A Raindrop in the Ocean

The Best Friend

I fidgeted under the sorry gazes of the school kids, I didn't want there pity, it wasn't going to bring him back. I hated the unnecessary attention, but in a small town like this much doesn't happen. This was huge news and I was the victim's best friend.

We met when we were five and I had just moved into the home, there was no more space so they shoved me in a room with a boy. At first I was scared, my parents died in a fire and I felt so lonely but he changed that. He was always so nice to me, held me while I cried, made me laugh when I was down. I was closer to him then anyone else in the world. He was the only family I had, and now, now I am alone again.

The teacher droned on, blah blah blah, mu mind was on the lake he was found in. I was supposed to go with him to the lake that day, to throw pebbles in like we always do on adoption day. I was running late and by the time I got there he was gone, I looked everywhere, but he was no where. If only I had went with him, would it have been different? Would I have saved him?