Status: I have no idea when I'll update again. I haven't gotten the right ending quite yet...

Sunsets Never Were So Bright and The Skies Never So Blue

Alternative Press

We fell back into the couch, tired beyond belief.

"Do you think they liked me?" I asked John, while I was wringing my hands.

"They loved you. Who wouldn't?"

"A lot of people.' I mumbled. I was so nervous. We had just come back from dinner at his parents' house, with his younger brothers present. I was asked simple questions about myself, what did I do for a living, did I go to school, and things along those lines. I answered them politely and was always saying, "yes ma'am or no sir" and "Please, thank you". they would smile at me for using my manners.

"Well I love you and that's all that matters." He said making my heart melt. Then he kissed me on the lips.

Ring ring ring! John's phone was turned on loud so it made me jump. He laughed and answered it.


Then silence while he listened to whoever was on the other end of the conversation.

"Really? You serious?! Yeah, that;s awesome thanks."

"Who was It?" I asked, wondering about his sudden excitement.

"It was Peter. He got us booked for AP Tour!"

"Wow, really? When does it start?"

"Soon. But first we're doing some shows with We The Kings and some other bands.

"When do you leave?" I asked. I tried to mask the sadness. He was leaving for tour, I wouldn't see him for God knows how long. It would just be Amory, Tuesday, Rachael, and me again. Don't cry, wait til he's gone. Just hold them in. I thought to myself.

"I don't know when exactly. But guess what-we have a bus! We don't have to drive the van anymore, isn't;t that great?!" He couldn't hide his happiness. I'd never seen him like this and it made me sad that I could never put that look on his face.

"You know I'm going to miss you." He said, my face must have fallen and he caught sight of it.

"I know. I'll miss you too."

"You won't have to miss me though. And I won't have to miss you."

"What? Why?" I was so confused by what had just come out of his mouth.

"Because since everyone knew how much I'd miss you, and how miserable I'd be, they want you to come along with us!" He told me full of excitement.

"W-o-w. That would be awesome... But you're forgetting something. I have school, and work, and bills. You know stupid 'adult responsibilities'." I was devastated.

"Well easy solution for those few things. 1 quit work. 2 I can pay for your bills and 3 change your courses so they're only on line classes."

"I'm not gonna let you pay my bills, that's crazy. But the school thing I would take into consideration."

"So if I moved in first then can I pay your bills?"

"You want to move in?"


"With me?"

"That's the idea."

I was shocked. This had taken me completely by surprise. "What about Amory?" I asked. "Are we supposed to share a room?" I choked silently, was I ready for this?

"Amory is moving in with Kennedy. Well. he's gonna ask her. So you'll need a new room mate. And we don't have to share a room." He flashed me his crooked smile and I almost lost my train of thought.

"Really? You think she'll say yes?"

He shrugged, "Probably. You know how crazy those two are for each other. It's a wonder that they're not already married." he made a good point. Of course Amory would move in. She loved Kennedy and Kennedy loved her. It was the next step in the relationship. A wave of sadness hit me when I thought of losing my room mate, my best friend.

"Okay, yeah. So you;re gonna move in then we're going on tour together. I like that idea." I really did. It was just the thought of being away from Phoenix for a long period of time I was sad about. I didn't want to go back to the east coast and it's cold weather.

"Later Amory came in all happy and squealed, "Kennedy asked me to move in with him! Oh, hey John."

"Hey." He grinned. Then he whispered in my ear, "Told ya so."

"Sure sure." I whispered back. "So are you?" I asked putting the spotlight back on Amory.

"I said yes! I'm sorry I didn't come and talk to you about it but I couldn't say no." She was so happy.

"No, that's fine. Don't worry about it. Plus, John and I were just talking about him moving in with me." I smiled and I could feel his happiness radiating from him.

"And, well, has Kenny talked to you about AP?"

"yep. He wants me to go, help sell merch or something."

"Well, surprise! I'm going too!"

She ran over and hugged me, then ran towards the stairs.

"Where ya goin?" I yelled after her.

"To go pack!"

"Ha ha. Well, I guess we won't see her for awhile." I concluded.

"You better to her to pack light." John told me.

"No such thing." I laughed.

"Maybe you should start packing. You want some help?"

"No, I'm good. All I need is some jeans, tee shirts," and as a little joke I decided to add some other stuff, "thongs, bras, and possibly my lingerie. Oh! And my whip." The look on his face was priceless.

He gulped, "You sure you don't want some help?" His voice cracked a little.

"I'm sure. And the whip thing- I was messing with you." I got up off the couch, winked at him and added, "or was I?"

He pulled me back down on the couch and kissed me hungrily.
♠ ♠ ♠
Me-ow :D