A New Life; A New Me

My name is Charli Parker. And I wasn’t always Charli Parker. Three years ago, actually, now that I think about it, it’d be three years ago today; would have been my last day as Alex Young. I was your average looking, 5’3” brunette, with long hair, and a B cup American girl; who had the perfect relationship with James Tyler. The football captain and the most wanted guy in the school. Everyone wanted to be him, and if you didn't, you wanted to be with him. But like I said, I’m Charli Parker now. Three and a half years ago give or take a few days, my year and a half relationship with James Tyler, ended. And the reason it ended, well, her name’s Courtney Thomas.
  1. Just the Ex
    The end of Alex Young
  2. An agrue ending with fist
    A fight between Jamie and James breaks out causing Alex to finally break
  3. California Bound
    Alex comes up with an idea to win back James
  4. Back from California!
    Alex is back from California. She's a new person now and her first stop before going back to school is visiting her best friend Jamie