One In A Million


"Georgia I just wish someone would be able to help me" I said to her at rock club,

"What do you want to happen??" she asked worried,

"I wish someone could ask Zac if he likes me, I know I have Scott but my head always think's of Zac and I can't stop it" I looked to the floor,

"Well I don't know what I can do to help...I don't think I can just walk over to him and ask him if he likes you, I'm sorry hun" she said trying to get me to look at her,

it didn't help that he was on the other side of the room, I just wanted to go over there and kiss him but I knew a) everyone would be shocked, b) Zac would properly pull away and never speak to me, c) I haven't got the courage to do that anyway, I'm just stuck completely.

Georgia's boyfriend Matt's Pov
I was sitting next to Zac and Paul on the sofa's of rock club then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a message from Georgia...she was on the other side of the room and she couldn't come and tell me what she wanted to tell me why??,

'Matt...can you ask Zac if he likes Emmy?? she really needs to know and I don't know how else to help her xxxx'

I read the text over again and then looked up at her face across the other side of the room, she was comforting Emilia, it looked like Emilia was crying..., I texted her back 'Ok I'll see what I can do xxxx' and then turned to Zac, I nudged him with my elbow and he looked right at me,

"Yeah Matt??" he asked confused,

Paul had wondered off so it was only me and him on the sofa for now, this was my time to help Emilia and Georgia,

"I was wondering..." I turned my voice into a whisper, "Do you know how much Emilia likes you??",

he looked at me puzzled then took a look over at her, I looked too and saw Emilia curled up in a ball with her head on her knees, Zac then turned back to me,

"You mean she really likes me?? I know she told me a while ago over MSN that she did but I only thought she meant a little bit" his face was kind of shocked,

"She likes you alot man, she doesn't stop going on about you" ok maybe I shouldn't have said that,

"She does?? I've never had someone like me that much before..." it was like he couldn't finish his sentence,

Georgia and Emilia got up and then walked over to us, Zac stared at Emilia as she walked towards the table next to the sofa we were on,

"Matt I'm just going to get some food with Emmy ok" Georgia told me and then they both made their way to the door and out into the cold and darkish outside,

"Man I gotta ask, do you like Emilia too??" I said turning back to Zac,

he was staring at the door the girls had just left from, to me he liked her but was that truely that case??,

"Um...I don't know...I like her as a friend and kinda a little bit more but..." this is something I wanted to go right,

yes Emilia had Scott, he was an awesome guy who played games maybe a little too much, Emilia would go on about how Scott was or when he was coming down next but she went on about Zac a little bit more,

"Well man, I know it's kinda a big subject to pull in but...don't you think she need's to know??" I wanted to know myself if he liked her, then my work here would be done,

"But...she's got a boyfriend...why would she like me??" he never really felt strong about himself,

"I don't know that, but what I do know is that she does...alot and in my opinion she somehow wants to know if you like her too..." kind of cut and paste from Georgia's text,

"Um...yeah I can see how that comes around..." man this guy can leave expence can't he,

" you??" come on Zac give me the answer I need,

"Yeah..." his cheeks went red slightly,

"Really??!" I said out a little to loudly,

he nodded his head slightly, hiding his face from me. That's what I needed to hear, then with the right timing Georgia and Emilia walked in with a bag of chips, Georgia walked over to her stuff on the table next to the sofa and Emilia followed like usual, Zac kept looking at Emilia when she wasn't looking at him, Man would they just tell each other or ready. Georgia signaled to go back to the table they had been sitting on before and they did, Emilia dragging her feet slightly, she was nervous.

Back to Emilia's Pov
We sat back down on the table we had been on before going to the shop, Harry came over and started nicking our chips,

"Oh thanks Harry" I said laughing,

"Hehe no problem Emmy" he said grabbing some more from the bag,

I looked at Georgia and smiled while sighing jokingly, but I still felt weary, Zac was on the other side of the room...

I sat up with a start, that was a very long and very real dream, If only it had actually been real I thought to myself. I looked at my phone,

"Oh my god, only 2 days till Scott's here and only 3 days till my birthday!" I shouted happyly, mainly for Scott coming down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so it's jumped ALOT
Hope it reads right
And sorry for it being yet another dream
I just didn't know what to write and had just had one of those day dream things =/
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