Status: I have no idea when I'll update again. I haven't gotten the right ending quite yet...

Sunsets Never Were So Bright and The Skies Never So Blue

Just Another Date Night

"You have got to be kidding me!" I groaned while digging in my closest. This was the major downside for being the same size as your room mate. I searched my closest one more time looking for my favorite v-neck tee shirt. After twenty-five minutes of looking I went to the obvious place, where it laid on my room mate, Amory's, floor.

"Ugh!"I let out another exasperated sigh. This frustrated me. Everytime she borrowed something of mine Amory never gave it back, she just tossed it somewhere.

Well now this whole thing set me back half an hour, leaving another thirty minutes until I had to be at the sushi place in the middle of downtown Phoenix. Another blind date, another restaurant, another guy, and just another day. I was seeing a pattern taking shape in my life and I didn't like it.

I rushed to finish my make-up, hoping not to mess up my eyeliner and have to do it over again, and attempted to do something with my limp, plain hair. It hung at the sides of my face, straight and a mixture of bleached-blond and light brown. I ran my fingers through it and pulled in back halfway into a clip.

I did a quick run down: hair-check, make up-check, clothes-check, shoes-check, purse cell phone sunglasses-check, check and check. I put Jasper, my new puppy, away into this crate, grabbed my keys off the table, locked the door and ran out to my car. "Here we go again," I thought a little bitter. "I hope Tuesday didn't set me up with some loser, again," I said to no one in particular.
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This is my first story so Im kinda rusty. Feel free to give any critique or ideas :)