One In A Million


It was the day before my birthday, the nursery I have to work at for college let me out early so now all I got to do is hoover the house, tidy my room 'That's gonna take a while', and then get ready to go and pick Scott up,

"Hey sweetheart" my mum said as I pushed the front room door open,

"Hey" I said back blankly,

I slammed the dorr shut and walked into the kitchen, my mum was sitting on the step staring at me,

" was the nursery??" she asked, once again trying to start a conversation,

"It was ok I guess, kids where hetic as ever" I replied while taking some food,

"Ok well, you've got to hoover, get washed and tidy your room so Scott can at least get in it" ugh my room was fine for me,

my room has always and will always be messy, it's my safe zone where all my thought fly around willingly with me letting them, she never realized that everytime she had come in a tidied my room before she ruined the feeling I get when I'm in there, I was clean anywhere else but my room was a place to hide away from everything,

"Ok fine" I sighed before walking into the toilet.

"Emilia we're going out, see you in a bit" my mum shouted as I was sitting on the toilet,

"Ok" I called out to them,

I wasn't doing anything on the toilet I was just sitting on it, somewhere away from my parents and life itself. For about 2-3 hours I cleared the house up, I got washed and dressed quickly and tried to look my best, Scott was coming and I needed too look at little bit neat. My mum and dad had got back before I had gotten out of the shower but they stayed out of my way for a little while before demanding me to hoover some more. It was finally time to leave to get Scott, I was nearly jumping off the walls with excitment as I hadn't seen him since New Years. We got into the car and started to drive to the coach pick up spot, I started texting him to make sure where he was,

'Hey, we just leaving xxxxxx'

I waited for a bit, my dad turning corners which made me wobble around the back of the car, my phone suddenly vibrated with a text,

'I'm already there, I'm waiting at the little shop'

he was already there?? but he was due to get here for another 15 minutes,

"Um...mum, Scotts already there, hurry up please" I said, a little beg in my voice,

"He's there already?? woah 15 minutes early" she said, once again trying to make conversation,

I fell quiet then and started texting Scott back,

'Ok, we're nearly there, I can't wait to see you again'

I could tell he wouldn't text back after that so I put my phone in my pocket. I started looking out the window when we turned into the coach pick up section of the Hard, there he was standing there with his sleep over bag, his face lit up just like mine. As we stopped the car he walked over to it and around to the empty side in the back, I lent over and opened the door before he got there, he bundled in with his bag then closed the door with a thumb,

"You made good time" my mum called from the passenger seat,

my dad drove off and Scott's arm stretch around my shoulders, I huddled into his chest trying not to cry with excitment of him actually being here,

"Yeah, I started yelling at the driver when we had to stop at some place" Scott chuckled slightly, making the rest of the car chuckle, "So yeah it was cool"

I felt his other hands stroke my face and then he moved it to face him, his lips touched mine and made me feel alive inside, all my problems had gone and the ache in my injured arm numbed straight away. This was going to be the best time ever.
The whole rest of the day was amazing, I stayed in Scott's arms most of the time, until I let him go and play a game as it looked like he was having withdrawral symtoms, I was talking to Georgia on Msn about the Zac thing and then saw the time, 11pm, Zac had already gone so I quickly saved his conversation, said bye to Georgia and then logged off, shutting down my computer too. I walked downstairs after getting changed into my pj's and sat next to Scott in the living room, I watched him beat my brother in a game and laughed with them when my brother started having a hissy fit now and then, when my brother left the living room Scott wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and locking our lips together, that feeling of coming alive work me up and I suddenly found myself more confident, pushing into the kiss when I wouldn't do anything but sit there. We both pulled away when we heard my dad walk in,

"So cricket on again" he said, looking away from us,

I sighed and then looked at Scott, I stood up and he stood up too, we turned the Xbox off and left my dad to watch cricket highlights. We walked into the kitchen where my mum was having a cigarette and drinking,

"Oh hello you two, ooo Scott you may want to put some Germoline on that" she pointed to the bite mark I left on his neck,

Scott layed across the sofa and pulled me ontop of him, his arms wrapped around me making me feel save,

"Emmy, bite me" he said suddenly,

"You know I can't bite..." I said looking up at him,

"I don't care, go on please, for me..." ugh sometimes it felt like all he wanted me to do was give him pleasure in 'those' kind of ways,

I moved my face to his neck and stretched my lips around it, my teeth then sunk in deeply and I started to suck slightly to make him stop moaning, I had been biting his arms too as I got bored and was tsill more confident then usual. When I had finished he had a huge red mark across his neck,

"Woah that was good" he sighed out happily,

"Yeah, my work of art that is, don't go ruining it" I chuckled out at him

"Nah I'll be alright thank you" he said back kindly,

he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, he had got my neck once on each side so when he touched the spot with his cheek I wiggled a little with the pain. Next happened quiet quickly, Scott had run upstairs and brought down a present,

"It's your birthday now" he said with a smile,

I took the present and looked at both my mum and Scott, was my mum actually going to let me open it?? or was she just going to ruin Scott's fun and make me open it later on,

"You can open it, it is offically your birthday" she said with a smile,

I stood there and then stared down at the present, it was a long rectangle shape box with silve wrapping over it, and a red bow that had been stuck ontop. I gently pulled off the bow and quickly stuck it on Scott's head, my mum laughed giving me her phone to take a picture of him. All in all when I finally opened the present it was a beautiful braclet, proper silver with silver heart in the chain and 6 ruby red gem hearts hanging off it, I was speechless, it was so beautiful I didn't know what to say, my face lit up with happiness when my mum spoke to Scott next,

"Emilia isn't very good with words are you dear, but you can tell by her face she loves it" she said with a smile,

Scott moved his head closer to mine and said, "So where's my thank you??" ugh sometime's all he wanted was for me to worship him or something,

"Thank you" I said turning to him,

he smiled and then pushed his lips onto mine again, there was us kissing with my mum and now dad watching, 'Great...not!, I pulled away and looked back at the braclet, it really was beautiful. My mum got Scott to put it on me and we stayed in the kitchen with my mum for a little while longer until we had to make Scotts bed and go to bed ourselves. That night was a long one, and the dream I had didn't help anything what's so ever.
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It's a little kind of bundled
I'm trying to write and finish all of this bit first
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