One In A Million


As I finally got to college my head had gone over the dream I had had so many times it had been printed into my skull,

I walked up to him with not a care in the world, his face was worried but gazing at me with his deep brown eyes. I was standing infront of him now and I moved closer and closer to him, his eyes filling with shock when I touched my lips with his so gently but it felt so good.

what was I going to do??, I wasn't going to tell him, never ever ever was I going too that would be insane to do,

"Emilia" I heard my name being called,

I looked up from the floor and saw one of the girls from my course waving at me, I weakly waved back stunned that she was waving at me. I quickened the pace and was finally infront of her,

"I'm Sam" she said with a smile,

"Um...I'm Emilia but I guess you already know that" I said speaking dumly,

"Come on, class starts in a minute, it's going to be fun, it's arts and crafts kind of" she chuckled then walked up the stairs, I rushed to catch up with her and we then slowly walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor.

When we got thereall of the other people from my course where there staring at me and Sam, I looked at the floor and walked over to a wall with Sam following me,

"So..." Sam said, great someone trying to start a conversation,

I looked up from the floor to her and she was smiling, I weakly smiled back and then looked over to all the others they were staring at me too. I couldn't win here, I would always be classed as the new girl, the newby. Our tutor then came out of the classroom smiling at all of us,

"Come on then" she stepped out the way when she said it,

everyone sped in before me and Sam slowly walked in, our tutor watching me at my every move. We had all sat down and were looking at the front to show our tutor who was here,

"Ok today girls we are going to paint a flower pot, we didn't know what else to do so we thought we could all do this" she said still with her smile across her face,

everyone sighed and I looked back and the table, it was suddenly more interesting then what she was talking about. Without me knowing there was a flower pot infront of me with a paintbrush and paint all open,

"What are you going to paint on it??" Sam said next to me,

I looked up at her, everyone else was painting on their pots, I looked down at mine and shrugged,

"I don't know, what are you going to draw on yours??" staring at the pot hopeing something would inspire me,

"Um...I think I'm going to draw a heart, flower, and swirly things on mine, it doesn't have to be perfect" she chuckled and started on her drawing,

I was still staring at the pot, it hadn't moved like of course it wouldn't but it wasn't giving me any ideas of what to draw on it. Then my mind shot the dream with Zac and my eyes started to water, somehow that inspired me and I started to draw a heart on it. At the end I had on one side a heart on the other side a star, and around the rim a spiral star sprial thing going on,

"Ok if your finished you can go" the tutor said to everyone,

most people stood up and walked out the door after placing there pot on the window sill to dry, I stood up and placed my pot where everyone elses was to dry too then walked back to my stuff,

"You finished, well I'll see you tomorrow yeah" Sam said as I put my pencil back in my bag,

"Yeah ok" I said, I smiled at her and she smiled back,

I got my tutor to sign my timetable and then left the class then college. The walk home was freezing but refreshingly freezing, but that dream was still there,

"I kissed Zac and now I want it to happen...".
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Soory again that it's short
And it properly doesn't read right either =/
Please comment
I really need to know if it's ok or not
Thank you =)