I Hope It Gives You Hell

And so the fighting begins

The sun was shining through the clouds as I went outside to get something from my car. I was busy digging around that I didn't notice someone poke me. When they poked me again, I groaned and turned around. "What is it?" I asked. The sound of laughter met my ears and I looked down to see a girl around 5'5" with platinum blond hair with purple and pink bangs. She was dressed in just a white t-shirt with a pair of jeans and converse. "Sup James?" she said, smiling. My eyes widened and I hugged her tightly before letting her go. "Kera! It's been 6 years! How have you been?!" I asked her excitedly. "I've been good. L.A is pretty calm for me as opposed to here where it's insane" she said. I laughed and saw Joey and Corey come outside. "Yo man, who's the girl?" asked Joey as he walked over to us. I saw Kera pout and I chuckled a bit. Corey looked at her and then started laughing. "How the hell don't you remember Kera midget man?" asked Corey. Joey's eyes widened and he hugged her before letting go. "I'm sorry Kera, it's just you changed" Joey said.

I saw Mick and Craig come outside and Mick glared at the girl before us. "Kera" said Craig. She nodded and bounded over to him, hugging him. What surprised all of us was that he smiled. Ever since Kera left, he never smiled and refused to speak anymore. "Oh look we have another mouth to feed" spat Mick. Kera glared at him but bit her tongue. " Let's go inside, I want to know what you've been up to" I said as we all went inside. As we all sat down on the couch, Kera plopped down on Mick's lap just to piss him off. I laughed and saw Mick shove her off him. "Don't fucking touch me" he said. Kera pouted but then sat on Joey's lap. "So, what's new?" she asked. "We're working on a new album called 'All Hope Is Gone" said Corey. "Oh how's that coming along?" she asked. "Great! It's really cool to be able to record at home you know?" said Joey. Kera laughed and beamed when Shawn, Sid, Chris, and Paul walked into the house. "Yo Joey man, you've got yourself a girl" said Paul as he sat down. "Wow Paul, you don't recognize me?" said Kera as we all laughed.

Paul looked puzzled and Shawn rolled his eyes. "It's Kera genius" he said. Paul's eyes widened and he was soon on top of her. 'He always did have a thing for her' I thought. "Paul! Remove your hands from my sister!" said Craig. "Nevah!" he said and I laughed when I saw Kera kick him in the stomach. "No touchy Paul" she said. I laughed and ruffled her hair before getting up with her following me. "So how have you been since the last time we saw you?" I asked. She sat up on the counter when we into the kitchen. "Well, for starters, I've got a boyfriend. His name is Calvin" she said. "Does he treat you well?" I inquired. "Yes James, he treats me well. He's very sweet" she said. I smiled. "Good, good. So what else?" I asked. "I have a job at L.A Ink. I love it there, it's really cool" she said, smiling ."Think you can give me a new tattoo then?" I asked. "Sure no problem. I actually brought my kit with me. Figured that since I was going to see you guys again I might as well get some new tattoos on you guys" she said laughing. I smiled and Sid walked into the room. "Can I have a new transformers tattoo?" he asked. "You already have the ones on the tops of your hands!" she said laughing.

It was nice having Kera back. She's the energy that Craig doesn’t show. It's like they balance each other out though they both get very annoyed with the other at times. Mick walked into the room and I groaned when I saw his smirk on his face. "So Kera, having fun being a whore in L.A?" he asked. Kera's face turned beat red and she hopped down, standing in front of Mick. "You are such a prick" she said before kicking him in the nuts and walking away. Sid was cheering her on while Mick cursed her out. I looked down at Mick and shook my head. "You're going to piss her off so bad one day and then it'll be your head" I said. Mick just glared at me before getting up and storming away. Craig walked in and I saw him clench his hands into fists. "He called my sister a whore" he snarled. "Don't worry about it man. Kera's got it covered, seriously" I said. Sid nodded and patted Craig's shoulder as he passed to leave the kitchen. "I swear if he hurts her-" he started before we heard Kera's yelling.

"You motherfucking asshole! Get the fuck out of the bathroom!" she yelled. "I have to take a piss so I'm going to do it now" said Mick. "Get the fuck out! You are an asshole and I hate you! Just go outside!" she yelled. Corey and Joey sighed and Craig almost went to the bathroom to drag Mick out. "Don't. I don't think she wants you involved" said Shawn and Chris. At that moment, Kera came storming out with Mick following her. "What's wrong Kera? Can't you fucking take a joke? Why the fuck do you have to be such a damn pansy?" taunted Mick. She whirled around and glared at the man before her. "Listen to me very carefully Mick, I don't know why you hate me so much, but do us all a damn favor and shut up, leave me alone, and go play your guitar" she spat before looking to me. "Where's my room?" she asked. "Next to mine. Joey's staying in the guestroom beside yours" I said. She nodded and grabbed her bags before going to her room. All was silent for a moment before Craig stormed over to Mick. "I will murder you" he said deathly calm before leaving the room. Mick, for a moment, looked terrified before walking out of the room. "It's so nice to have everyone back together" mumbled Chris.
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Thanks for reading, please comment and subscribe. The guys need some ladies, (except for Mick), so just tell me if you want to be in the story and who you want. Chapter brought to you by Bloodhound Gangs' 'I hope you die'

this is how I tried to describe Kera as. Just no piercings