A Raindrop in the Ocean

The Teacher

I was half heart in teaching my lesson, I could tell no one was paying attention not after he died. This small town had been rocked to its core by the news of his death. I should have reported those bullies I saw picking on him. What if they had killed him? What if that is why he is dead? All I did was stand around, I am a horrible teacher, and an even worse human being. I really didn't think those boys meant any harm. I thought it stuff all kids had to face. I was a fool and it cost one of my students his life.

Sure the police interviews the boys and arrested them for beating him but they said when they left him, he was still breathing. That he still had a pulse. If I would have done something sooner he wouldn't have been weakened by those boys, maybe he would have been able to fight off whoever killed him.

This guilt weighs heavy on my chest, sometimes I feel like I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Oh god, the world is going black.