I Hope It Gives You Hell

Party Time and...changes?

"If I were Chris, where would I go?" asked Jade. "Golf course" said Mick. Everyone nodded and took off down the street to the golf course. Halfway there, Alex dropped her Slushy, causing it to splatter all over her. She started whimpering and James hugged her. "Have mine" he said, holding out his slushy. Alex beamed and took his slushy with a smile. Mick and Joey laughed as we got to the golf course. Noticing Spencer, Paul, Corey, Chelsea, Bobbi, and Shawn, I smiled. "What's up guys?" I said. Bobbi handed us all air horns. "Raising hell on Chris's favorite thing to do, alright!" cheered Jade and Alex. I smirked and grabbed Mick. "Let's go" I said. He chuckled and I snuck under a tree branch before climbing up the tree.

"Kera, be careful" said Mick. Looking down, I smiled. "You know I'm practically a pro at this" I said. He shook his head, but I could tell he was worried. Catching sight of Chris about to hit the ball, I used the air horn. "What the hell?!" exclaimed Chris. Sid turned to face the tree, and I hid behind the leaves. Seeing him narrow his eyes, I stood perfectly still. Glancing down, I saw the Mick had moved. Chris turned around and hit the ball into the tree. I stumbled, falling out of the tree and landing in someone's arms. Looking up, I saw Mick starring down at me. "Why?" I asked him, shocked that he had caught me. "Craig would murder me if you were hurt" he said. I nodded as he put me down. Running over to Chris and Sid, I smiled. "Kera! That wasn't funny" said Chris. I laughed when Spencer tackled Chris to the ground. "Come on guys, let's go home" I said.

We all went home and I got a call from Chelsea. "Hey Kera, the guys in our car want to know if your car are up for partying tonight?" said Chelsea. "I'll check hold on" I said. Turning to the others, I asked them the question. "Who wants to party tonight?" I asked. The whole car was saying yes and I laughed. "They say yes" I said. "Cool, we'll go home, change, then meet you at Shattered Sanctuary at 8 ok?" she said. "Sounds great" I said, hanging up. I got out of the car and waved good bye to the others and went inside. "Craig I'm home" I said. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Find them?" he said. "Yep" I said. "Oh and tonight we're going partying. Do you want to come?" I asked him, even though I knew the answer. "Maybe, let me go ask Patti" he said, turning around and heading back into the room where Patti was sitting. After a moment they both came back to me. "Yeah sure we'll go" she said, smiling. I beamed and laughed. "This is a first Craig" I said, teasing my brother. "It's only because Patti wants to go" he mumbled. I just laughed again and caught sight of the time. "Shit its 6:50?!" I exclaimed.

"Well yeah, you guys were out all damn day finding the idiots. Besides did you forget your afternoon sparring session with Mick?" asked Craig. I fell on the floor and Patti laughed at me. "You forgot?" she said. I nodded and dashed to the bathroom, quickly taking a shower then rushing to my room. Heading to my closet, I pulled out a black t- shirt that had pink on my right shoulder and went down in a pink stripe to the hem of the shirt. On it, it had a white star on the lower left of it while in the middle there was a random white design. I pulled out a black and white checkered skirt with black patches at the hem. My arms were adorned with black and white stripped arm warmers and I had black and white stripped stockings under my skirt. My legs had black and white checkered leg warmers and I put on my converse. Running out into the living room, I smiled when I saw Patti and Craig. "Damn, you're making me dizzy" said Patti laughing. I stuck my tongue out when the door rang and I opened the door to find Mick standing there. "I was…uh sent to get you" he said. Grinning, I ran past him and to the car, not catching the death glare my brother shot at Mick.

When I got in the car, Corey was the first to make a comment. "Holy shit fuck! Are you trying to make us all disoriented?" he said. Shawn laughed at me from his spot with his arm around Bobbi. Bobbi was just laughing as Alex sat on my lap. "Kera!" she said, hugging me and cutting off my air. "Alex, I love you, but I love my air more" I somehow managed to get out and she laughed, falling off me and landing on James. When Patti, Craig, and Mick got in the car, I found myself stuck between Craig and Mick. James and the others were watching Craig, wondering if he would try to kill Mick. "Where'd you get that outfit Kera?" Jade asked me, trying to break the tension. "Oh I made it. I wanted to make my own unique clubbing outfit and this is what came to mind" I said laughing. She smiled and Joey grinned. "You should totally make the girls some clothes. You're awesome at it" said Joey.

"Yeah you should! We'd love to have custom clothing by you" said Spencer who was sitting on Chris's lap. Now, if you looked at this car, you would see it wasn't very safe to have us all crammed into it and half of us sitting on each other's laps, but with Slipknot, nothing's usually safe. As we pulled up to the club, Paul stopped to let us out. Everyone outside looked at us like we were getting out of a clown car, which we probably were. The girls and I were the first ones to go inside and I saw the girls head to the dance floor. Jade was soon found by Joey, Alex by James, Patti by Craig, Spencer by Chris, Chelsea by Corey, Bobbi by Shawn, leaving me on the dance floor by myself, yet under the watchful gaze of Paul and Sid…well sort off. I think they're just looking for girlfriends.

