Status: I have no idea when I'll update again. I haven't gotten the right ending quite yet...

Sunsets Never Were So Bright and The Skies Never So Blue

Infinite Questions over Sushi

"What made you choose sushi?" I wondered. "I mean you don't come across as someone who'd eat here often." Did that come out right? It sounded kinda rude, shit.

"Well do you want the truth? Or an excuse?" He asked, flashing another breathtaking smile.

"Truth, definitely."

"Tuesday told me you love this place. And I'm up for tryin anything new." He replied, still smiling, still melting my heart.

"That's true. But this isn't like the only place I love."

"Where else do you go?"

"How about I ask some questions?" I asked, with a grin. "Where do you like to go? Like what kind of food?"

"Italian. I love Italian." He replied.

"That's good."

"Why is that?" He asked, curious again.

"Because I make some awesome Italian food." I smirked, a cocky grin. He couldn't resist laughing.

"You might have to let me be the judge of that."

My stomach did a flip, that meant he wanted to see me again.

"So, have you been doing any shows recently?" I wanted to know about his band, my favorite band of all time,

"Just at some local places. You should come out sometime, meet the guys."

"I'll see what I can do. Am I allowed to bring friends?"

"Only if they're as pretty as you." Then he laughed, "Shit, sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud, it was shallow and lame."

I blushed scarlet,again, and shot back, "No, it's okay. I'm flattered actually."

The conversation went on with every question from my favorite color to my least favorite animal.He laughed when I told him that I drove a Ford pickup truck because he also drove a Ford truck-a '66 to be exact. I was pretty jealous and I told him I wanted to see it sometime, that made him happy. I learned so much about him, what he loves and what he hates, which places he loves to perform and what he does on tour. What each guy is like. After dinner he walked me to my truck, gave me his number, and said good night. I started my truck and was about to drive away when a quiet tap on my window made me jump. I looked up, startled to see John on the other side of my door, looking at my face, searching for some type of emotion. I opened my door and he stepped back. It was silent other than my truck idling and our breathing.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but he beat me to it.

"I have another question," He began. Then he waited for me to give him the okay to continue.

"Uh... um, okay." I searched the scrambled mess that served as a brain to think of what question could be so important it couldn't wait.

"I'm going to take a risk a be a little forward. Can,um, may I, uh, would you mind if I kissed you?" He took a deep breath.

"Um, sure. I mean yes, you can kiss me..."

He stumbled over to me and grab my face, then placed his soft, pink lips on mine. His lips moved in sync with mine. Then all too quickly he pulled away. I smiled at him and he mimicked this motion but his smile knocked the breath out of me.

"Okay then, good night." He said.

"I'll call or text you later."

"Okay, cool."

I climbed into the cab of my truck and nearly fainted.

I drove away light headed with a smile on my face, completely satisfied.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's getting better right? :)