A Raindrop in the Ocean

The EMT's Cousin's Boyfriend

I was sick of her, she was always slacking off at work and I told her I love her but I will not support a women who is not my wife. Since she keeps refusing to marry me, all I could do was hope she spoke to her boss and finally end their tension.

I sat on the couch since it was my dad off, the news on mute flashing pictures of a murder in a small town. I was sadden by how young the boy was, he standing next to a girl in a picture. They looked in love, neither probably realized it though. So much potential, stolen from that young man and lady. I used to take pictures like that with her, until she started to draw back and spend every second pleasing her cousin.

I heard a key twist in the door and my heart rushed forward. I was way to early for her to be home. When the door open I watched as a box fell to the floor, her face was red. I knew that this was not good. She shuffled and plopped on to the couch , she looked me in the eye, pleading for mt to postpone the talk. We both knew I couldn't .

"I am guessing you were fired, Remy I love you but I am not sure how much more I can take of this. That's the fifth job in six month." I got up from the couch, "We need a break, when you are ready to fully,....to give me your all..... give me a call and pray that I didn't find someone who would love all of me. " I got up and walked to the door. "I'll send for my stuff tomorrow morning." I closed the door as she began to sob.
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Remy is having a bad day