A Raindrop in the Ocean

A Rock in the Ocean

He sat on the edge of the small lake in LayLay, Ohio. He watched each small pebble he threw make ripples. He smiled at the irony of it all. He grabbed a large rock and threw it in.


The water sprinkled his shirt in a small spots of water.

“Damn!” He proclaimed, his voice lightly hitting the trees and bouncing into the ears of some delinquent boys near by.

“What was that?” asked the dumb brute or the leader of the group.

The other boys shrugged carelessly but got up to check it out with him. The footsteps were muffled by the wet leaves on the ground. They spotted the boy looking down at his shirt.

“Let’s go mess with him?” Said the youngest boy eagerly, he was dying to prove himself as one of the group. The leader nodded and headed towards the boy. The boy turned towards the sound only to have his sight beat out him.

Three days later he was found floating in the river only 50 yards from the lake. The cause of death unknown, murder unknown, name unknown. So begins the ripple effect.
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yay yayness