Dear You, I'm Sorry...

The More You Know

Miley's POV

By a week later me and Pete were walking together. Its a lot safer anyways you know? Talking and walking does have its advantages, I learned a lot about him, like during the daylight hours he was a college student studying Political Science.

"So let me guess you want to go into law?" I asked walking down a residental street, Forest Street, the sign read.

"No, my dad wants me to. See he's a lawyer." He said nodding towards me.

"Oh" Was all I could come up with. My own parents never had much hope for me.

"What about you? What did your parents nag you to be Miles?" He asked crossing the street to sit down on a slab of cement. Oh boy knew I'd have to tell him. See Me and Pete had made a pact to be completely honest with each other.

"Well, Pete my parents never really thought I'd make it though high school. Let alone make it into college. Plus since they weren't anything big. They thought I'd work at the mall for the rest of my life." I said with a big sigh, while I sat down on the grass next to him.

"Wow, it must've really pissed them off to know that you moved out and are going to college, especially on a scholarship." He said while leaning back resting on the soft grass. "Bet my parents wish I'd move out."

"Yeah I bet. Hey, why are we here?" I asked looking at the fenced house we sitting infront of.

"This is where I live." He said standing up abrutly and walking towards the gate swinging it open, holding it open for me. I got up and followed quickly. He went to the door and opened it without a sound.

His home was beautful, and big too. Absentmindly I walked into the living room and on the mantle there were pictures of three children two boys and a girl. I easily spotted out Pete. Then he brought me back to reality with a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey its really late, you wanna stay here?" He asked. He had already taken off his jacket and his shoes. So I simply nodded. What could it hurt? Plus he did already tell me everything about his home life. He has two twin beds in his room, So there's no trouble.


I awoke to Pete staring at me with a very worried expression on his face. And to tell the truth this frankly scared me.

"What's wrong Pete?" I asked sitting up, ripping the covers off me. No worries I slept in my clothes.

"My mom saw you, Miles." He said quitely. standing up. I looked at the clock Peter had on the table between the two beds, it read 1:38 pm.

"Shit!" I yelled as I grabbed under the bed for my shoes to put on.

"What's up with you?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I have class at three! That's what's up and I have to get to my apartment and change and grab my books." I said as calmly as possible.

"Oh." He said getting out of my way as I rushed down the stairs. But then I got a shock because Pete didn't warn me of what was downstairs. There was sitting on the couch his father. Shit I've never been very good with parents.

"Oh you must be Pete's girlfriend?" He's father asked. Uh, what do I say? I mean I don't know But I did sleep over......Oh great thank god! Here comes Pete.

"Oh, hey dad." He said as he stood very close to me. What did Pete think? I know his father is gonna say something. He is staring at us.

"So son this is your new girlfriend?" He asked Pete. I can tell Pete doesn't know what to say either. Does Pete even like me that way? Damn I do not have time for this.

"Uh, dad can you question us later Miles needs something to eat, plus she has to get on the road soon, she has class at three." Pete said. Glad he's a quick thinker. So his Father nodded approvingly. And we walked towards the kitchen.

"Okay so what are we gonna say?' Pete asked me, as he got out two bowls of cereal. Well at least there is food in store.

"I have no clue. Do you like me like that?" I asked digging into the cereal. As he pondered this.

"Well yeah, your beautiful I have to admit that Miles, smart, We have so much in common and your a music fiend too. So yea I do like you like that." He siad as he took a bite Of his cereal. I thought of his words and they were cute. Wait do I like him? I actually think I might. I mean I do spend quite alot of time with him, so why not? 'You know why not' "Do you like me?" He asked breaking the silence that built.

"Yeah I think I do Pete." I said smiling at him brightly, and he returned it.