Status: Writer's Block

Thanks for the Memories

Chapter 1

My name is Aryan Cullen. I was born in 1904 and I died when I was 18. You are probably wondering how I am telling you this if I am dead. Well, the truth is I'm a vampire. But not the kind that burns in the sun, is allergic to garlic, and can be killed through decapitation or a stake through the heart. Truthfully, my kind has skin like concrete, we sparkle in the sun rather than burn, we don't eat (or sleep for that matter) and we can only be killed by being dismembered and then burned otherwise we would just pull ourselves back together. Gross I know, but that's how it is with us.

Most vampires are nomads, moving place to place feeding on the human population as they go. My family and I are a little different. We are what you could call vampire vegetarians, meaning instead of drinking human blood we drink animal blood.

In my family there is Carlisle, a doctor (how he can withstand the smell of the blood surrounding him I will never know) and Esme, a stay at home mom and part time interior decorator. They are the parental figures of the family.

And then there are the children. Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Ben, and myself. Ben and I are the only ones that are blood related. We're identical twins.

My family is also special because of our abilities. Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future based on a persons decisions, Jasper can read and control emotions, Emmett has the strength of a newborn vampire, and then there is me and Ben. We are twins, identical except for our eyes and our abilities.

For most vampires, when changed there eyes become crimson due to the amount of human blood left in the body after the change and then either stay crimson if the vampire feasts on human blood or a amberish honey color if they feed on animal blood. As you can tell my family has amber eyes. I, for some strange reason, have the same eye color that I had when I was human.

As for our abilities, Ben can speak and understand animals which should be difficult when feeding but Ben makes it work. I can read minds, possess super strength, and can control the four elements. Whenever I use my abilities, my eyes have the strange ability of changing from the sky blue that they normally are to a vivid purple.

Being a vampire has its perks like being able to run faster than the eye can see (or rather a human eye can see), enhanced strength, enhanced hearing, vision and sense of smell. We are also practically indestructable. and we can live practicall forever. However, I cannot tell my friends what I am unless they are one of us already, I cannot go out and enjoy the sun without sparkling like a diamond and the constant need for blood. There is also the fear that being around humans and losing control.

I have one ability that my family does not know about and that is my ability to see connections. Everyone in the family has a connection to another that they will stay with for the rest of their unnatural life. Alice has Jasper, Carlisle has Esme, Rosalie has Ben, and Edward has his future with a human named Bella. Emmett is the only one without a connection and although my connection goes to him, he does not return my feelings. I believe it is because he does not know about them.

I fear that I will be alone for the rest of my life. However, I have one major problem. I am in love with my brother Emmett and I don't know what to do about it.
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This is my first attempt at a fanfiction like this and I am not sure how I'm doing. Comments would be nice.
