A Raindrop in the Ocean


I got a call, my sister dies in a car crash. I couldn't stop crying. My hands were shaking as a stirred a cup a tea, to calm my nerves. It made no sense, my sister was an annoyingly safe driver. She drove slow, stop at yellow lights, I used to tease her that she moved like a grandma. She was only twenty, so very young. I put my spoon down, its been a year since I seen her. Her face was blurred in my memory. I started to cry again, my eyes burned, my lungs squeezed painfully. I couldn't keep my composure, so I got up and laid across my cold floor. My face felt hot against the cool floor. Warm tears made low sounds against the floor, yet they echoed loudly in my head. She was my only sister and now she is gone.

If only I helped him.

He was my only love.

I didn't mean to cause her pain.

He was a just a boy.

Best Friend:
He was all I had.

He was the brother I always wanted.

He was my only regret.