One In A Million


As I brushed my long light brown hair I thought of what I was going to do for the day. I pulled it tightly into a tight pony tail thing and left it like that, it was usually messy so I didn't bother trying to sort it, my mum came into the kitchen with her big red comb in her hand,

"Don't ever think about it" I said in my quiet kind of voice,

"Emilia June-Mittle your hair is a state let me sort it out this instant" my mum getting closer to me with her big red comb ready to rip out my hair,

"No it's fine, just leave it alone ok, I've got to go" I pushed past her in a hurry to get to college,

she sighed and gave up knowing that I was right for once. I didn't want to go to college, I was startng a new course as I got moved down -yes I'm thick- and there's going to be all the new people there eyeing me up as some freak that doesn't know anything. I grabbed hold of my bag chucking what little things I needed into it and rushed out the door, shouting a small "Goodbye" to my mum before I closed the door. It was freezing outside, my coat that I had put on before I left didn't help at all, it was too thin for a winter coat and it was showing alot, the walk was slow every minute I thought about everything my mind was stuck into it all, a couple rushed past me they were tightly holding each others hand trying to get out of the cold as soon as possible,

"Great all I needed to see this morning" I whispered under my breath as they rushed off,

I had a boyfriend called Scott and I loved him with all my heart I would never ever want to live without him but I had too kind of, he lived far away from me we only got to see each other when my parents and his mum would agree on a date for him to either come here or for me to go to his and it was very rare for us to be able to go. I finally got to college, walking over to the office with the timetables and started up the stairs, my new course members where standing at the door to our lesson they all stared at me like I was some kind of freak from nature -I had been called that before- which didn't help at all, I was already self consious. As the day planned out I got to know the names of some of my new course members but didn't really talk to them much,

"She's new" one of the tarty girls said,

great I'm going to be called the new girl from now on, oh how fun that wouldn't be. I was relieved when the day had finished, I was the last to pack my bag and leave the class, the teacher asking me if I was ok but I just answered yes for the reason of she wouldn't go on and on, the walk back was cold like this morning and my mind started to wonder once again. When I got home like always I rushed upstairs to my room and turned my computer on as it loaded I swung my bag onto a big pile of stuff then started to get changed into my pj's already, once my computer was finsihed loading I logged onto MSN no one was online which didn't help either, I needed to talk to someone so my mind wouldn't sit there thinking about everything again. In my head all I could see was my problems every single one of them in a puff of smoke floating around,

"I wish you would all just go away and leave me alone" I said to my problems but out loud,

"Well that's not nice, I was only walking past" my annoying little brother was at my door,

"Oh go away, just leave me alone" I told him sturnly,

he muttered under his breath but I couldn't be bothered with him and his annoience, I turned back to my computer screen and saw my friend Zac had started to talk to me,

'Hey Zac'
'how are you?'
'um...thinking like always, you??'
'ahh you need to stop thinking, and im ok'
'well i'm glad your ok and i know i do but i can't stop =/'

I sat there talking to Zac till about 11pm, he had to go and so did I, we both said bye to each other and then I logged off and turned all of my computer off. As I shuffled under my covers my cat at the end of my bed moaned and got up,

"Sorry Stippy" I whispered to her even though I knew I was going to get anything back,

she settled back down again falling asleep almost instantly, lazy cat, I layed there thinking about everything, I missed Scott loads and all I could see was his face smiling at me when we met last but there was a suddenly a shadowy spot to my vision but I couldn't make out what it was so I kind of ignored it by falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's not a good start
But I'm going to try and make it good
Well hopefully
Please tell me what you think