

Ryan hated it when it was so quiet. Which was strange because Ryan was always thought to be the silent type. He always kept to himself, writing all over his notebooks, he was always whispering.

But that’s why he had Brendon. Brendon was the complete opposite of Ryan. He was loud and obnoxious. There was never a silent or boring moment with Brendon. Ryan liked Brendon around, he needed Brendon like that.

Ryan was lying in his bunk that night. His iPod was on and the ear plugs barely hanging on to his ears. This was how it was for Ryan every night. Listen to his music until he fell asleep. For some reason he disliked silence, he had panic attacks and he’d usually go to Brendon for them.

In the middle of the night, just when Ryan was on the edge of falling asleep, the batteries of his iPod died and he was wide awake again. He gulped nervously. He looked around, panicked. It was so quiet – too quiet, for Ryan. He jumped out of his bunk and got himself into another.

He heard a grunt from the person who was previously alone in the small bed. Ryan heard him curse but all he could do at the moment was sigh, relieved.

“Hey, Bren,” he whispered. He tried to smile, but he was way too shaken. “I hope you don’t mi –”

“Of course I mind, you fucking dumbass.”

“Sorry.” He really was sorry, despite the fact that he was actually benefiting from the situation.

Brendon moved around, uncomfortable that he was all of a sudden that he was pushed against the wall next to his bunk. He groaned when he had to put his arm under Ryan’s neck and around his shoulder’s to fit.

“This looks so fucking gay,” Ryan commented. Brendon managed a laugh.

“I know, right?” Brendon pretended to cuddle with him. Ryan rolled his eyes and slapped Brendon’s face away.

“Geez. I supply you with the use of my wondrous bed – with me in it – and you give me a slap in the face.”

“Sorry. I love you.”

“I don’t.” Brendon snorted at the thought. “What’s wrong anyway? Why my bunk?” he whined.

Ryan glared at his lack of concern. “It was too quiet.” He looked away. “And… and you know me.”

“Actually, I don’t.” Brendon looked at Ryan strange. “Why are you so afraid of… quiet? You’re pretty quiet yourself.”

Even though Ryan’s known Brendon for years, he’s never actually gotten around to tell him. He was hesitant about it. He knew Brendon as the kind of person to laugh at Ryan and the things he did. Ryan raised an eyebrow at Brendon.

“Promise not to laugh – or tell anybody?” he asked, childishly.

“Scout’s honor – and ya-da ya-da ya-da, I was never a boy scout, but Jon was and that counts.”

Ryan rolled his eyes at Brendon. And looked at him not like he was annoyed but like he wanted to say, ‘typical.’

The older boy reached up to cup Brendon’s ears. He put his mouth behind his hand and whispered something in Brendon’s ear. He said it quickly and quietly, hoping that it went across Brendon’s mind perfectly and crystal clear.

Brendon grinned his silly grin. “Monsters?”

“Monsters,” Ryan repeated, nodding. “They’re everywhere,” Ryan said softly and almost child-like. Brendon scoffed at the thought of monsters hiding behind the bus furniture and these so-called monsters coming out of their hiding placed when it got quiet enough.

But Ryan reminded him of a little kid that he sighed and ran his hand through Ryan’s messy hair. “This is what happens when you watch too much Disney movies, Ry,” he muttered. He felt Ryan punch his arm lightly, it didn’t hurt but he winced, anyway.

“There’s no such thing as monsters, Ryan.”

Ryan huffed angrily. He turned away from Brendon slightly and crossed his arms. He was mad at Brendon for not believing him. He wouldn’t lie, not about these kinds of things. He grumbled madly to himself just to fill the growing silence.

He heard Brendon whisper that Ryan was such a child.

“Well, soh-rry.” Ryan said.

Brendon nudged Ryan to face him again. He gave the older boy a tight, nervous smile. “Maybe they’re friendly monsters?” he said.

“Friendly my ass.”

“It’s not like they’ll come and eat you.” Brendon was making things up along the way. “Monsters only eat pansy girls like Spencer.”

“It’s not the eating part I worry about,” Ryan said with a slight whine. “They might take me away like they did to my mom,” he whispered like it was a big secret.

“They won’t. I promise,” Brendon reassured. He combed Ryan’s hair on his forehead with his fingers. “They gotta go through me first, obviously.”

“Yeah, ‘cause you’re so strong, Brendon.”

Brendon glared. “I protect you from your creepy little monsters and you insult me.”

“I love you. I trust you.” Ryan closed his eyes, he started to fall asleep. “If I don’t wake up tomorrow morning, I’ll kill you.”

The younger boy grinned. “You won’t realize a thing, Ryry.”

“Good night.”

“Love you, too gaymo.”