Status: I have no idea when I'll update again. I haven't gotten the right ending quite yet...

Sunsets Never Were So Bright and The Skies Never So Blue

No Freakin' Way

With my gaze still locked on the floor his black Vans came into view and I looked up. He was looking at me with his unbearably beautiful face when he said, "You're Tina right?" I tried to collect my thoughts before I answered, "Um, yeah. Hi."

"Hey, I'm John."

"Yeah, that's what I heard." Stupid, stupid you sound ridiculous! Try to say something intelligible

He chuckled and sat down across from me. "So how do you know Tuesday?" He started with a simple question. I had a feeling that he had a lot more that he wanted to ask.

"She and I have some classes together. So we started to hang out a lot, you?"

"I've known her since grade school."

"Funny, she's never mentioned you." Oh my God, why did I just say that?!

He surprised me with a laugh and replied "Should she?"

Here it was, all the questions starting before I even ordered a drink. The waitress, as if right on que, came up and took our drink orders then walked away.

"Well, should Tuesday have mentioned me?", he persisted.

"Um...Well yeah. Because everytime she and I hang out I'm always playing music and your band's songs pop up frequently." This was going to be an interesting evening.

"Ooh. So you're a Maine fan, huh?" He said fighting a grin that came across as smug.

"I guess you could say that." Trying to keep my cool.

The waitress cam back with our drinks then took our orders once more, this time for food. After she left he started twenty questions.

"So you go to ASU?" He asked striking up a different subject for our conversation.

"As far as I know." I replied, with a mix of humor and sarcasm.

He laughed at that too. "Oh, you got jokes?" He said, laughingly.

I couldn't help but smile when he did, it was infectious. I was melting from his charm. "Yeah, something like that." I replied, still grinning.

"Do you live on campus? Or what?" He asked genuinely curious.

This surprised me, him sheltering any hint of interest in my boring life.

"I live with my room mate Amory in the apartment building about five blocks away from here. So,no, I don't live on campus. Why?"

"No reason in particular. Just trying to learn some stuff about you. That's the whole point of this date right? To get to know some stuff 'bout each other."

It took every fiber of my being not to scream when he referred to this as a date.

"Yeah, I guess so." I tried to keep my voice even. I was on a date with John O'Callaghan! Crazy stuff. I can't wait to tell Amory, she's gonna flip!

"So what else do you do? Like other than school, I mean."

" I work at a record store and a hair salon. Just to pay bills ya know?"

"Where are you from?"

"Virginia Beach. Amory and I came here because we visited once and lover the atmosphere. And the constant concerts going on."

He grinned wide at the mention of concerts. "So are you like a groupie?"

"Not since I was 16." I laughed. He is such a flirt, this is going to be hard.

He laughed at that. I hoped he would smile like that all night. The 45 minute rule was officially inaffective tonight.

"Do you have any siblings? He began a new subject, again.

"Yes, I do actually. I have four older sisters and one younger brother." My turn to ask a question, "Do you?" Even though I already knew the answer

"Wow that's alot of kids. Yeah I have two younger brothers."

"What are they like?" I wanted to know more about him.

"They're cool. They're supported a lot of my choices, like my parents. Which is rad."

"Oh here comes the food. Shall we continue this game of infinite questions?" I asked jokingly.

He smiled playfully. "Sounds like a plan to me."

My heart sank, I hope this night never ends..
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Okay this one is longer. What do you think of it?