One In A Million


I only went home to get something to eat and go to the toilet -if I needed too- then go out again to rock club. Rock club was a place where I'd see all my proper friends in the middle of the week, I would get to see Georgia and all my other friends but most of all I would see Zac. I slammed the door shut after me and started towards the school of my friends, it was still freezing cold and as I had been inside it was even colder, my hands where forced into my pockets so they wouldn't freeze on the way there but I always knew it didn't work, then my phone vibrated for a new text message I pulled it out and looked at it,

'1 new message from Georgia'

I opened it up with the press of the button needed,

'Hey, what time you getting here? x'
'Just left mine, be there in about 10 Zac there?? X' I texted back,

I carried on walking as I waited for a text back, Zac's face was all I could see when ever I blinked, this was going to be very hard to see him, my pocket vibrated again with a new text I pulled it out and opened the new message,

'Yeah he is, but he's at Tesco's atm so you might wanna hurry so he's not here when you get here x'
'Ok, speeding up now lol, see you soon x'

I started on speed walking, I felt a text again but knew it would be from Georgia saying ok. I was nearly there until I felt my phone vibrate again I quickly wipped out my phone and pressed show, there was a message from Scott,

'Love you angel, i might not be on msn tonight, sorry angel'

I quickly messaged him back, 'Oh ok teddy, well have a good rest of the day. Love you xxxx'

I read the other message and as I knew it was from Georgia saying ok. I sped walked all the way to rock club and found Georgia,

"Hey" she called out to me,

I gave her a smile and walked up to her then gave her a hug,

"Hey" I replied,

I instantly started looking around the room to see if Zac was here but luckyly he was still out, I walked with Georgia over towards her bags and left mine with hers. Zac walked in the room about 10 minutes later, my whole body froze with my dream rushing back in my head, he walked over to me and Georgia and waved, I waved back and gave him a hug, in my head all I could see was me holding onto him and then kissing him but luckyly I didn't act on it. He let go and then walked off to the other side of the room, my eyes glued to him as he walked away,

"You really like him don't you??" Georgia whispered when I sat back down next to her,

"Mmhmmm" I couldn't actually say yes, I was just staring at Zac.

Till 6pm when Rock Club finished I was staring at Zac, well when ever he looked over I would look away but I would look straight back up afterwards. The walk back with Georgia and Matt like we always would did was quiet, Georgia and Matt where holding hands as they walked up the road making me want to start crying but I held it in and just carried on, I was the extra bit when we walked to my house, they would talk about things and I would just walk slightly away from them with my head looking to the floor, I kissed him in my dream...what am I going to do??...the fact that I want it to happen doesn't help either...,

"...Emmy?? what's wrong??" I heard Georgia's voice speak out,

"Oh huh??, oh nothing" I said coming back to reality while shaking my head,

"You sure??, it's just you haven't said a word...and your face went kinda blank just now" her face showed concern and worry,

"Yeah, I'll talk to you about it tonight maybe" I replied, staring back at the floor again,

she sighed but gave up on asking me questions. We finally got to my house and we all said goodbye before I left them to go in my house, my mum was asleep upstairs and my dad was asleep in the front room,

"Oh great" I sighed out as I stumbled up the stairs,

"Hey!" my brother shouted at full volume,

"Shut up" I said to him coldly,

he knew I was always in a bad mood but he wouldn't never leave me alone, I walked into my room, turing the light on as I went and sat on my computer chair, God I'm tired, shame I'm not going to get sleep again tonight. I turned on my computer and waited for it to load, I quickly got dressed into my pj's before it was finally done,

"Nothing's going right today" I again sighed out,

I logged onto msn and saw Scott was online but also Zac was too Oh shizzle, I reluctantly turn my appearence to online and started talking to Scott,


as usual I had to wait for ever for him to reply back, in the time Zac had started talking to me,


I had to reply back, it would be rude not too,

'how are you'
'um...crap but never mind, you??'

then Scott had said something,

'hey princess'
'howz you??'

everytime he called me princess I would blush slightly, he was mean like that but I stil loved him. For the rest of the night I was talking to Scott, Zac, Georgia and my other friend Lily, it was ok until my dad shouted up the stairs for me to turn my lights out, I quickly said bye and goodnight to everyone, saved Scott's message and then shut everything down. I slid into bed then and covered myself with my cover quilt,

"Please let be able to sleep" I whispered to myself as I layed my head down on it's side.

When I felt myself drift off suddenly a dream started to unfold...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short
And properly doesn't make any sense
The next chapter is going to be her dream
So mainly this kind of writing all the way through
Hope it's ok