A New Life; A New Me

Back from California!

The first thing I did once I was home was I walked over to Jamie's house. I gave him our "secret knock" that we've been using on each other's doors since we were in kindergarten. It took him exactly 3 seconds to run down the stairs, slide on his hardwood floor with his socks, crash into the wall, and answer the door. He answered in a pant, and stepped back.
"Um, sorry, but I think you've got the wrong house. Mark lives three doors down."
"Jamie come on now, knock it off!"
"What the--Alex?!"
"Well, duh, I used the secret knock didn't I? And I saw and heard you answer the door all excited! What's wrong?"
"WOAH okay, first of all you're not Alex. My Alex is a brunette, and doesn't dress like you. She doesn't expose half of her chest through the top of her shirt; or wear a skirt that actually lets people see her legs, she's into the whole jeans thing. And plus she's white as a ghost. And second of all, Mark's house is three doors down."
"Glad you're taking possession of me. And I know where Mark's house is thank you! What do I have to do in order for you to believe me?!"
"What's your favorite movie?"
"John Tucker"
"Damn. Okay, um, what can't I do?"
"Dance, Mr. graceful."
"What happened in first grade?"
"You had a HUGE crush on Katie Foster, and Danny Marden kept stealing your crayons."
"ALEX! I knew it was you! I did! But, hell you look so damn different! Your hairĀ¦\ and your clothes, you're TAN! And not to mention your um well, you know. anyway, how was California?"
"Ugh guys. Always after ONE thing."
"Aww come on, you know me better than that. I'm not normal, I'm Jamie!"
"Well, do you wanna hear about my trip or what?"
That's when I told him all about California. All about everything that I did, my new friends, my hair, my new name, just, everything. By the end of my adventure, it was past 9. Three months summed up into 5 hours? Not bad for a girl like me! I made sure that Jamie knew that it was important that he pretended that he didn't know me. That I was actually new, so that I could pull this off. It was as if we had to start from scratch. Jamie also knew that he had to call me Charli, a name that I picked because I wanted to get something more Hollywood. And he promised that he would.
My plan was flawless. Well, maybe not flawless, but it was pretty damn good if I do say so myself. It was all about timing. I left 3 weeks after the James fiasco. And luckily, my dad was moving out of the house, and I told people that I was living with him instead of my mom during that three week time period. So it looked like my dad and I were moving away from my mom. And then my mom met someone while I was gone who had moved in with her, and me now that I was back. I think that my mom agreed to let me do this because she was mad with men right then, cause of everything that happened with my dad. Plus, her new boyfriend was so in love with her, he just basically agreed to everything that she said yes to. So I took his last name, Parker. It would look like I was his daughter, Charli Lindsey Parker. Luckily my mom and Bill [Parker] were both SO supportive of this. Or else this wouldn't have worked. So by the time I came back, the school had forgotten about Alex Young, and her James Tyler chaos. And now, they were ready to focus on Charli Parker. The new girl who was totally kick ass.