The beat of the song flowed through me and I was dancing to it, not really caring anymore about my surroundings. Everyone faded out and I couldn't see them, just the music mattered. Flashing lights of a bright array of colors intensified the tripping feeling I was on. My peers seemed lost in their own worlds as well and when I finally broke myself out of my trance, I headed to the bar to get a drink. "Can I have some water please?" I asked. The bartended nodded and went to get me water. Looking to my right, I saw Paul smiling at me. "What?" I asked. "You seemed to have fun" he teased. I playfully glared at him and he put his hands up in defense. "Not saying anything bad, chill" he said. I chuckled and took a sip of my water, then looked around. "Where's Mick?" I asked. "He rushed outside really quickly. Maybe for a cigarette, who knows" said Paul, taking a sip of his beer. I nodded and pat him on the shoulder before heading outside.

There, against the wall near the door, was Mick. He had a cigarette in his hands but his eyes were closed and his head was tilted up to the sky. "You know that thing will burn out if you stay like that" I said, snapping him from his thoughts. "Huh? Oh yeah" he said, his voice detached. Narrowing my eyes, I stood beside him. "Something wrong?" I asked him. I received no reply and decided to just stay there, in case he had something to say. Moments passed and he didn't answer so I went back inside, not hearing him sigh and follow me in. Another high energy song started playing and I went back to the dance floor. Moments after returning to the floor, I was in my trance again and let the music take me away. Due to my trance, I was unaware of someone's eyes on me.

*Mick's POV*

The cold air rushed around me as I made haste to get away from the dance floor. What had just happened shocked the crap out of me. Somehow I found myself on the dance floor behind Kera with her unknowingly grinding against me while she danced. Bad thoughts ran through my head and I pulled out a cigarette to calm myself down. It hadn't worked so I closed my eyes, leaning against the wall and looked up. The door opened and I heard someone's footsteps near me. "You know that thing will burn out like that" came Kera's voice. 'Oh crap…why her? Why now?' I thought to myself before I snapped myself from my thoughts. "Huh? Oh yeah" I said, my voice detached. I saw Kera narrow her eyes like she always did when she suspected something and then stood beside me. "Something wrong?" she asked. 'Oh you have no idea' I thought, but didn't tell her. Moments passed and she went back inside, not hearing my sigh or me following her inside.

She went back to the dance floor and I headed to the table where the guys were all seated. "Yo man, where have you been?" asked Sid. "Outside" I said, not really paying attention to him. My gaze was focused on Kera who was in the center of the dance floor. The black lights made the white on her outfit even more vibrate and the array of colors danced around her. My eyes never strayed from her and soon everyone faded until she was all I could see. Her body's movements captivated me and her blond hair glowed in the black light. Even through the strobe light, I could still she here. It wasn't until I heard growling from beside me that I broke my gaze. "You were starring at my sister" spat Craig. He still hated me for what I did, and I don't blame him. I mean I was an asshole to his little sister. In that moment, I thanked god that the others had disappeared, even Patti. Craig just glared daggers at me. "You will not go near her…do I make myself clear?" he said. "Look man, just let the past rest. She seems like she wants to let bygones be bygones" I said. That pissed him off more and he opened his mouth to say something until Kera walked over.

I turned from him to look at her. She had sweat dripping from her hair and all over her face. My thoughts hit the gutter again and I received a quick kick to the shin. Hissing sharply, I glared sideways at Craig. "Craig, Patti's getting tired as are the rest of us. I think we're ready to go" she said. Craig nodded and got up, heading to the door. I saw him glance back before continuing. "What's up with him?" Kera asked me. "I think he's getting uncomfortable" I said. "With what? The club or something else?" she asked as we made our way to the exit. "Something else" I said. Kera looked up at me, her eyes glistening and catching the lights, making them look like the colors were dancing in her eyes. "I don't think he likes the peace between us" I said. Kera started laughing and shook her head. "Craig is over protective of me, you know that. He doesn't like half the shit I do" she said. I smiled at her and allowed her to get in the car before me.

Once again I sat beside her and her head hit my shoulder. Glancing down, I saw she had fallen asleep and I smiled at her. Kera could be intimidating to those who caught her bad side, but you wouldn't believe that if you saw how she slept. She was like a little kid and I inwardly chuckled. We pulled up to Craig's house and he informed me that he would be going back to Patti's tonight and although he didn't want me to be around Kera, he would feel better if she had someone in the house with her. "Sure thing man" I said as I carried her to her room. Opening the door to her room, I went inside with her in my arms and placed her down on her bed. Looking at her nightstand, I saw a picture of her on my back with my Raider's hat on. Kera had the biggest grin on her face and even though I tried to act angry, I couldn't bring myself to be. 'That's when we were 'dating'' I thought. Casting her one last look, I left her room. 'I wonder…'
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Image this is the outfit I tried to describe. Just the outfit, nothing else and no wooden sandals either.