Never Forget Me

Never Forget Me

I am standing there right beside you while you are laying down on your bed silently crying to yourself blaming it all on you, even though you do not know I am there I am watching you silently, you turn around looking straight at me even though you cannot see me, I’m trying to tell you that it isn’t your fault, you shouldn’t blame yourself although you cannot see me I am standing there right in front of you, you know I am watching over you, and I always will, I will never leave you…never

You have the urge to cut yourself, you have the urge to self harm, I know you do, you know you do, but you have to fight it, hurting yourself never did anything, you realise this and decide not to, but the thought just keeps on coming back, playing over and over again in your mind, you stand up to go get the blade, you have it in your hands but you just drop it, you couldn’t do this to yourself I know you would never go that far, and even you know that, but will you do it again…will you?

Now you go on to think of your own private suicide, how good it would be to leave all the burdens you have on this earth. It brings tears to my eyes when you think about it, please stop I don’t want to cry. Don’t die this way, don’t give up now you’ve gone through so much already, you’re a tough kid don’t give up just fight it I know you can, don’t end it all yet, you are not meant to go this way don’t you realise that?

You start to think of the devastation that would sweep across your family if you did go; they have just suffered the loss of a close family member they wouldn’t be able to handle it if you went now. All you need to do right now is understand what they are going through and leave them to their mourning. You’re all upset at least you’re trying to lighten up but when you do, family members think you don’t care so you just give it up as long as you keep happy thoughts in your head. I’m still watching you no matter what and don’t forget that, even though you can’t see me I’m still there and don’t you forget that.

Never forget me.