushed back on Rob’s shoulders a bit.

“Dude,” Rob mocked. “Please,” He dismissed Alex, who put his hands up and just shook his head and brushed past me on his way out.

“What the fuck is up with all these texts? You need space? And then this one…this one right here,” Rob asked as he shoved his cell phone in her face.

I wanted to leave. I should have left already, but I was stunned. I was stunned by Rob’s behavior, it wasn’t bad, but I just had never seen him this way. He was always the cool, level-headed, polite mad guy.

“A divorce?” He shouted at her and she flinched at his yelling. I could tell she was taken aback by this too. “You came after me for commitment issues, which weren’t even really issues. I just loved you so much I was scared I was and would never be enough. I was scared because I never in a million years thought I’d meet something that actually completed me. It seemed too good to be true…and apparently my gut was right,” He seethed. “I continue to open up to you and to be honest with you and you just continue to keep everything to yourself. I have no clue what the fuck is going on right now Meg. No clue. What’s happening in your head?”

I felt a tug on my arm and it was Gabe. He pulled me slowly out of the room. We stood back from the doorway so we could still see them and make sure they didn’t kill one another.

“I…I…I’ve never seen Rob like that,” I stammered in disbelief.

“Me either,” Gabe was just as shocked as me.

I wanted to turn away, but I couldn’t. Meg sat unchanged on the couch. When had she texted him about wanting a divorce?

“Why?” Rob asked again, still shouting a bit.

“You just said it all,” She said calmly, almost antagonizing him.

“Don’t do this,” Rob raged as he threw his hands up in frustration.

“I can’t do this anymore, Rob,” She sounded tired as if they’d just gone 10 rounds, but it just begun.

“I’m not leaving until I get an honest answer out of you,” Rob quieted.

“I can’t…”

“For Christ’s Sake, Meghan, he’s your husband,” I was overcome and burst back into the room. I didn’t even know I was talking or walking back into the room until the words came out and then I couldn’t stop myself. “This is a perfect example of how you two are made for each other and love each other – maybe too much,” I rambled. I couldn’t let Meg sabotage herself or see Rob this way. “He’s your husband and best friend and if you can’t tell him what’s going on maybe you should get a divorce…” I sighed.

Meg and Rob just stared at him and I could feel Gabe behind me wanting to pull me out of the room. “Sorry…it’s just…” I stuttered feeling really silly. Rob started to laugh.

“Thank you,” He smiled at me.

“Fine!” Meg snapped a bit and then the tears started pouring out of her eyes. “I could be really sick. They found more cysts and a mass on my ovaries and on my cervix…” She practically whispered between sobs. Rob’s shoulders slumped and he reached out and pulled her up off the couch and into his arms. “I go tomorrow for surgery and they’ll biopsy everything…I may not be able to be everything you wanted…I may not be able to give you kids…I may not be able to give you me to grow old with…” Meg sobbed and grabbed at Rob’s chest and he just held her. I wanted to wrap my arms around both of them, but Gabe just stood with me, keeping a hand on my back for support.

“I…they…they gave me literature on it all and...and I could die if it’s what they think it is…I wanted you to hate me. To let me do this alone so you could move on and have kids…have it all…”

“I do have it all. Right here in my arm…I have everything I could ever need or want right here,” I started to cry as Rob spoke to her so calmly, evenly, he was himself again. They had this amazing, sickening love and adoration for each other that they tried to cover with sarcasm and humorous banter.

“Kids, adopting kids or no kids at all and whether we’re together for another hour or ten years or hopefully forever our time…you…us…will always be more than I deserve. I could die a happy man right now,” Rob was choked up a little too, but strong and he kissed Meg’s head. I wiped my eyes, he was so in love with her and it made me happy.

“Fuck you! You won, you’ve always been so much better at being sappy than me. I get it,” She laughed.

“There she is!” Rob teased kissing her.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry. I just got all this news and you know how I get when I get scared…I panicked. I love you,” She fidgeted.

“I love you too. Whatever this is or isn’t I’m not going anywhere. So you can fly all over, but I’ll find you,” He laughed and Meg just nodded and wrapped herself around him.

“How did I get so lucky?” She whispered to him. “How did I get you to come around after all those years,” She chuckled.

Rob and Meg met the same night Gabe and I met and we were all friends. After Gabe and I broke up of course we drifted apart a bit, but then when I started hanging out with Rob again, Meg of course was right there with me and they just started a flirty relationship. One night Meg and Rob got drunk and hooked up, but I think they got drunk to hook up because they were both nervous about how their dating would affect Gabe and me. At the time we were broken up, so from what Meg had told me they were a little hesitant to even like each other because it may make for a complicated relationship between the four of us. They’d be forcing Gabe and I to see each other if we were still apart. I encouraged it and thankfully they took my advice.

I went and gave Meg and Rob a hug and they both laughed. I then felt Gabe come and hug us all too.

“Thanks for speaking up, Fantasy,” Rob laughed.

“I couldn’t help myself.”

“I’m glad you couldn’t,” Meg smiled at me.

I didn’t even want to think about tomorrow and the results. I just wanted to enjoy my friends and my husband for tonight. I wanted to treasure the present and we’d handle tomorrow when it came.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys are truly the best! Thanks for all the comments and sticking with me! I appreciate it so much!

This is a long one, sorry. I was going to split it up, but there didn't seem like a good place to split it haha. Hope you like it! :)