I Hope It Gives You Hell

Meeting Bobbi, Jade, and Alex

'What the hell is that man's problem?! I don't think I've ever done anything to him in my life so why is he being a damn asshole?' I thought as I wiped my tears in my room. After the argument I had locked myself in my room in fear that Mick would storm in here to torment me more. A knock on the door snapped my out of my thoughts. "Kera, please open up" said Joey from behind the door. I groaned and opened up. Shawn, James, and Joey were standing before me with huge grins. "Come, we have people we want you to meet" said James as he dragged me out of my room and down the hall. "Not like I have a choice in this right?" I asked. Shawn and Joey looked at each other before smirking. "Nope!" they said in unison, causing me to face palm. In the living room sat three girls. One had obnoxiously curly green hair with brown eyes and glasses, the girl next to her had short black hair and blue eyes, and the last girl had blond hair and blue eyes and judging by her height, was a dwarf compared to James.

"This is Bobbi, the one with green hair. Jade's the one with black hair, and Alex is the last girl" said Joey. "Girlfriends?" I asked. The three guys nodded and I put on a serious face. "How did you meet them?" I asked the girls. "at a show" said Bobbi. "Ran into Joey at a mall" said Jade. "And you Ms. Alex?" I asked. "I stalked James" she said with a huge grin. I just blinked at her, shocked by the answer ."She's not kidding, she seriously stalked me" said James. My laughter rung out in the room as I fell over and onto the floor. "Nice to know you find that funny" said James as he went over to Alex. "Oh and one thing about Alex, she's usually hyper" said Joey. I laughed even more. "I'm going to like you guys" I said. "How on earth are you Craig's sister?" asked Jade. "I don't know, I get that question a lot" I said. "We don't even know" said Shawn as he ruffled my hair. Just then Chris and Sid came streaking through the room with Paul chasing after them with a zucchini. "Paul, what did I say about jamming things into their asses?!" I called out, causing the girls to crack up. "I'm sorry I can't help it" said Paul in a gay voice.

Shawn just looked a little terrified. "Man, you did that too well" he said. They finally left the room and I smiled. "So tell me about you guys. When did you meet Shawn, Joey, and James?" I asked. "I met Shawn about 3 years ago. I had backstage passes and we hit it off" said Bobbi. "I met Joey 5 years ago after I moved here from England 2 years ago" said Jade. "So you've been living in America, specifically Des Moines, Iowa for 7 years now?" I asked. Jade nodded with a smile and then Alex answered. "I moved here from Kansas about 8 years ago, started stalking James 4 years ago, officially met him 2 years ago" said Alex with a huge smile. "Hey Bobbi, Jade, Alex" said Mick as he walked into the house. He stopped and glared at me. "So I see you met the fucking demon. Nice, well you’re a fucking bitch" said Mick. I growled and threw the can of soda that was in my hand at his head. The full can hit him square in the forehead, causing him to snarl at me. "Fuck you! I haven't done anything to you" I snarled. He stalked over to me, standing over me. Shawn looked ready to grab a bat, Joey and James just stood there ready to restrain Shawn if need be.

"You exist! That's punishment enough. Ever since you were born you were a pest. You always followed Craig everywhere and then when you were old enough, we thought you'd leave but No! You just followed us even more" spat Mick. I just sat there and allowed him to berate me. "Then when the band started it was because of you that we had so many problems! You were with us constantly! None of us even want you here! Go back to L.A!" Mick snarled. Looking up at him with hateful teary eyes, I walked out of the room. "Wow, you're an asshole" said Jade as I heard her get up and follow me. "What did she ever do to you anyway?" asked Alex, who like Jade, followed me. Bobbi didn't say anything but followed them. "Damn Mick, how much of an asshole can you get?" asked Joey.

I went into my room and slammed the door shut. As my head hit my pillow, I heard the door softly open and the sounds of three people coming into my room. "Hey, Kera, are you ok?" asked Bobbi. I sighed and sat up, wiping my eyes. "Is he always like this to you?" asked Jade. I nodded and Alex hugged me. "I don't even know why…he's been like this for awhile" I said softly. "Well fuck him. He doesn't matter anyway" said Bobbi as she sat on my bed. The door opened again and this time it showed Craig. "He hurt you" he said softly. I nodded and Craig walked back out, fuming. "He's going to rip him apart" said Jade. "I know, but Mick deserves it" I said. "Don't worry, we'll be here for you. After that little display I don't think we want Mick around much" said Alex. "Yeah, you seem like a nice person, hell even with Craig as your brother you seem open" said Bobbi. I laughed and shook my head. "No, I just talk more to people. I'm not very open or trusting" I said. Jade laughed and I smiled.

"Hey, Kera" said Chris and Sid from the doorway. "You guys can come in" I said. "Oh ok, because the last time we came in you went berserk and were like 'You went into my room. No one is to ever go into my room' and nearly bit our heads off" said Paul as he came in. "Where's you zucchini?" asked Bobbi. "I sent it to my internet girlfriend" said Paul. "You know, asking for an internet girlfriend is like having your sandwich stolen. Because it's not there you'll never be able to put your pickle in it" said Alex. Everyone started cracking up as Paul deflated. "Man, why does James have to have the perverted ADD and ADHD midget?" asked Paul. "I don't have ADD…oh look an owl!" said Alex as she stared at owl passing by the window. It was silent for a moment before everyone cracked up again. James came in with Joey and Shawn, smiling at the fact that I was smiling again. "I think our girls are keepers. They cheered up Kera and god knows how hard that is once she gets sad" said Shawn. I threw a pillow at him and we all sat down talking.

Paul decided he was going to hit on me and I laughed. "Oh my god it's alligator mating season! Don't worry Kera, to get away, just fake an orgasm!" said Alex. Paul glared at her and threw a pillow at her. "Ew it's all wet" said Alex. My eyes widened and Paul got up quickly and ran out of the room. "Get back here!" I yelled as I ran after him. Halfway down the hall I ran into Mick and just stood there. "Sorry" I said before ducking under his arm and getting tripped. "Real mature Mick" I spat before running after Paul. Whatever his problem was, I will never know.
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