A Raindrop in the Ocean

A sense of shock

I lingered in the halls. My twin was dead. I didn't know what shocked me more, the fact that he existed or that fact that he was now dead. The questions were swirling in my head and consuming all my thoughts. I tried to focus on the halls around me, so I can make it to my next class but the edges seemed blurred. I stumble at little and clutch the wall for support. This couldn't have happened, this can't be real.

The lockers sway like rolling waves onto a shore line. I clutched harder trying to keep my self straight. My vision getting worse by the second, my hands aching from the pressure of my struggle to stay up right. My ears start to ring, or was that the late bell? I dig my hands deeper into the locker, I can feel my skin break and warm blood trickle down my hand. My blood almost felt fire hot, which means my skin must be cold. I see the ground moving towards me or was I falling? I reach out my arm to stop it. Crack the sound of my bone breaking and my reality being torn to pieces.