Dear You, I'm Sorry...

Meeting Him

Miley's POV

Ever since I was eighteen and was living out on my own, I walked the streets. Maybe not the best idea in the world considering this is Chicago. But I had been walkingthe streets in the late hours for nearly four years before i nearly tripped over him. That's how we met actually. Peter Lewis Kinston Wentz. I can't believe I never saw him before. He told me later that night, over Starbucks, that he had for the past two years been walking this same area.

"Strange, that we never bumped into each other before." I had said as we walked into the little shop. We had bought our drinks and nothing had been said for at least ten minutes as we slipped slowly.

"So if you don't mind me asking Miley, why are you walking around here?" He said breaking the silence.

"Well ever since I was eighteen I'm always had a lot on my mind so walking has always help me clear it I guess." I said keeping my voice low and slowly looking up to meet his strong gaze. "What about you, Pete?"

"Well my story is a little compliacated. I'm a bit of a insombiac. So I walk. And like you I have a lot on mind. But there's a little more to it." He said taking a sip of the steaming coffee. ' He doesn't know it but there's more to my story too.'

"Oh really?" I asked arching my eyebrow making him and myself laugh. 'Wow it had been a long time since I laughed'......

"Well would it change your opinion of me if I told you I was a suicidal freak with depression?" He asked looking me dead in the eye. 'Can I lie to him?'

"No, I don't believe it would Pete. I have my share of problems too. So you don't have to worry." I said taking his hand that was lying on the table and giving it a gentle squezze. He smiled in return to it.

"Thanks that is by far the kindest thing a almost complete stranger has ever said to me." He said laughing once more.

"No problem." I said smiling, laughing along with his gentle beat.